Ketchikan Charter School

Academic Policy Committee

December 3, 2015 at KCS


I.Call to Order: 6:01P.M.

Attending APC Members: Adam Archibald, Victor Esposito, Rhea Kahle, Ken Montero

KCS Administrator: Julie Espinosa

KCS Staff Representative: Erin Henderson

Guests: Becky King, Kayla Livingston

Bookkeeper: Chandra Oshima

II.Consent Agenda

A.November 19, 2015 Meeting Minutes

B.MOTION to approve the Consent Agenda

Member Motion Second Aye Nay Abstain Absent

Archibaldx Duckworth x





III.Public Remarks

A. B. King gave an estimate for the cost of installing a new playground area: playground equipment, $2-3000; ground cover, $20,932.47 and installation, $12,000. Another option would be stand-alone panel equipment that would not require ground cover. She said she would be willing to talk to TSAS to see if they would be interested in going in on the project together. The APC will need to look into funding and fundraising possibilities anmake a time-line inwhich this proposed project could be considered.


  1. APC Member Report


  1. Treasurer’s Report

1. V. Esposito reported that there is $64,324.52 in the checking account currently. He suggested taking $36,000, dividing it into 3 amounts of $12,000 and putting them into 3 time-saving accounts of 1, 2 & 3 year terms, respectively.

2. KCS retained a 5% budget carry over of $56,680 for the current school year.

C. Principal’s Report

  1. Great Turkey Give Away

The event was well received by the student body.

  1. District Interview Questions for Hiring Committee

J. Espinosa volunteered to be on this district committee to review interview questions for potential employees in order to promote the hiring of individuals who will want to stay in Ketchikan for the long-term.

  1. Autism Specialist

Samantha Cowper,a specialist on autism from the state, visited KCS to inform staff on issues concerning autism. She gave an informative talk tomiddle school students about autism, in which the students were interested and involved.

  1. Health Curriculum Committee

New legislation passed on issues that impact health curriculum, so Shannon Sines will lead a group reviewing current District programs in order to implement necessary changes by 2017. J. Espinosa volunteered to join the committee, in order to get ideas which would help form the new heath curriculum at KCS.

  1. Bus Pick-up

The bus pick-up is currently smoother and safer, with students going out the back door and waiting for the busses under the school.

  1. Staff Representative Report

The second trimester is off to a good start.

V.Old Business A. MOTION to purchase three CDs of $12,000 each in 1,2 & 3 year terms at Credit Union One.

Member Motion Second Aye Nay Abstain Absent

Archibaldx Duckworth x





VI.New Business


VII.Public Citizen Remarks

A. K. Livingston reported that the District is looking into a new math curriculum that meets the new standards. Saxon Math does not meet these standards and will need to be replaced. It is a challenge to find a curriculum that both meets the new standards and fits KCS’s philosophy.

VIII.APC Member Comments


IX.Adjournment: 6:53 P.M.

Official cko