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Writers often rely on more than arguments to be convincing. They may use a tone that encourages readers to take their side or use persuasive techniques such as the following:

  • Logos, or logical appeals: attempts to gain moral support for a claim through the use of common sense
  • Pathos, or emotional appeals: the use of words, descriptions, or images to call forth strong feelings, such as pity or fear
  • Ethos, or ethical appeals: attempts to gain moral support for a claim by linking the claim to a widely accepted value

Directions: In the chart, record examples of logos, pathos, and ethos that you find as you read the two selections.

Selections / Logos / Pathos / Ethos
Position on Dodgeball in Physical Education
The Weak Shall Inherit the Gym


Directions: Recall the ideas in the National Association for Support and Physical Education (NASPE) position statement and Rick Reilly’s opinion piece. Then answer the questions using complete sentences.

  1. What does the NASPE position statement say is one of the biggest challenges facing parents and youth leaders?



  1. What examples does NASPE give of sports that provide limited opportunities for physical education students?



  1. What point does NASPE make about students who are eliminated first in dodgeball?



  1. In “The Weak Shall Inherit the Gym,” what kinds of games does Reilly say school boards are trying to eliminate?



  1. According to “The Weak Shall Inherit the Gym,” what opportunity does dodgeball offer students regarding strength and weakness?




Directions: Read and answer each question thoroughly.

  1. Examine Name-Calling Circle examples of name-calling the “The Weak Shall Inherit the Gym.”
  1. kidsc. whiners e. players
  2. chalupasd. noncompetitionf. PC twinkies
  1. Make Judgments A stereotype is an image of a person or group that is overly simplified. What stereotype does Reilly present about people who are PC, or “politically correct”?



  1. Compare Persuasive Texts What are the similarities and differences in how the two authors reach their conclusion?

Similarities: ______


Differences: ______


  1. Evaluate Rhetoric and Reasoning Underline a phrase in parentheses and then complete the sentence.

Reilly’s argument (did persuade/ did not persuade) me because ______
