Author Guidelines for Creep 2012 Proceedings (Paper Title: 14 point bold face, justified and flushed left with the margin)
First Author1, Second Author1, Third Author2 (Author: 12 point, justified and flushed left with the margin)
1Department of Materials Science, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
2National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba 305-0047, Japan (Affiliation: 9 point italic, justified and flushed left with the margin)
This guideline describes how to prepare your camera-ready manuscript for the Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structure (Creep 2012). Your manuscript should be submitted to the secretariat by December 20, 2011. The manuscripts will be reviewed and returned to authors for revision by January 31, 2012. The corrected manuscripts should be returned by February 28, 2012. The conference proceedings will be published in December 2011. (Abstract: 8 point with no indent)
Keyward: titanium (Ti), body centered cubic (bcc), biomaterials, microstructure, fatigue strength, hydrogen embrittlement, corrosion, coating, (Keywards: 8 point italic, justified and flushed left with the margin)
1. Styling of Manuscript (First level heading: 10 point bold, justified and flushed left with the margin)
1.1 Language (Second level heading: 10 point bold, justified and flushed left with the margin)
The proceedings will be published in English. (Text: 10 point)
1.2 Sheet and Typing style
Commercial A4 size (210 mm x 297 mm) sheets should be used. Margins of text are recommended as follows: Top and bottom margins are 20 mm and 26 mm, respectively, and right and left margins are 18 mm and 15 mm, respectively. Therefore, the typing area of each page is 177 mm x 251 mm (including the title of the paper, tables, and figures).
About 60 lines per page are preferred. Type-setting must be made in two columns like this example. The entire manuscript should be written in Times New Roman.
1.3 Length
The length of your paper must be less than 4 printed pages for contributed papers and invited papers, and 6 pages for keynote papers. An odd number of pages should be avoided in order to avoid blank pages in the proceedings.
1.4 Manuscript Arrangement
On the first page, the following should be included: 1) title, 2) author, 3) affiliation, 4) abstract, 5) keywords. Acknowledgements (if any) and references should appear after the main text.
2. Manuscript Preparation
2.1 Subdivision and Headings
The title of your paper should be typed in bold face (14 point font size), justified and flushed left with the margin. The first level headings (e.g., 1. Introduction, 2. Experimental Procedures,…., 5. Conclusion), the second level headings (e.g., 3.1 Microstructures, 3.2 Fatigue Properties) and the third level headings should be typed in bold face (10 point), justified and flushed left with the margin. Please leave a single blank line before and after the first level heading, and place one blank line before the second level heading.
2.2 Name and Affiliation of Author
The name(s) of author(s) should be written in 12 point font. The affiliation(s) (9 point) should give a sufficient postal address. The postal zip code and country name should also be given. When authors belong to different research organizations, use superscript, e.g., 1, 2, etc. to designate each affiliation.
2.3 Abstract
The abstract (200 words in maximum) should be typed (8 point) with no indent. It should not have the heading “Abstract”.
2.4 Keywords
All letters should be in lower case (8 point italic). Name of elements, chemicals, compounds and so forth should be fully spelled out with the symbol of the element: e.g., titanium (Ti), body centered cubic (bcc), biomaterials. The keywords may be used for making subject index of the proceedings.
2.5 Main Text
Main text should be typed in 10 point. The first line of each new paragraph should be indented by 3 mm. Please do not use blank lines to separate paragraphs from each other.
2.6 Tables and Figures
2.6.1 Tables (Third level heading: 10 point bold, justified and flushed left with the margin)
Tables should be numbered consecutively. The table caption should be located above the table, starting with a capital letter and ending with a period (8 point, justified and flushed left with the margin). Headings in the table should start with a capital letter.
2.6.2 Figures
Figures and photographs should be numbered consecutively. If a figure is divided to several parts, each part should be labeled as follows: (a), (b), (c). Figure caption should be placed below the figure, starting with a capital letter and ending with a period (8 point, justified and flushed left with the margin).
Color figures and photographs are acceptable, though they are not recommended. It is strongly requested that all color figures and photographs are clear and legible when printed in black and white.
2.7 Equation
Numerical equations in the text should be typed in 10 point. Symbols for variables must be typed in italics as x/3, a/(b + c). The exponential symbol should be expressed as “exp”. The expression
Table 1. Recommended master alloy compositions for making typical titanium alloys by blended elemental P/M method 5). (Caption: 8 point)
/ Recommended master alloy compositions / Powder weight ratio(Mass Pct)
Ti-5.5Al-3.5Sn-3Zr-0.3Mo-1Nb-0.3Si (IMI829) / MA1 2Al-3.5Sn-2. 83Ti
MA2 3.5Al-3Zr-0.3Mo-1Nb-0.3Si
(43.2mass%Al-37.0Zr-3.7Mo-12.4Nb-3.7Si) / Ti : MA1 : MA2 = 83.57 : 8.33 : 8.10
Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo / MA1 2.5Al-2Sn-1Mo-2Ti
MA2 3.5Al-4Zr-1Mo
(41.2mass%Al-47.1Zr-11.8Mo) / Ti :MA1 : MA2 = 84.0 : 7.5 : 8.5
of 4*10-2 should be used instead of 4 x 10-2. Equations should be started with a 6 letters space indentation from the left margin and numbered consecutively in parentheses at the right margin.
P = (492 + 1.8T)(20 + log t)*10-3 (3)
There should be a single blank line between the text and the equation, and another single blank line between the last line of equations and the text. (see above)
2.8 SI Unit
Usage of SI units is mandatory. However, “oC” for temperature and “h” for time may be allowed.
2.9 Footnotes
No footnotes are allowed in the text. Comments and notes are to be given in the references.
Figure 4. Effect of prior B2 grain size on room temperature tensile elongation of titanium intermetallic alloy. (Caption: 8 point)
2.10 Acknowledgements
The heading “Acknowledgements (without a number)” (10 point bold face) should be flushed left with the margin. No blank line is required below the heading (see below).
2.11 References
The heading “REFERENCES (without a number)” (10 point bold face capital letters) should be flushed left with the margin. No blank line is required below the heading.
References (8 point) should be numbered in the order of their appearance in the text, in the form 1, 2) or 3-6). References should be typed in the following order: names of authors (no need of comma before “and”), the abbreviated name of journal, volume number (year), page (e.g., 11-20). Volume number should be expressed in bold face, and the names of books in italics. Journal abbreviations should follow the ISO standard (see below). Each reference should be complete; do not use ibid, idem, et al., etc.
Acknowledgements (10 point bold face)
The authors wish to thank the Japan Institute of Metals for their support.
REFERENCES (10 point bold face, capital letters)
1) S. R. Pati and M. Cohen: Acta Metall. 17 (1969) 189-200.
2) W. Köster, T. Gödecke and D. Heine: Z. Metallk. 63 (1972) 802-805.
3) W. Hume-Rothery, R. E. Smallman and C. W. Haworth: The Structure of Metals and Alloys, (The Metals and Metallurgy Trust of the Institute of Metals and Institution of Metallurgists, London, 1969) pp. 336-342.
4) E. Houdremont: Handbuch der Sonderstahlkunde, 3. Aufl., 2. Bd., (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1956) pp. 934-939.
5) C. Wagner: Steelmaking, The Chipman Conference, ed. by J. F. Elliott, (The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1965) pp. 19-25.
6) K. Abe and Y. Sato: Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Rapidly Quenched Metals, ed. by T. Masumoto and K. Suzuki, (The Japan Inst. Metals, Sendai, 1982) pp. 19-25.
7) T. Yamada: Collected Abstracts of the 1999 Autumn Meeting of the Japan Inst. Metals (1999) pp. 101-102.
(Reference: 8 point)
Please send your manuscript (a word file and its PDF version) and the copyright form by December 20, 2011 to
Conference Secretariat, Creep 2012
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University
6-6-02 Aramaki-Aza-Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8579, Japan