Surname : El-Kafrawy

Forenames : Aly El-Mohamady

Title : Doctor of Engineering

Field of Specification : Production Eng. and Mechanical Design (Mechanics, mechanical

Vibrations, Dynamics of Machines, Robots and Automatic Control)

Sex : Male

Date of Birth : 10/8/1952

Religion : Muslem

Nationality : Egyptian

Marital Status : Married with three Children

Current Occupation : Associate Professor

Home Address : Faculty of Engineering Buildings, Entrance D, App. No. 90,

Port-Fouad, Port Said, Egypt

Work Address : Prod. Eng. & Mech. Design Dept., Faculty of Engineering,

Suez Canal University, Port – Said, EGYPT

Telephone : 066/3401139 (Home), 066/3446226 (Work), 066/3408664 (Office)

Mobile : 010/5180390


2.1 Academic Qualifications :

·  B.Sc. in Production Engineering, 1975, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.

·  M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering 1979, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University (Mechanical Vibrations, Dynamics of Machines, Robots, and Automatic Control). Thesis : “Vibrations of Tapered Cantilever Beams and its Effect on Turned Surfaces”.

·  Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering 1990, Technical University of BERLIN, West Germany, 1st Institute for Mechanics, Mechanical Vibrations & Machine Dynamics. Thesis : “Auswirkungen der Reibung im Laengenausgleich von Gelenkwellen auf Biegeschwingungen und Lagerkraefte”.

2.2 Employment Qualifications :

·  Demonstrator (1976 – 1978), Assiut University, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department.

·  Demonstrator (1978 – 1979), Suez Canal University, Faculty of Engineering, Production Engineering & Mechanical Design Department.

·  Lecturer (1979), Suez Canal University, Faculty of Engineering, Production Engineering & Mechanical Design Department.

·  Ph.D. Student and Lecturer (1981-1991), Technical University of BERLIN, WEST GERMANY, 1st Institute for Mechanics,Mechanical Vibrations& Machine Dynamics.

·  Assistant Professor (1991), Suez Canal University, Faculty of Engineering, Production Engineering & Mechanical Design Department.

·  Associate Professor (2002), Suez Canal University, Faculty of Engineering, Production Engineering & Mechanical Design Department.


Teaching at Suez Canal University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Production Engineering and Mechanical Design.

A) Undergraduate Courses :

·  Engineering Mechanics.

·  Mechanics of Machinery.

·  Theory of Machines.

·  Mechanical Vibrations & Machine Dynamics..

·  Automatic Control.

·  Robotics.

·  Engineering Mathematics.

·  Engineering Drawing.

·  Descriptive Geometry.

·  Production Technology.

·  Computer Science.

·  High Level Programming Languages (Assembly, …etc).

·  Advanced Computer Techniques (Operating System Concepts, Multimedia).

·  Artificial Intelligence.

·  Computer Aided Decision Making Techniques.

B) Graduate Courses :

·  Advanced Mechanical Vibrations.

·  Advanced Theory of Machines.

·  Optimum Design.

·  Robotics & Automation.

·  Numerical Analysis & Programming.

·  Automatic Control.

·  Computer Science.

·  Artificial Intelligence.

·  Decision Making Techniques.

C) Establishment and Development of Laboratories :

·  Establishment and the scientific supervision of the Mechanical Vibration Lab.

·  Establishment and the scientific supervision of the Theory of Machines Lab.

·  Establishment and the scientific supervision of the Automatic Control Lab.

·  Supervision of B.Sc. projects in the field of Mechanical Vibrations, Dynamics of Machines, Robots, and Automatic Control.

·  Supervisor for Faculty team by "INTERNATIONAL ROBOCON 2005 & 2006"

D) Supervision of Thesis (M.Sc & Ph.D.) :

·  In the field of Mechanical Vibrations, Dynamics of Machines, Robots, and Automatic Control.

Student Name / Degree / Title / Supervisors
H. El-Adawy
(Faculty of Engineering) / Ph.D. / Hardware-in-the-loop techniques for vehicle simulation /
Prof. Dr. Schielen
Dr. E. Morgan
Dr. A. El-kafrawy
Dr. D. Bestle
E. El-galad
(Faculty of Engineering) / M.Sc. / Computer aided design of deep drawing components / Dr. A. Kandil
Dr. A. El-Kafrawy
M. Yousef
(Faculty of Sports) / Ph.D. / Measurement of the forces impulses in the three dimension for some skills of sport activities /
Prof.Dr. A.Abdelbasier
Dr. A. El-Kafrawy
A. Mabrouk
(Faculty of Medicine) / M.Sc. / Clinical evaluation for polymers elastoplastic properties / Dr. A. El-Kafrawy
Dr. A. Mosaad
A. Fahmy
(Faculty of Engineering) / M.Sc. / Static and dynamic characteristics of a two stage electrohydraulic servovalue / Prof.Dr. M.El-Araby
Dr. A. El-Kafrawy
A. Omar
(Faculty of Engineering) / Ph.D. / Active vibration isolation of multi-story buildings / Dr. A. Kandil
Dr. A. El-Kafrawy
Dr. M. Helaly
M. Hamam
(Faculty of Engineering) / M.Sc. / Vibration characteristics of Gantry container cranes / Dr. A. El-Kafrawy
A. El-Shamy / M.Sc. / On the balancing of Gantry container cranes / Dr. A. El-Kafrawy
M. Mahmoud / M.Sc. / Damping characteristics of composite materials / Dr. A. El-Kafrawy
Dr. A. El-Megarbel
Dr. A. El-Boghdady
A. Asaad
(Gas Company) / M.Sc. / Static and Dynamic Analysis of Gas Pipelines / Dr. A. El-Kafrawy
Dr. M. A. Zaghloul
A. Fahmy
(Faculty of Engineering) / Ph.D. / Active vibration isolation
Of Vehicles / Prof.Dr. M.El-Araby
Dr. A. El-Kafrawy

E) Languages :

Language / Reading / Writing / Conversation
Arabic / Excellent / Excellent / Excellent
English / Excellent / Very good / Very good
German / Excellent /
Very good
/ Very good
French / Weak / Weak / Weak

F) Computer Experience :

Software :
Programe Name / Use
Win 98, 2000, xp / Survice and operating systems
Office 97, 2000, xp / Documents, calculations, charts, curves
Staad III, Saap 2000 / Static and dynamic analysis of structures
Fortran, basic / Programing languages to solve real scientific problems
Autocad / Engineering Drawings
Ansys / Finite Element program for static & dynamic analysis, stress analysis, and Animation
Assembly / Hardware Programming
Turbo Prolog & Lisp / Artificial Intelligence
Matlab / Solution of Diff. Equations, Simulation, Drawing

Hardware :

Very good practical experience with the field of personal computers components, maintenance, and its assembly and also diagnosis and treatment of hardware problems.

G) Supervision of the following Projects :

1992 : “Design and Manufacuturing of Wind Turbine”

Theoretical analysis-applications-Prototype

"تصميم وتنفيذ تربينة الرياح الهوائية لتوليد الكهرباء"

حاز المشروع على الجائزة الثانية على مستوى جمهورية مصر العربية.

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى وعملى

1993 : “Design and Manufacuturing of modified Wind Turbine”

Theoretical analysis-applications-Prototype

"تصميم وتنفيذ تربينة الرياح الهوائية المعدلة لتوليد الكهرباء"

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى وعملى

1995 : “Dynamic Analysis of Port-Fouad Ferry Boat”

Analytical study-simulation-practical measurements-model execution

" التحليل الديناميكى لمعدية بورفؤاد"

دراسة تحليلية – محاكاة – قياسات عملية – تنفيذ موديل

1996 : “Vibrations of Multistory Shear Buildings”

Free& forced vibrations–axial loads–damping

Theoretical and practical study

"دراسة اهتزازات المبانى متعددة الطوابق"

اهتزازات حرة وقسرية – تأثير الأحمال المحورية – التخميد

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى وعملى

1997 : “Computer aided parameter identification of machine elements

for the vibration analysis”

تحديد قيم العناصر لاجزاء الماكينات مثل الكتلة والمساحة وعزم القصور ومعامل الكزازة لأى

جسم اختيارى من اجل استخدامها فى تحليل الاهتزازات وذلك بادخال بيانات كاملة للكمبيوتر

عن الشكل ونوع الخامة واستخدام برنامج كمبيوتر تم بناءه لهذا الغرض.

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى

1998 : “On the gyroscopic effects in machinery”

Theoretical analysis – applications

دراسة التأثيرات الجيروسكوبية على الماكينات مثل طواحين الغلال – التربينات والدينامو فى

المراكب – عجلات القطارات – فى الطيران.

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى

1999 : “Computer aided optimisation of system parameters”

building of a computer program for the optimisation of parameters

تحديد القيم المثالية لعنصر من عناصر المنظومة

تم عمل برامج كمبيوتر لحل بعض طرق تحديد القيمة المثالية.

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى

2000 : “Vibrations of cracked beams”

(modeling – testing)

Theoretical and practical

اهتزازات الكمرات المشروخة

تنفيذ موديل واختباره عمليا

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى وعملى

2002-2003  : 1- “Reciprocating cutter harrow”

(Design-manufacturing of a prototype-testing)

Theoretical and practical

عزاقة ترددية للتربة الزراعية

(تصميم – تنفيذ اول موديل حقيقى - اختبار)

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى وعملى

: 2- “Vibration characteristics of Mitsubishi Container Crane”

(finite element using Ansys)

دراسة سمات الاهتزازات لونش الحاويات ميتسوبيشي

استخدام طريقة finite element مع برنامج انسيس Ansys

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى

: 3- “An Investigation on the vibration characteristics of welded

cantilever beams and cracked beams”

(model building- testing)

Theoretical and practical

دراسة سمات الإهتزازات للكمرات الملحومة وكذلك الكمرات المشروخة

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى وعملى.

2003-2004 : 1-“Vibration characteristics of pipeline elements”

دراسة سمات الاهتزازات لعناصر خطوط الأنابيب

استخدام طريقة finite element مع برنامج انسيس Ansys

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى

2004-2005 : 1-“Vibration characteristics of cantilever beams and frame beams”

(Theortical, analytical and computational using FEM)

دراسة سمات الإهتزازات للكمرات الكابولى والهياكل

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى.

2-“An Investigation on the effect of cracks on the vibrations of structures”

إقتراح لتأثير الشروخ على إهتزازات المنشآت

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى.

3-“Design and manufacturing of bio-shredder machine”

تصميم وتنفيذ ماكينة تقطيع النفايات الزراعية

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى وعملى.

2005-2006 : 1-“Vibration Characteristics of AL-SALAM BRIDGE”

(Theortical, analytical and computational using FEM)

دراسة سمات الإهتزازات لكوبرى السلام ببورسعيد

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى.

2-“ Vibration Characteristics of robot arms”

دراسة سمات الإهتزازات لأذرع الروبوت

مشروع نظرى وتحليلى.


1- / A. El-Kafrawy, M. Salam; “Vibration Characteristics of Tapered Cantilever Beams with Various Tapers and Different Solid Cross-Section”, 1st International Conference of Theoritical and Applied Mechanics, National Academy of Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt, 1980.
2- / A. El-Kafrawy, M. Salam; “Vibration Characteristics of Hollow Cross-Section Cantilever Beams with Various Tapers”, 1st International Conference of Theoritical and Applied Mechanics, National Academy of Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt, 1980.
3- / A. El-Kafrawy, M. Salam; “Turning Operations with Tapered Tools for Minimum Vibrations and Better Surface Roughness”, 1st International Conference on Production Engineering, Design and Control (PEDAC), Alexandria University, 1980.
4- / W.O. Schiehlen, E.I. Imam, H. El-Adawi and A. El-Kafrawy; “Modeling Dynamic Systems by The Method of Multibody Systems”, Current Advances in Mechanical Design & Production Sixth Cairo University, International MDP Conference, Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 2-4, 1996, pp. 687-699.
5- / H. El-Adawi, E.I. Imam, D. Bestle and A. El-Kafrawy; “Modeling An Experimental Robot Used as An Actuator for Exciting Complex Dampers”, Al-Azhar Eng. 4th Int. Conf., Al-Azhar Uni., Egypt, Dec. 16-19 (1995), pp 203-215.
6- / H. El-Adawi, D. Bestle D. Bestle and A. El-Kafrawy; “ Control Design of A Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation Vehicles”, Current Advances in Mechanical Design & Production Sixth Cairo University, International MDP Conference, Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 2-4, 1996, pp.701-712.
7- / W.O. Schiehlen, E.I. Imam, H. El-Adawi and A. El-Kafrawy; “Hardware-In-The-Loop Technique for Vehicle Simulation”, Proc. Of 2nd Int. Conf. On Eng. Research, Suez Canal Uni., Port-Said, Egypt, Dec. 1995, Vol. III, pp.117-124 .
8- / A. Kandil, A.A. El-Kady and A. El-Kafrawy; “Transient Thermal Stress Analysis of Thick-Walled Cylinders”, International Journal of Mechanical Science, Pergamon, England, Vol. 37, No. 7, pp.721-732, 1995.
9- / H. El-Adawi and A. El-Kafrawy; “A Mathematical Model of Swivelling Arm Robot”, Port Said Engineering Research Journal, pp 161-171, Vol. 2, No. 2, September 1998.
10- / H. El-Adawi and A. El-Kafrawy; “Modeling Single Slider Crank Mechanism as Nonlinear Multibody Dynamic System”, Alexandria Engineering Journal Vol. 38, No. 5, A357-A363 September 1999.
11- / A. El-Kafrawy; “Free Vibration of A Wind-Turbine Tower Under The Weight of its Machine Room”, Port Said Engineering Research Journal, pp 251-266, Vol. 4, No. 2, September 2000.
12- / H. El-Adawi and A. El-Kafrawy; “Modeling A Multicylinder In-Line Combustion Engine as Nonlinear Multibody Dynamic System”, Port Said Engineering Research Journal, pp 251-266, Vol. 4, No. 2, September 2000.
13- / H. El-Adawi and A. El-Kafrawy; “Analyzing and Multicriteria Optimization of Vehicle Suspensions as Multibody Dynamic Systems”; Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Production Engineering, Design and Control, Vol. 2, PP. 685-669 Alexandria, Egypt 13-15 February 2001.
14- / H. El-Adawi, A. El-Kafrawy and D. Bestle; “Reliable Sensitivity Analysis and Multicriteria Optimization Approaches for Improving The Dynamics of Multibody System”; Port Said Engineering Research Journal, pp 262-284, Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2001.
15- / A. El-Kafrawy; “Experimental Free Vibration Assessment of A Shear Building Model as Effected by Axial Thrust Loads”; Port Said Engineering Research Journal, pp 285-299, Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2001.
16- / Emad El-Gallad, A. El-Kafrawy and A. Kandil; “Computer Aided Geometrical Representation and Blank Outline Layout of Irregular Deep Drawing Components”; Port Said Engineering Research Journal, pp 300-318, Vol. 5, No. 1, March 2001.
17- / G.A.Z. Mousa; A. El-Kafrawy and N.Shelil; “Implementing LQR and LQG Controllers for Model Reduction of Large Scale Systems”; Port Said Engineering Research Journal, Sept. 2005.
18- / M. El-Araby; A. El-Kafrawy and A. Fahmy; “Non-Dimensional Mathematical Model of a two Stage Electrohydraulic Servovalve” ; Port Said Engineering Research Journal, March 2006.
19- / A. El-Kafrawy; A. Asaad, “Free Vibrations of A Free-Ends Buried Gas Pipelines”; Port Said Engineering Research Journal, Sept. 2006.
20- / A. El-Kafrawy; A. Asaad, “Free Vibrations of A Supported-Ends Buried Gas Pipelines”; Port Said Engineering Research Journal, Sept. 2006.
21- / A. El-Kafrawy; A. Asaad, “The Dynamic Susceptibility of Buried Gas Pipelines”; Port Said Engineering Research Journal, Sept. 2006.

Dr. Aly El-Kafrawy

Associate Professor

Suez Canal University

Faculty of Engineering

Prod. Eng. & Mech. Design Dept.