FCSP Caregiver Staff

/ May 5th, 2015


The purpose of this job aid is to document how to manage consumers and service deliveries in SAMS for the Family Caregiver Support Program – Title III(e). The Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP) supports caregivers by providing information, access, counseling, education, respite and supplemental services designed to help program participants to better manage their responsibilities and stress levels so they can provide services for a longer period of time. The keys to success in accurate reporting for FCSP are as follows:

  • Understanding that the ‘client served’ is always the Caregiver.
  • Recording the requiredcharacteristic data for both the Caregiver and the Care Recipient.
  • Entering the service deliveries for the Caregiver with the correct data.

It is critical that services and required consumer information is accurately reported in SAMS. This information is used to generate the annual ACL Report (NAPIS) Section I E & Section II B – Caregivers Serving Elderly Individuals, Section I F & Section II C – Grandparents and Other Elderly Caregivers Caring for Children.

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

Consumer Management (Caregivers and Care Recipients)

Key Consumer Data for Caregiver Consumer Records

The Caregiver Record in SAMS

Key Consumer Data for Care Recipient Consumer Records

The Care Recipient Record in SAMS

Searching for Consumers

Creating New Caregiver and Care Recipient Consumer Records

Caregiver Relationship to the Care Recipient

Entering Service Deliveries for Caregivers

FCSP Services Where a Generic Care Recipient can be used

FCSP Services that do not require that the Care Recipient be identified

To Deliver Services using a Service Delivery Template:

To Deliver All Other FCSP services:

Consumer Groups

Entering an Unduplicated Count of Consumers Served (Outreach Services)

Creating an FCSP Assessment

Steps to Create a New Assessment

Assessment Navigation

Question Types

Consumer Management (Caregivers and Care Recipients)

The FCSP program is unique from other programs in SAMS in that it requires a relationship between two consumer records, the Caregiver and the Care Recipient.

On the Consumer Listing Page, the default settings will display Caregiver consumer records in blue text so that they stand out from other consumers.

Users can modify their display settings from the My Settings control panel.

Key Consumer Data for Caregiver Consumer Records

The following data elements & characteristics must be identified for each Caregiver Consumer Record in SAMS:

Data Element / Location in Typical SAMS Display
Caregiver Name* / Left Column
Gender / Left Column
Age (Date of Birth)** / Left Column
Ethnicity / Left Column
Care Enrollment / Right Column
Care Recipient / Right Column
Caregiver Relationship to Care Recipient / Right Column
Ethnic Race / Right Column
Residential Location / Right Column

* When entering proper names, we ask that all organizations follow a uniform naming style.

O’Connor= O’Connor (Apostrophe retained; no extra space)

De Jesus= DeJesus (Capital J retained; no extra space)

Smith-Edmund= Smith-Edmund (Hyphen retained; no extra space)

** The caregiver’s age is based on the date of birth. If the caregiver’s birth year is known but the month/day is not, January 1st can be used to substitute for the actual month and day. Staff are encouraged to make every effort to obtain the accurate date of birth, but Elder Affairs understands that this is not always possible. If the year of birth is unknown, Elder Affairs accepts a skipped response indicating that the Date of Birth is unknown.

The Caregiver Record in SAMS

SAMS 3 uses ‘dynamic display’ properties, where upon opening a consumer only shows those fields for which a response has been entered will display. If a response has not been entered for a data element, the data element may not display as blank when you first open the consumer. Additionally, for consumer records with a lot of data, you may need to scroll down the page to view the relevant information.

The screenshot below points out where most relevant information can be located for a caregiver consumer record in SAMS. This screenshot displays data for an existing caregiver consumer record. When creating a new caregiver you would see a lot less information, but would be expected to collect the data from page 3 as displayed in the image below.

To add or edit information in the Left Column of the consumer record, click on the Open button towards the top of the page.

To add additional data to the Right Column, click on the Add New button and select the appropriate choice from the drop down list.

The first image above shows the SAMS Consumer record after clicking on the Open button. The second image above shows the drop down choice after clicking on the Add New button.

Drag and Drop CustomizationWith the release of SAMS 3.3 in September 2014, Harmony introduced the ability for users to customize the location of data panels within the application using the ‘drag and drop’ approach. For example, in the following screenshot, the user is dragging the Locations section of the consumer record to a higher spot of the consumer page. This allows you to customize how the consumer record appears for all records you open.

Key Consumer Data for Care Recipient Consumer Records

The following data elements & characteristics must be identified for each Care Recipient Consumer Record in SAMS:

Data Element / Location in Typical SAMS Display
Care Recipient Name * / Left Column
Age (Date of Birth) ** / Left Column
Is Disabled? *** / Left Column
Caregiver Relationship to Care Recipient / Right Column

* When entering proper names, we ask that all organizations follow a uniform naming style.

O’Connor = O’Connor (Apostrophe retained; no extra space)

De Jesus = DeJesus (Capital J retained; no extra space)

Smith-Edmund = Smith-Edmund (Hyphen retained; no extra space)

** The care recipient’s age is based on their date of birth. If the care recipient’s birth year is known but the month/day is not known, January 1st can be used to substitute for the actual month and day. Staff are encouraged to make every effort to obtain the accurate date of birth, but Elder Affairs understands that this is not always possible. If the year of birth is unknown, Elder Affairs accepts a skipped response indicating that the Date of Birth is unknown.

*** Required for Disabled Care Recipients (age 18 through 59) who are being cared for by a grandparent (age 55 or older) or older relative (not a parent).

The Care Recipient Record in SAMS

SAMS 3 uses ‘dynamic display’ properties, where upon opening a consumer only shows those fields for which a response has been entered will display. If a response has not been entered for a data element, the data element may not display as blank when you first open the consumer. Additionally, for consumer records with a lot of data, you may need to scroll down the page to view the relevant information.

The following screenshot displays where most of the relevant information can be located for a care recipient consumer record in SAMS.

To add or edit information in the Left Column of the consumer record, click on the Open button towards the top of the page. To add additional data to the Right Column, click on the Add New button and select the appropriate choice from the drop down list.

Searching for Consumers

Before creating a new consumer for either a caregiver or a care recipient, you should first run a search to see if the consumer exists in the database as the consumer may have been previously served by another agency or department.

There is a quick search field in the upper left corner in SAMS and an Advanced Search option listed immediately beneath the quick search field. Generally speaking, we suggest using the quick search to quickly find and open consumers that you know and are already working with. We suggest using the Advanced Search tool to search for consumers that you will start working with for the first time.

When running a search using First and Last Name, the fields search for exact entries. So, for example, if you run a search for “Joseph” you may not find examples of consumers listed with a first name of “Joe.” This is true for both the Quick Search and the Advanced Search options. In the screenshots below, we are searching for a consumer Joseph Siep.

Using the Quick Search field in the top left corner we can enter “sie, jo.”

In the following screenshot we see the results of the quick search:

Using the Advanced Search function, we search by Last Name Starts With “Sie” and First Name Starts With “Jo.”

In the following screenshot we see the results of the Advanced Search results. Note the “Format Columns” button which can be manipulated by each user to show relevant information.

Format Column options for Advanced Search Results. The Left side shows available columns. The Right side shows current columns (those which will display for you). You can move columns up and down in the right side to have those columns display prominently in the search results:

Creating New Caregiver and Care Recipient Consumer Records

For most FCSP services, you will want to reference both the Caregiver and the Care Recipient. Caregivers must be “linked” to each of their Care Recipients. Typically, users would create the Caregiver consumer first and then link to the Care Recipient.

To Create the Caregiver:

1)Conduct a search using the SAMS Quick Search or Advanced Search feature to ensure that the caregiver does not already exist in the database.

2)Add the caregiver as a new consumer if not found.

3)Include Key Data and Characteristics for the Caregiver (as identified in the section above). When entering proper names, we ask that all organizations follow a uniform naming style.

O’Connor = O’Connor (Apostrophe retained; no extra space)

De Jesus = DeJesus (Capital J retained; no extra space)

Smith-Edmund = Smith-Edmund (Hyphen retained; no extra space)

4)Enroll the Caregiver (Note: alternatively, you could use the Service Delivery Template as outlined in the section to follow as a way to automatically create the enrollment when creating a service delivery for Information and Assistance)

a)The Caregiver should be enrolled in the Family Caregiver Support Program – Title III(e).

b)If the Caregiver is not enrolled, click Add New in the consumer’s Care Enrollments panel.

Note: when creating a new enrollment, the enrollment dates (application date, status dates, etc.) default to the consumer’s registration date. You may need to manually update these dates. Generally speaking the application and start dates should be set to the date that you first had contact with the consumer in regards to the Family Caregiver program.

5)Add the Care Recipient if the association does not already exist, by clicking on Add New and choosing Care Recipient from the drop down list.

a)Select the Care Recipient.

1)To search for a Care Recipient, click the Browse button next to the Care Recipient field.

2)Enter information about the Care Recipient and click Search.

3)Select consumer from the Search Results at the bottom and click OK.

4)If you do not see any search results for the Care Recipient, click Add New to create the Care Recipient in SAMS.

5)When creating a new Care Recipient, be sure to include Key Data and Characteristics for the Care Recipient (see section earlier in this document).

b)Select the Caregiver Relationship to the Care Recipient (see section to follow on Caregiver Relationships).

c)Enter a Start Date (or keep the system default).

d)Check the “Primary?” box if the Caregiver is the Primary Caregiver for this Care Recipient.

e)The Family Caregiver Program Type should be set to Federal. Do not change to another type.

f)Click OK and the Care Recipient will appear on the Caregiver’s record.

6)Click on Save or Save and Close to save the changes to the Caregiver record.

Caregiver Relationship to the Care Recipient

To ensure the NAPIS reports calculates services to the appropriate category of caregivers the correct relationship needs to be chosen when the consumer record is established. The following relationships are only for grandparents and other relatives (not parents) 55 years of age or older providing care to children under the age of 18 or providing care to adults age 18-59 with a disability.

  • Grandparent
  • Other Elderly Relative
  • Other Elderly Non-Relative

The relationship options of Other Elderly Relative and Other Elderly Non-Relative are only used for caregivers of children and adults 18-59 with a disability.

The following relationships are only for an adult family member or other informal caregivers age 18 and older providing care to individuals 60 years of age and older or providing care to individuals of any age with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. Please note: using any other relationship type will cause the relationship numbers on the NAPIS report to be inaccurate.

  • Husband
  • Wife
  • Son/son-in-law
  • Daughter/daughter- in- law
  • Other relative
  • Parent
  • Non-relative.

Entering Service Deliveries for Caregivers

Service delivery to Caregivers is very much like service deliveries to non-Caregiver Consumers. The exception, however, is that in most instances users must select the delivery type of “To Caregiver” and users must populate the Care Recipient’s name in the deliveryto ensure that the delivery is correctly reported as a Title III-E service.

FCSP Services Where a Generic Care Recipient can be used

For the services listed below, you may make use of a generic Care Recipient, only in instances where the actual Care Recipient has not been identified.

SAMS Service Name / SAMS Unit Type
Caregiver Training & Education / Session

FCSP Services that do not require that the Care Recipient be identified

The services listed below do not require that the Care Recipient be listed in the service delivery record at all. If the Care Recipient is identified, however, it is expected that they be listed in the service delivery details.

SAMS Service Name / SAMS Unit Type
Information and Assistance / Contact
Information and Assistance (Library Use) / Contact
Information and Assistance (Regular Information and Assistance) / Contact
Group Outreach / Activity
Multimedia Outreach / Activity
Print Media Outreach / Occurrence

To Deliver Services using a Service Delivery Template:

A Service Delivery Template is a tool in SAMS that allows a user to quickly deliver select services to a consumer while also enrolling the consumer in the appropriate care program. As such, a Service Delivery Template has been created for each ASAP to deliver the ‘Information and Assistance’ service. The Service Delivery Template is typically used for new caregivers. Upon creating the delivery the user would be expected to complete the new caregiver creation process (such as adding the Care Recipient record) as explained in the earlier section.

1)Conduct a search using the SAMS Quick Search or Advanced Search feature to ensure that the caregiver does not already exist in the database.

2)Open the Caregiver record.

3)Click on Service Deliveries.

4)Click on “Use Service Template.”

5)You will then be presented with a Record Service Deliveries dialog box with all of the Service Delivery Templates filtered to the Consumer’s Care Enrollments.

6)If the consumer is not yet enrolled in the Family Caregiver Support Program, uncheck the box for “Filter list to consumer’s enrollments.”

7)Find the appropriate Service Delivery Template (you can filter by Care Program, Agency, etc.).

8)Enter the Service Date and Units.

9)Select the option to Auto Enroll for new caregivers.

Under “Preferences” at the bottom of the list you can select the option to Remember Selected Templates if this is the service template you will most often be using.

By following this method, the selected consumer will be enrolled in the FCSP program with a start date matching the Service Date selected.

To Deliver All Other FCSP services:

1)Conduct a search using the SAMS Quick Search or Advanced Search feature to ensure that the caregiver does not already exist in the database.

2)Open the Consumer Record

3)Click on Service Deliveries.

4)Click on Add New.

5)Specify that the service is to the Caregiver (Delivery Type: To Caregiver at the top of the page).

Note: If you do not see the option to select Delivery Type: To Caregiver it most likely means that the consumer has not been associated with a Care Recipient.

6)Select the Care Program, Provider and Service. Leave Service Category blank and it will auto-populate when you select the service.

7)Select the Care Recipient if the Caregiver is associated with more than one Care Recipient.

8)Enter the Units, Unit Price and Place of Service based on your organization’s instructions. Daily Details for individual units of service are entered in the calendar on the right side. When entered in this manner, the total units calculate and populate on the left.

9)Click Save or Save and Close.

Image of a Service Delivery below: