Roller Coaster:

The Whirl Around


Adria O’Neal

Andre Merino

Brett Stroube

Abstract – We were presented with an open-ended problem. Our task was to solve this problem while working as a team. We also had to demonstrate ways that engineers communicate using presentations, spreadsheets, and written reports. Main objective was to apply principles we learned in EF 151 and EF 105. Our problem was: Design and build a roller coaster that transports an object from a start point to an end point in a specified time of fifteen seconds.

Introduction- Most of the time was spent in considering the design of the rollercoaster and actually finding time out of our busy schedules in order for us to meet. Once we had to present our preliminary design and progress report, the project began to flow a little. Better. We then split up the different task such as calculations, construction, powerpoint, photography, and report. After all this was done the building process was done.

Design process- The design process was a difficult one. When giving such a broad topic it is easy to come up with a lot of ideas. The difficult part was coming up with ideas that were easy to construct and would actually work. Our original design was just a little too complicated to construct. Therefore, we ended up changing our design to something that was simple and would get the job done.

Device description- Our object is a bouncy ball. Our device is basically a series of ramps. The ramps were constructed with construction paper and wooden dowels. There are pieces of tape attached to the track to create friction so ball can run without to traveling too fast. There is also a little door attached to one of the sides, for creativity. There is a drop at the end that releases the ball to a basket.

Results- In the end the device varied. At times it would work and run for 12 to 15 seconds and at other times it would stop at various spots. The building of the project took 5 hours of work by all three team members. We encountered other some problems including: The loop was not constructed due to the lack of right material and fear that we did not have the velocity to get ball through loop. Time trials were constantly varying. But on testing day we successfully got the ball through the rollercoaster in 15 seconds with a little push at the end.

Conclusions: We are glad that in the end our project was complete and worked. As far as the team work part of the project moat of the project was done by one member instead of all three. I, Adria, spent most of my time trying to get in touch with my team members so we could get the work done. In the end one team member, Brett, didn’t participate in most of the process. The other member, Andre, was there to design and construct the project. However even though he did the calculations, he was not there to put it in the report. However, this just proves that we are busy students.

References: Estrabrook 13 provide us with an observation of other groups rollercoaster’s, which encouraged us to build something simpler.