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Held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 31stJanuary 2018

at Gresham Village Hall

Present: Chairman Clr. G. Wright, Vice-Chairman Clr. N. Baker,Clr. D. Jacobs, Clr. L. Minto, Clr. J. Rodway

In Attendance:Mrs. S. Hayden (Clerk)

The Meeting was opened by theChairman at 7.33pm

1.Apologies had been received from Clr. H. Deegan (family bereavement) and Clr. S. Dennis

2.Public Questions, Comments or Representations

Nomembers of the public were in attendance

3.To discuss and make observations on Planning Application PF/17/2150 Erection of 9 no. holiday lodges at Chaucer Barn, Holt Road, Gresham, NR11 8AD

Clr. Rodway opened the discussion by expressing concerns about increased traffic and problems with sewerage drains at that end of the village. The application was discussed in detail and documents and plans referred to. It was proposed, seconded and resolved unanimously to object to the application and the Clerk was asked to add the following comments:

1. Infrastructure: The entrance to the site is on a very sharp bend and junction and it is considered traffic would be increased by this application not decreased. There have been problems with overflowing sewerage drains near the site and drainage would need to be upgraded.

2.The Parish Council notes that the website for this business advertises holiday breaks and as the current use of the land is agricultural, in the unlikely event that permission is granted the Parish Council would expect restrictions on use be imposed, including: term of stay; time of year; noise restrictions; number of lodges.

3. The Parish Council notes that the “superceded document” does not bear relation to this application as it mentions “Melton Constable”, “Burgh Hall Cottages” and “allotments”.

4. The Parish Council notes that there is no provision shown for pathways to and from the wedding venue – Chaucer Barn.

5. The Parish Council notes that these lodges are in addition to the three shepherd’s huts already granted permission in 2017.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.25pm

The next meeting will be 14th March 2018