MonmouthComprehensiveSchool National Grid for Learning USA 1929 - 1990

Lesson number and title : Lesson 1 US society in the 1920s

Aims and objectives: To discover what American Society was like in the 1920s.

Historical skills: Knowledge and Understanding , Political Understanding, Organisation and Communication

Key skills: Working with others, Citizenship and problem-solving.

Resources: PowerPoint presentationUS society, student table to record US society, student character cards and student interviewing table

ISM: Students are asked to consider the two images one is a donkey the other an elephant. They should consider the attributes of each and how they relate to the two major US political Parties. There are two boxes on the third slide that allow students to come to the front and annotate in the attributes of each political party.

Activity 1: Students are shown a series of images that relate to US society today, they should first identify the aspect of society. Once identified they should consider what ‘picture’ do they get of US society? Are there any problems with this? They should come to the conclusion that this is a stereotype and does not represent everyone.

Activity 2: They should then consider slide 5 this gives a more balanced version of US society today. As students to identify the images and what it suggests about US society.

Activity 3:Using slide 6 show students the images of us society in the 1920s and play the music click on speaker. As students the question at the top of the slide. How does this music make you feel? Students can be asked to come to the front and annotate the interactive white board/ white board with their ideas.

Activity: 4:Using Slides 7- and information from their text books students should record in the form of a spider gram what US society was like in the 1920s. Once they have brainstormed what US society was like in the 1920s they should categorise this into Political, Economic, Social, Cultural and Religious.

Activity 5:If time permits the class can be spit into groups or pairs and given a character from the America in the 1920s. They have to read the background information on their character and reach the bullet points. Once this has been accomplished they have to interview three other characters and fill in the student interview table. This should given them an excellent overview of America in the 1920s

Plenary:1.Pupils unscramble the conundrums from the final PowerPoint slides and explain their historical context.The introduction of famous theme tune here is also very useful and aid the authenticity of the exercise

2.A Multiple quiz can be generated if you have the time, available freefrom Click on content generator. You must first log on in order to down load the soft ware. This gives you access to an excellent history forum made up of history teachers thought the country. It is meant to be a showcase of the software that is currently available to purchase.