Altrusa Scholarship Altrusa International, Inc. of Red Oak sponsors a $250-$500 scholarship for a high school senior who is a resident of Montgomery County. Applicants must plan to attend an accredited college, university, or trade school in the fall. The scholarship may be used for tuition or textbooks. Payment will be made directly to the institution after the recipient has completed their first semester and has provided a copy of their college transcript. One application qualifies the student to be considered for both Altrusa scholarships. The application is due April 6. Click on the title for the application.
Altrusa / Nellie Nelson Scholarship This $100 scholarship for a senior who is a resident of Montgomery County. Applicants must plan to attend an accredited college, university, or trade school in the fall. The scholarship may be used for tuition or textbooks. Payment will be made directly to the institution after the recipient has completed their first semester and has provided a copy of their college transcripts. One application qualifies the student to be considered for both Altrusa scholarships. The application is due April 6. Click on the title for the application.
American Association of University Women Scholarship The American Association of
University Women of Red Oak is sponsoring an annual scholarship. The applicant must be a deserving Red Oak High School graduating senior girl, who is planning to attend either a 2 or 4 year college or technical school after high school. The scholarship check will be issued after August 1st each year. Applications can be picked up in the Red Oak High School Guidance Office, and are due back to that office by April 15. Recipient must bring proof of enrollment
to Houghton State Bank in August to receive scholarship funds. Click on the title for the application.
Bank Iowa Spirit of Chandy Scholarship Bank Iowa will award a $500 scholarship to a deserving high school senior boy and a senior girl in each of its seven regions, for a total of 14 scholarships granted annually. Applicants for the Bank Iowa Spirit of Chandy Scholarship must be high school seniors who plan to enroll in a full-time undergraduate course of study at an accredited four year college or university, or a two-year junior or community college in the fall following graduation. Recipients will be selected on the basis of academics, character, leadership, honors/awards received and participation in school and community activities, as well as involvement in the activities Chandy was passionate about (swimming biking, running, & flying). Applications must be completed and postmarked no later than February 29th.
Ben Rolf Memorial & Bob Crocker Memorial Scholarships The Red Oak Elk’s Lodge awards two scholarships to Red Oak High School seniors. Selection is made by the Elks Scholarship Committee, and no application is required.
Business & Professional Women’s Club Scholarship A $500 scholarship will be awarded by the Red Oak Business and Professional Women to a graduating senior who desires to obtain an education beyond high school, at an accredited vocational, two-year or four-year school. Applications are available in the Guidance Office and are due April 15. Click on the title for the application.
C.G. & Aluia K. Lingo Memorial Scholarship This annual scholarship will be awarded to one or more than one graduating senior students who intend to pursue nursing as a career. In addition:
1. The student should be active in at least one type of school activity, Church affiliated
activity or active in community affairs.
2. The award shall be given to the eligible person or persons who, in the judgement of
the Board of Trustees best displays the traits of leadership, determination,
cooperation, moral character and respect for others, and who exhibits a high degree
of patriotism, and who desires to complete his or her education by attending a
school of nursing.
The award will be paid directly to the college or university of the the recipient’s choice, one-half of the yearly award being paid at the beginning of each semester. The entire award amount will be apportioned over three years of attendance. Click on the title for the application.
Classy Chassis Car Club Scholarship The Classy Chassis Car Club sponsors an annual scholarship for high school seniors planning to attend a vocational school or college. The student must have an active interest in auto hobby activities with a desire to continue education in an auto -related field. Applications are available in the Guidance Office and are to be received by April 1. Click on the title for the application.
Danette Harman ROHS Lettermen’s Club Manager/Trainer ScholarshipThe ROHS Lettermen’s Club is sponsoring a scholarship for managers/trainers in the amount of $200 in memory of Danette Harman. The applicant must have been a manager or trainer for 4 years at ROHS in at least 1 sport. They must demonstrate reliability, dedication, and have a positive attitude. Applications are available at the Red Oak High School Guidance office. Application deadline is April 15th. Click on the title for the application.
David Templeton Memorial Scholarship This annual award has been established by the family of David Templeton, a former teacher of Industial Education at Red Oak High School, to assist three graduating seniors in pursuing postsecondary education. Three recipients for this $1000 award will be selected annually by a committee. Eligibility requirements:
- Graduating senior from Red Oak Community High School
- Plan to attend an accredited vocational/trade school, two-year junior or community college, or four-year college or university in the fall following graduation
- Must have maintained part-time employment (during the regular school year) for the duration of at least one year of hight school. Regular involvement in a family business or farm, or regular and sustained involvement as a volunteer in a community service organization (at least 5-10 hours per month) also fulfill this requirement.
- Completion of application form.
- Submission of a brief letter of support from one teacher, employer, or supervisor from work or community service organization.
- Submission of 750-1000 word essay. The essay topic for this year, “Describe a person or situation that have provided you with an unusual or unconventional source of inspiration.”
Please note that the sutdent’s academic rank, grade point average, and planned institution for postsecondary study are not considered in the selection process. Pelase submit applications prior to March 15. Click on the title for the application.
Dick Alan Bergren Cryonics Suspension Trust provides an annual scholarship in an amount not to exceed $5,000 per student or students either residing in or attending a high school or community college in Montgomery County. The scholarship is directed to students pursuing
a career in the fields of science, technology, physics, chemistry or mathematics. Applications can be obtained from the school Guidance Office or by contacting the Bergren Trust at P.O. Box 468, Red Oak, Iowa51566. Applications are accepted between March 1st and April 15, to be awarded on or before May 1st of each year. Click on the title for the application.
Draper Memorial Scholarship This award was established in memory of Thomas Randall Draper, a 1966 graduate of Red Oak Community High School, who gave his life in the service of his country. The recipient of this award shall have been an active participant in at least one major sport while a student at Red Oak High School and active in at least one other school activity, church-affiliated activity, or in Boy/Girl Scout work. The recipient should display leadership, determination, patriotism, cooperation, moral character and respect for others. Recipients should desire a four-year college degree. Applications are available in the guidance office and are due back in that office by April 25th. Click on the title for the application.
Edwards Sisters Foundation Award This Scholarship is made through the generosity of Winifred, Ruth, Frances and Dorothy Edwards through their Foundation which allocates income from their Montgomery County farm to students with outstanding academic achievement at Red Oak High School who wish to pursue higher education. Consideration is restricted to those students who rank academically in the top 25% of their class. The Foundation gives preference to students pursuing careers in elementary education, nursing, behavioral sciences, engineering or agriculture; however all career fields are eligible for consideration. The award is $1,000 for one semester and is renewable at the discretion of the Directors for three additional semesters for those students maintaining a college Grade Point Average of at least 3.0 or better. Application forms are available in the Red Oak High School Guidance Office. Applicants are asked to submit completed application forms together with three references and their high school transcript directly to the Foundation office at 6443 Glenwood Road, Omaha, NE 68132-1844. Completed award applications must be received at the Foundation office by April 1 to receive consideration. Scholarship recipients are asked to submit a copy of their college pre-registration prior to receiving their award check on or obout August 1.
Elks National Foundation’s “Most Valuable Student Scholarships” Awarded on scholastic achievement, leadership, and financial need. Scholarship values range from a 4 year total of $4000 to $50,000. Applications are available from the High School Guidance Office or downloaded from the Elk’s website at and must be returned
to the Red Oak Elk’s Lodge by December 1.
Elks National Foundation’s “Legacy Award” $4000.00 ($1,000 year for four years) merit-based scholarships for children or grandchildren of Elks who are members in good standing. Applications are available from the High School Guidance Office or downloaded from the Elk’s website at and are due to the ENF office by February 1.
Elks National Foundation’s Vocational Grant Scholarship $1,000 per year. Students can reapply each year for additional educational needs. Applications are available from the High School Guidance Office.
Farmers Mutual Telephone Company The Board of Directors of the Farmers Mutual Telephone Company of Stanton, Iowa has established a fund for the purpose of granting scholarships to qualified graduating students from area high schools. Five $1,000were awarded to 2014 graduates. The scholarship money will be disbursed upon proof of enrollment for the second semester or term at the school, college, or university.
The following criteria are required:
1. Applicant must reside in an area where FMTC provides telephone service
2. Applicant’s residence must have existing telephone service with a prefix number of 585, 586, 829, 785, or 826
3. Applicant must rank in the upper half of his or her class
4. Applicant attending a technical school will be given consideration
5. Applicant attending a two-year college will be given consideration
6. Applicant attending a four-year colege or university will be given consideration
7. Official application form submitted with all information typed
Applications are available at the High School Guidance Office and are due April 1st.Click on the title for the application.
Good Samaritan Society Healthcare or Spiritual Ministries Scholarship In an effort to foster the study of spiritual ministries, nursing, or other healthcare related professions, local centers of Good Samaritan Society are offering three $150 scholarships to graduating high school seniors in Montgomery County who plan to pursue a degree in healthcare or spriritual ministries. The recipient must be accepted into a program leading to an associate or baccalaureate degree in nursing/related field or in religion/spiritual ministries. Students pursuing CNA certification are also eligible to apply. Click on the title for the application.
Gustafson Family Memorial Scholarship This annual scholarship fund was established by the family of Mike, a former Red Oak High School student and his father, Ray G. Gustafson, long time mayor of Red Oak, and his wife Veva. Ray was always interested in and a good friend and supporter of youth. The qualifications are the student must be a graduating senior of Red Oak Community High School and be in good academic standing with a G.P.A. of “C” or better. The student must sincerely desire to attend continue his/her education at a 4-year college or a 2-year vocational school. The student must have participated in at least two community activities, for example, church, 4-H, Scouting, a city government project, or other community project. Please answer the following question on the application - How are you planning on financing your education? The applications are available in the High School Guidance Office and are due April 30th. Click on the title for the application.
Help Our Youth Scholarship This annual scholarship fund was set up to assist a Red Oak High School graduating senior demonstrating exceptional financial need. The recipient must plan to attend a vocational/technical school, community college, or a four-year institution after graduation. The amount of the award will be $1,000. Applicants must submit a scholarship application and letter of acceptance from the institution they plan to attend. Applications will be
available from the high school guidance office after April 1 and are due back April 18. Click on the title for the application.
Ina C. Murphy Scholarship This is a $500 one time scholarship for a graduating senior from Red Oak High School, who is pursuing further education after high school. The student must have a minimum of 3.0 grade point average. Applications are available on the ROCSD website and are due April 25th.
Jack Hyler Memorial Scholarship The Southwest Iowa Educational Foundation is sponsoring a $550 scholarship in memory of Jack Hyler. Applicants must be in the top 25% of the graduating class and carry a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or greater. Applicants must provide a positive history of school, work, community, service club or religious activities. Preference will be given to those students who plan a career in the field of education. Applications are available from the counselor and are due March 25.
JFSCO Engineering Scholarship JFSCO Engineering will award an annual $2,000 scholarship in the amount of $500 per year (renewable for 4 years) to a Red Oak High School graduating senior. The applicant must plan to pursue a bachelors degree in engineering and plan to attend a 4-year Iowa college or university. The scholarship award is renewable for 4 years provided the student remains in good academic standing and continues to study engineering. Applications are available from the High School Guidance Office and are due by April 20th. Click on the title for the application.
Jim Logan Communications Scholarship This $500 award is sponsored by the Red Oak Express and is for a senior who plans to major in journalism or an area of communications.
The applications are available in the High School Guidance Office. The application deadline is
April 20th. Click on the title for the application.
John F. Hossle 4-H/FFA Scholarship Montgomery County Fair Board sponsors this scholarship program for a graduating senior residing in, or attending high school in MontgomeryCounty. The recipient must be a 4-H or FFA member and must use the scholarship to attend an accredited college or trade school of their choice. The criteria for selection includes leadership and service to their 4-H Club/FFA Chapter, community, church and school. Selection will be made by the Montgomery County Fair Board Executive Committee from applications submitted to the Montgomery County Extension office by April 15th. Applications can be obtained from that office or the Red Oak High School Guidance Office. Recipients should contact the Montgomery County Extension Office to receive the scholarship funds.
John W. Eggert Memorial Scholarship Each year a scholarship of $250 will be awarded in
the memory of Past-Worthy-President, John W. Eggert, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie 2715, Red Oak, Iowa. The current Worthy-President of Aerie 2715, or his designated committee will choose the recipient of the scholarship from applications received between January 1 - March 31 each year. The applicant must be a graduating senior in the current school year and must be a relative of a member in good standing of Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie 2715 or the
Auxiliare of Aerie 2715. The applicant must plan to go on to higher formal education or to a
trade school. Applications are available in the Guidance Office and are due March 31. Click on the title for the application.
Jordan Vannausdle “Six Pillars of Character” Scholarship The Vannausdle family and the Jordan Vannausdle Athletic Association (JVAA) are sponsoring a scholarship in his memory. There will be one annual $250 scholarship and personal award plaque. The recipient must be a Red Oak High School graduating senior who plans to attend an accredited college, university, or trade school. The recipient must have participated in at least one interscholastic sport. The scholarship will be awarded to the eligible student who best represents the following “Six Pillars of Character: Trustworthiness; Respect; Responsibility; Fairness; Caring; and Citizenship.” The scholarship will be awarded to the student at the beginning of their second semester. Applications are due to the high school guidance office by April 20th. Click on the title for the application.