Microsoft CorporationPublished: <DATE>

Demo data utilities - User Guide


  • Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009
  • Microsoft Office Excel
  • Microsoft Dynamics AX .NET Business connector /Microsoft Visual C#.NET Office interop

User Guide

1. Rename demo data snap
Open the provided MS Excel workbook: Demo datacustomization Tool.xlsx Click Dynamics AX Demo Datatab /
Click Refresh all to get the Items, Customer and Suppliers data from Dynamics AX. /
Alternatively, only select Refresh Items, Refresh Customer or RefreshSuppliers from the Refresh All split bottom to refresh separately any of those entities. /
Edit the data freely, including Dynamics AX index fields like Item number or customer account.
Referential, not editable, fields will be gray out. /
Click Update all to update the Items, Customer and Suppliers data into Dynamics AX. /
Alternatively, only click Items, Customer or Suppliers bottom to update separately any of those entities. /
Data will be refreshed automatically in Excel after update complete. /
Tip: Use the Internal note field to add narrative that might help you to organize your demo work. /
Tip: Data format warning messages will be prompted while editing cells.
However, if desired, you can still update warned record; extra characters will be discarded; if left blank while being in an index field, no update will be performed for this field.
Data integrity will always be enforced during the update process. /
Tip: You can Save as your workbook so you can store different views of the demo data (By instance by prospect, industry, etc) which can be load into Dynamics AX anytime. Also simply for sharing your modifications within a team that is working in a given demo in several VMs. /
1.Change date utility
Open the Change datesform: Basic/Periodic/Demo utilities/ Change dates
Type the number of days to increase or decrease (“ -“) all dates in the system, on the respective field. /
Note: all current cubes installed on the local server will be processed, regardless of whether they are associated with Dynamics AX data or not. / Check Update business intelligence cubes if this is desired. This process will update all KPIs and cubes related charts on your role centres to reflect the new dates.
Note: This process might take from 5 to 15 minutes depending onyour system resources. / Click OK.
2. Switch currencies
Open the Switch currencies form: click Basic/Periodic/Demo utilities/Switch currencies
Select the currency to interchange in your system in the fields Interchange and With /
Tip: if you are planning to swap several couples of currencies or also change transaction dates (Change dates utility) you might want, in order to save some time, to checkUpdate business intelligence cubesonly for the last process you plan to run. / Check Update business intelligence cubes if this is desired. This process will update all KPIs and cubes related charts on your role centres to reflect the currency swap.
Note: This process might take from 10 to 20 minutes depending of your system resources. / Click OK.

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