Travel and Tourism

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Travel and Tourism

Examination Board: PEARSON EDUCATION

Tourism is Britain’s fifth largest industry, it is the third largest export earner and worth £115 billion a year. It employs 2.6 million people. The BTEC Level 3 National extended Certificate in Travel & Tourism (360 GLH) in Travel and Tourism is part of a larger suite of Travel and Tourism qualifications, which share the common purpose of helping people to become occupationally ready to take up employment in the travel and tourism sector at the appropriate level. This can follow either directly after achieving the qualification, or via the stepping stone of Higher Education (HE) in university or college.

The Pearson BTEC Level 3 National extended Certificate in Travel & Tourism (360 GLH) is primarily a Technical Level qualification, equivalent in size to an A Level. Its main purpose is to allow learners to develop the core specialist knowledge, understanding and skills, including customer service, factors that affect tourism to and within the UK, the component industries that make up the sector and the different types of organisations operating in the travel and tourism business environment, required by the sector.

The BTEC Level 3 National extended Certificate in Travel & Tourism (360 GLH) in Travel and Tourism is worth 60-credits

In year one students will complete two mandatory units

In year two students will complete one mandatory unit and one teacher chosen units that provide for a combined total of 60 credits.

Unit Number / Title / GLH / Category / Assessment
1 / The World of Travel and Tourism / 90 / Mandatory / External
3 / Managing the Customer Experience / 90 / Mandatory
Synoptic / Internal
2 / Global Destinations / 120 / Mandatory / External
tbc / Tbc / 60 / Optional / Internal


All assessment for the BTEC qualifications in this specification is criterion referenced, based on the achievement of specified learning outcomes. Each unit within the qualification has specified assessment and grading criteria which are to be used for grading purposes.

•to achieve a ‘distinction’ a learner must additionally have satisfied all the distinction grading criteria.

•to achieve a ‘merit’ a learner must additionally have satisfied all the merit grading criteria

•to achieve a ‘pass’ a learner must have satisfied all the pass assessment criteria


Year 13

1The World of Travel and Tourism

This unit provides the foundation for learners to study other units in travel and tourism. They will explore all aspects of the industry, its key components and its scale.

This unit is assessed in a 90 minute examination.

2 Global Destinations

Learners investigate the features and appeal of global destinations. They prepare travel itineraries and recommend suitable destinations for customers.

Year 14 – these units may change depending on department expertise.

3Managing the Customer Experience

Learners explore and apply ways of managing internal and external customer experience to supportorganisational success and develop their customer service skills.

Learners will have three hours, under supervised conditions, to respond to a controlled assessment task.

4.Optional unit to be decided

Unit 8: The Airport Experience

Unit 11: Specialist Tourism

Unit 15: Visitor Attractions

Unit 18: Events, Conferences and Exhibitions

Unit 19: Work Experience in Travel and Tourism