Other recent publications (as of January 2007)

(i) Books

Sauvé, Pierre, ed. (2006), Trends in Audio-Visual Markets: Regional Perspectives from the South, Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (Available in French as Tendances des Marchés Audiovisuels: Perspectives Régionales – Vues du Sud).

(ii) Articles in refereed journals

“Assessing the WTO Accession of Nepal and Cambodia: Economic Impacts and Social Adjustment Costs”, in Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2005, pp. 27-49.

(iii) Articles in edited volumes

“Services and the Doha Development Agenda: Southern Perspectives”, in Van Dyck, P. and G. Faber, eds. Completing the Doha Round, London: Routledge, 2006, pp. 74-92.

“Service Industries and Knowledge-Based Economies: Summing Up”, in Lipsey, Richard G., and Alice O. Nakamura, Alice, eds. (2006), Service Industries in a Knowledge Based Economy, Calgary: University of Calgary Press for Industry Canada, pp. 583-605. Available in French as “Les industries des services dans l’économie du savoir: résumé», in R. G. Lipsey and A.O. Nakamura, eds. (2006), Les industries de services et l’économie du savoir, pp. 665-692.

«Introduction», in Sauvé, Pierre (2006), Trends in Audiovisual Markets: Regional Perspectives from the South, Paris: UNESCO, pp. 8-20 (pp. 8-21 in French version).

with Americo Beviglia-Zampetti, “Rules of Origin for Services: A Review of Current Practice”, in Estevadeordal, A., et al., eds. (2006), The Origin of Goods, London: OxfordUniversity Press and CEPR, pp. 114-145.

with Aaditya Mattoo, “Regionalism and Trade in Services in the Western Hemisphere: A Policy Agenda”, in A. Estevadeordal, D. Rodrik, A. Taylor and A. Velasco, eds. (2004), Integrating the Americas: FTAA and Beyond,Cambridge, Mass.: HarvardUniversity Press, pp. 487-526.

(iv) Monographs and Policy Briefs

GATS and the Benefits of Open Services Markets (2006), Report prepared for the National Foreign Trade Council, Washington, D.C.: National Foreign Trade Council Inc., (July).

Trade and investment rules – Latin American perspectives (2006), Serie Commercio Internacional No. 66, Santiago del Chile: United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), (April).

with Martin Molinuevo and Elizabeth Tuerk (2006), Preserving Flexibility in International Investment Agreements: The Use of Reservations Lists, UNCTAD Series on International Investment Policies for Development, Geneva: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.

Trading for Development – A Report to the APEC WTO Capacity Building Group, Singapore: APEC Secretariat, April 2004.

The GATS and developing countries: at the service of development?, Trade Brief No. 4, Stockholm: Swedish International Development Agency, February 2004, Available at

(v)Articles in non-referred journals and other publications

“Towards improved negotiating modalities in services trade”, in BRIDGES, Year 11, No. 2, February 2007 (forthcoming).

«Toward an Aid for Trade Regime for Services», in BRIDGES, Year 10, No. 7, November 2006, pp. 15-17, available at:

“Echanges mondiaux de services: la nécessité d’un cadre spécifique décryptée”, in La Lettre de Confrontations Europe, No. 74, April-June 2006, pp. 15-17.


“Services in a Development-Friendly Doha Round”, in The World Trade Brief 2005, Sixth WTO Ministerial Conference, Hong Kong, 13-18 December 2005, London: Agenda Publishing, pp. 27-30.

“Préférences Bilatérales», Interview in Courrier de la Planète, No. 77, Juillet-Septembre 2005, pp. 10-13.

“Liberalise Modes 1 and 4 – only then will Doha Round outcome be development-friendly”, in The Financial Express (India), 15 June 2005.