Part One

Now I’ve seen it happening with my very own eyes,

The reports, the videos, I knew they were not lies,

The bullets, the bombs, the bottles, the cries,

The smoke, the stones, they outnumbered the flies,

And the pain and suffering on both sides.

Too much to describe,

So little to divide,

The root of the problem is geometrical,

Geophysical, and mathematical,

Not metaphysical,

But more than a little political.

Of territorial concessions,

Here the triangle,

There the Strip,

Rockets for shells

Not the place to make a trip.

Don’t relinquish the Heights!

Such Historical sights,

Endless days, sleepless nights

Analysis intense,

Prognosis an offence,

Prescription, utter nonsense.

Pentagon shows interest,

But the Square within the circle

Seems just to linger,

Accomplishes the absurd,

And gives them paradoxically,

The finger!

Part 2

Please, I beg of you, don’t desert me,

Look around you, and I hope you’ll understand,

It’s so difficult to fall in Love,

When we’re sinking on quick sand.

Come, I implore you, show some patience,

I know it grieves your soul,

But they’re so remote from me, those romantic thoughts,

Far away, behind memories door.

You have my word, I will return to you,

I just need time to access our situation,

It seems so irrelevant to be in love, just now,

When there’s a fog blotting the future of the young generation.

Humanity will survive, I’m sure,

And the scars will heal in time.

But the suffering is now, and the pain is real,

To ignore this reality is a crime.

So, join me in my thoughts,

We can overcome this together,

But it’s so difficult to be in Love, just now,

When Life is as a Feather,

Floating on hot winds

Floating on hot winds,

Floating on hot winds!

Barry Gonen 1988 (nothing changes)
