The Grapes of Wrath

In conjunction with Spiderwu enterprises, proudly brings you

The Comp. Book of Joy

All rights reserved, 2015

chapters pages due date

1-4 3-39 1/28

5&6 40-78 1/30

7-9 79-115 2/3

10-13 116-191 2/6

14-16 192-248 2/9

chapters pages due date

17-19 249-308 2/11

20-21 309-365 2/13

22-25 366-449 2/17

26-27 450-523 2/20

28-30 524-581 2/23

Essay Test on February 25th

Section A: Parts 1 and 3 due on February 6th , section 2 due on February 10th, section 4 due on February 23rd

Homework points

1.  Model the assigned passage from page 121 .

2.  Model the assigned passage from page 192.

3.  Colormark the assigned passage from page 44-49. (Don’t forget the key)

4.  Colormark the assigned passage from page 533-538. (Don’t forget the key)

Section B. Summative. Due February 25th

Write a 400-600 word rhetorical analysis where you analyze how Steinbeck’s style is a strategy affects his ability to convey his themes, paying particular notice to his intercalary and narrative strategies. (Use your work in section A to help you brainstorm ideas)

Section C: Tom is due February 17th, Rose and Casy/Ma due on February 27th

Tom is formative, Rose and Casy/Ma are summative

Part 1 -Start by listing a definition of what Steinbeck feels a noble person is (use at least one quote as support). Then, for Rose and Tom, and Casy or Ma write a separate paragraph explaining how that character is “noble” and how the idea of such nobility is central to Steinbeck’s purpose(s). Each paragraph must include supporting quotes from different reading sections. Don’t forget 3s. Word count for each character paragraph of 400 words.

D. Quote Hunt – Summative – Due March 3rd

Select a theory of criticism (Christian, Marxist, or Feminist). Provide a short, original definition for this theory at the beginning of the comp book section. Then, using quotes from throughout the essay write an essay analyzing the novel’s purposes (either intentional or not) through that critical lens.

Section E is due February 13th

E: Intercalary chapter - formative

Write an intercalary chapter based on a photo of Dorothea Lange you selected. Start with a statement of intent explaining where this would appear and why, as well as what themes of the narrative you are reinforcing, and how.

Alternate assignment – Would replace sections C, D, and E and count for 145 points due March 3rd

While I haven’t done extensive research into the topic, I believe Grapes to be America’s first punk rock novel. I think that’s why I’m so drawn to both the book and punk – they express a view of the world and humanity that I truly identify and agree with. Someday I will write a published article exploring this in more depth. And, I want to begin by stealing ideas from you! OK, no…but I do want you to do the early version of the paper. Write an extended composition analyzing the thematic comparisons between this novel and punk. You would need to think of both the purpose of the novel and punk in general. This would involve some actual research into what punk actually is (there is not universal agreement on this, so you would need a research supported definition and would have to explain how the paper meets this definition) and some analysis of specific lyrics and their accompanying music that would allow you to truly demonstrate the nature of your comparison. Feel free to note differences as well as similarities.