The Insurance Institute of Middlesbrough

Complaints Policy

We are 100% committed to delivering afirst-class service to all our members. Nevertheless, we do not always getthings right.

So if you are unhappy with any aspectof our service, we would welcome yourcomments. This will help us put thingsright for you and improve our servicein general.

We take every complaint and commentseriously and we are committed toaddressing any issues that are leadingto complaints.

To ensure complaints are dealt withswiftly and completely, we haveestablished the following process:

Making a complaint

In the first instance your complaint should bedirected to the institute’s secretary, as they are either best placed to help you or know someone that can.

We’ll reply to all complaints received within 7 working days of receipt and usually provide afull answer. Where this is not possible, you willbe given a deadline by which a full reply willbe provided.

You can contact the institute’s secretary by phone or email at the following:

Name:Tim Allen

Tel: 07854 318412


If you’re not satisfied

If, after investigation of your complaint, you believewe have not handled it fairly or in an appropriatemanner, then you can write to the institute’s President at:

This should include:

•Your name and address

•Your CII Permanent Identity Number (PIN),if appropriate

•Your preferred contact telephone number

•A suggestion of what you would like us to doto put things right

•Copy of previous communications you havehad with us and, where known, the names ofmembers of the institute’s council you have spoken to.

We will send you an acknowledgement andrespond fully within 14 working days or, if this isnot possible, provide an update on current progressand an expected resolution date.


We welcome feedback, positive or otherwise, onall aspects of our service, so please don’t hesitateto let us know what you think. You’ll be providingvital information to help us improve our proceduresand processes.

We provide feedback forms (anonymous if required) at all our events, which should be handed into the event host. All other feedback should be submitted by email

Please note: Should your feedback constitute anexpression of dissatisfaction, thus a complaint,we will ensure this is dealt with in line with theinstitute’s Complaints Policy.