Pennsylvania Coalition of Nurse Practitioners: Nurse Practitioners of Northwestern Pennsylvania meeting minutes September13, 2014


November 14th, 20146-8pm Edinboro University-Lorraine Bock Pres. PCNP speaker

Jeremy Brown Human Servies Bldg., room 123

September meeting held at Saint Vincent Medical Center, attendance: Don Bucher,Victoria Bocan,Robert Wolberh,Betty McKesson,Brian Dougan (student),Tom White,Melaie Glenrse,Carol Hager, Cathy Robinson, Julia Roussos, Sue Sitter, Tammy Huey, Lucille Morrison,Michael Hill,Cynthia L. Dahlkemper,Jill Fuller,Beyn Gilletle (student)Sherry States, Diane Adiutori, Heron Warren.

Presentation by: Mark A. Hogue, Psy.D – neuro-biological cascade process resulting froma concussion, discussed 4-subtypes of concussions for referrals as well as the Zurich Guidelines for Return to Play (RTP) for the CRNP to better advise the patient in recovery activities. EXCELLENT and INFORMATIVE presentation-thanks to Carol Hager and Victory Bocan or making this happen and the presentation was awarded 1.0 contact hour which included 0.25 pharmacology by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners,over 20 participants.


  1. AANP dues expire February 28, 2015 - $200.00 paid last year
  2. File 2014 taxes e-post card or 990-EZ by May 15th 2015-address of secretary treasurer must be on file with the IRS
  3. CD renewal/re-invest due October 2, 2015

MEETING OPENED: Don Butcher president

September minutes approved by Carol Hager, second Diane Adiutori

Treasures Report: prepared and presented by Cathy Robinson – Sec. /Treas.

Members: 91 up from 90 with new computer tracking for expired dues and memberships/renewals should be more consistent.

Senate Bill 1063- not coming out of committee but will be reintroduced with new session, Senator Vance: 35 million Americans including estimated 555,000 more Pennsylvanians under the Affordable Care Act would be insured increasing the need for health care services; there are only 5,000 family doctors for a population that exceeds 12 million and 25% or more of the family physicians plan on ending their practice by 2015 and 30% of these physicians are in rural areas. The Department of Veterans Affairs is designating NP’s as independent practitioners nationwide to meet growing demands by veterans so why not the others patients? With 8,000 NP’s in Pennsylvania we should be able to provide unencumbered care; someone who listens and works as part of a team removing unnecessary costly mandates for NP’s can help meet the workforce demand and granting NP’s hospital privileges is not only good for the workforce needs but also for the patients, lets vote for SB1063 and make the change!!

Region meeting notes: Table for November meeting

Election of Secretary and or Treasurer:Table for November meeting

Spring 2015 Conference: Planning Committee for 2015 Spring Conference (everyone invited). We will be teaming up with the Southwest Pittsburgh group so venue will be moved from Erie to a half way point, ie: Grove City?

Possibilities discussed today:

Time for conference: 8am-2pm will confirm at November meeting

Date: April 18th, 2015-confirmed 9/13/2014 meeting

Speakers: Wendy Wright – confirmed 9/13/2014 meeting

Scholarships:We did not offer NP students or DNP students scholarships this year, are we continuing with this?

November PCNP conference:Donate Mini I-Pad Motion to buy Carol Hager, and she will purchase, second Cathy Robinson.

AANP dues: expires February 2015, Motion Cathy Robinson, we will renew so we do not have a late fee, second Victoria Bocan

Meeting Adjourned: 12:40 Motion: Sue Sitter, Second Cathy Robinson

Items from previous meeting not discussed in September: Please consider these and relay your thoughts, thanks for your support!


Vendors : discussed having vendors and vendor charge $500.00 to assist with speaker fee, suggested vendors to invite, nursing schools drug companies, diabetic pharmacy representatives, etc. , with dinner the night before with speakers?

Advertising:State Web Site – FREE

Other:Do we invite Physician Assistants?

What are the vibes you are getting from physicians – bring these to the next meeting so we can discuss.

New electronic offered by : old paper records can be scanned to electronic records; archived, etc. , we will be able to do away with the boxes and binders that we all lug around and hand down to officers. Motioned by Don Bucher, second by Cathy Robinson – WHERE ARE WE WITH THIS? Any further comments or concerns please bring to the next meeting November 14th

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