Earth Science Syllabus Fall 2009

(In general, geology, oceanography, and introduction to astronomy are the focus for the fall semester; whereas, astronomy and meteorology are the focus for the spring semester.)

Unit / Topics Covered / Standards / Time / Critical Thinking Activities
Earth science Pre-assessment testing Ch1 / Fields of study in earth space science. / ES.1.10 / 5 period / Experimental design and implementation: Which is hotter for our Cardinal Ritter football team: Astroturf or grass?
Properties of Rocks and Minerals
(Text Ch. 4 and 5) / The difference between a rock and a mineral, identifying minerals, igneous rocks. / ES 1.22 / 4 periods / Identifying unknown minerals
Using density determination, hardness testing and streak testing.
The Rock Cycle
(Text Ch. 6) / Processes involved in the rock cycle, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks / ES. 1.22, 1.27 / 3 periods / Classifying unknown rock samples into metamorphic, sedimentary or igneous.
Drilling Through the Ages.
Weathering and Erosion
(Text Ch. 7) / Soil composition and formation of through earth’s processes. / ES. 1.26, / 3 periods / Student Designed Laboratory Investigation: What type soil holds the most water?
Earth’s Layers and Their Movement
(Text Ch. 17) / Plate tectonics, sea-floor spreading, and fossil evidence as justification / ES. 1.23, 1.24, 2,2,
2.6, 2.7 / 4 periods / Continental drift flip books,
Sea-floor spreading model,
Volcano Mapping
Convection Lab
Mountain Formation
(Text Ch. 20) / What different earth processes create mountains? / ES. 1.25 / 2 periods / IN Standards Resource
National Geographic Expeditions: Exploring the Grand Canyon
Earth’s Age
(Text Ch. 21) / Geological evidence examined, e.g. fossils, radioactive dating. Contributions of Lyell and Hutton. / ES. 1.28, 2.5 / 4 periods / Examining fossils, group time-line.
Surface and Ground Water Ch9 / Surface water movement, stream development, lakes and wetlands / E.S. 1.19, 1.20, 1.29 / 6 periods / Student Constructed Well Logs
How do lifestyles affect climate? / Carbon Footprint what it is and what is mine? / E.S. 1.11 / 2 periods / Students use an online carbon calculator to determine daily choices on carbon emissions.
Semester Review Final Exam / All the above
All the above / All above
All the above / 1period
1 period / Semester 1 Final Exam
Astronomy (cont.)
How the current Big Bang Theory evolved through time. / Theories of Aristotle, Ptolemy, Newton, Galileo, Copernicus, Hutton, Einstein / E.S. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 / 2 Periods / The Universe Season 1: Beyond the Big Bang DVD
Student role playing as astronomers from history, all participating in a scientific discussion as to how the universe evolved .
The Planets
Starry Night Unit B and C / The Solar system and planets compared and contrasted. / E.S. 1.7
E.S. 1.3 / 3 periods / Scale model of the solar system, earth and moon. Orbital speed modeling. Students modeling of retrograde motion.
Nebular Theory
Starry Night Unit D / Formation of our Solar System, Planetesimals and Protoplanets / ES. 1.1, 1.7 / 4 periods / The Universe DVD with student note-taking.
Universe Components
Starry Night Unit F Our Sun as a Star / Galaxies, planetary systems, and how technological advances have increased our knowledge of the universe. / ES. 1.2, 1.3 1.5, 1.8 / 3 periods / Construction of the Hertzsprung Russell diagram of stars brightness and temperature.
Galaxy webquest and analysis of galaxy photos for galaxy type.
Galaxies / Milky Way Galaxy, where the sun fits in
and Big Bang Theory / ES. 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8 / 4 periods / Hubble Telescope 3D at the IMAX
Webquest exploring and analyzing galaxy types.
Earth’s Water
Text Ch 9 / Effects of gravity on Earth’s water, tides, and cycling of water / ES. 1.19, 1.20, 1.21 / 3 periods / Atmosphere Lab investitating Pressure/Density/Temperature
Climate Change / How human activities can change climate. / ES. 1.10, 1,11, 1.17, 1.18 / 4 periods / Greenhouse Gas Investigations
Earth’s Atmosphere
Text Ch 11 / Composition, temperature, origin / ES. 1.11, 1.12 / 3 periods / Measuring temperature changes with pressure.
Text Ch 12 / Prediction, origin and measuring weather systems / ES. 1.14, 1.15 / 4 periods / Lab: Students make and use a hygrometer to calculate relative humidity.
Hurricane Mapping
Establishing and using a class weather station, interpretation of weather maps
Text Ch 13 / Heat transfer between land and water masses, severe weather safety / ES. 1.13, 1.16 / 3 periods / Students use publisher to construct severe weather safety brochures.
Text Ch 14 / Cycles of glaciation / ES. 1.17 / 2 periods / Debate: Global Warming….Does it Really Exist?
Semester Review / All semester 2 / All Sem 2 / 2 periods / Jeopardy, study guide, vocabulary bingo
Semester Exam / All semester 2 / All Sem 2 / 1 period / Semester 2 Final Exam