Technical list, stage manager's list or technical rider

Contact information
Head of technical staff/1st stage manager:
Production manager:
Company manager:
Performance director:
Date of arrival at your theatre:
Time of arrival:
Construction time
transport/number of trailers:
Company personnel:
Personnel of your theatre:
Duration of performance:
Interval/no interval:
House technicians required during performance, if so, number:
Number of actors/actresses:
Number of singers/soloists:
Number of choral singers:
Number of members of orchestra or musicians:
Number of costume crates:
Use of dressing rooms:
Use of rehearsal studio:
hospitality requirements:
Minimal floor surface area:
Floor requirements (ballet floor):
Masking requirements:
Required backdrop
Required portal arch:
Description of décor (including dimensions and illustration):
Special aspects of décor:
Special effects:
Company material
We bring with us:
Theatre material
Use of supertitles:
Use of lighting:
Use of audio equipment:
Use of video equipment:
Use of piano:
Performance-related occupation of auditorium:
Use of lighting controls in auditorium:
Use of audio controls in auditorium:


You send a technical letter to the theatre so that they can make the necessary preparations for your arrival.
You always include a PRI&E because theatres are obliged to have this supplementary module. A theatre organisation has an RIE. They need a supplementary PRI&E for every individual project that they organise, with its own special risks. Since the theatres cannot foresee what the company's production involves, as a company you are obliged to supply this information in good time. This obligation is often included in the contract for the performance.
You are the party responsible for working in a responsible manner. The venue also assumes that you take on that responsibility. If you are not familiar with the latest security regulations, go to

More information:

  • Download PRI&E on is a website of the Amsterdam School for the ArtsJanuary 2015(p. 1)