Inner Ecology
If you don't release it, you keep it.
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5Fun and Easy Steps to Begin Your Cleanse Now!
1. Drink a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a big glass of Water in the Morning
Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar has medicinal properties and has been used throughout history as a healing food. The benefits of apple cider vinegar have been confirmed in modern research.
Using apple cider vinegar will not only aid in weight loss, it will also help:
- Restore your body's natural pH balance.
- Aid digestion. It helps stimulate your stomach acid, aiding the digestion of protein and fats.
- Promote the growth of healthy microflora. While apple cider vinegar is a fermented food already, it is also a prebiotic, which feeds probiotics (the healthy microflora in your inner ecosystem).
- Stop sugar cravings. Next time you have a craving for that bowl of ice cream or piece of chocolate cake after dinner, drinking a small amount of vinegar diluted with water may stop you from indulging
2. Dry Skin Brushing
Dry Skin Brushing is a cheap and easy way to support your body on a daily basis. Its fast and simple to do, all you need is a skin brush.
Buy Dry Skin Brush with Natural Bristles
The Skin is an organ of elimination, just like the kidneys and the colon, and more than one
pound of waste products are discharged through the skin every day! If the Skin becomes inactive with the pores choked by millions of dead cells, then impurities will remain within the body. If toxins and wastes begin to build up within the tissues because the kidneys and liver cannot cope with their job, then sooner or later disease will follow. It therefore works in our favor to keep healthy and well functioning skin! With dry skin brushing you notice such a difference to the quality and feel of your skin.
Benefits: The benefits of dry skin brushing include:
* tightens the skin and improves texture
* aids digestion
* helps removes cellulite
* stimulates circulation to the skin
* increases oxygenation
* increases cell renewal
* drains and cleanses the entire lymphatic system
* detoxifies the entire body
* removes dead skin layers
* strengthens the immune system
* improves exchange between cells
* reflexive stimulation of the glands
* stimulates dry skin oil production
It is really worth the few minutes a day that it takes.
How To Use Your Body Brush
Brush directly on your skin when your skin is completely dry. If you have poison ivy, skin rashes, infections or inflammatory problems such as phlebitis, do not brush. Do not brush so hard that your skin turns red. A slight flush due to increased blood circulation is normal. Dry skin brush each area as directed below.
Feet, Toes and Legs – Starting at the bottom of your right foot, brush across the foot, back and forth 7 times. Brush across the tops and bottom of the feet and toes. Brush around the ankles in a circular motion 5 or 6 times. Brush from the ankle to the knee in a circular motion working upward towards the heart. Do not neglect the knee area. Brushing will firm up sagging kneecaps and free congested circulation in the back of the knee.
Hip Area – Start at the top of the knee, going up to the hip in a circular motion, always brushing towards the heart. Work around the leg so that every inch of skin is brushed. Concentrate on the cellulite areas, brushing those areas twice as much.
Front and Sides of the Body – Hold the brush in one hand, brush the same side up and down 14 times from the upper thigh all the way to under the arm. Hold your breast clear with the other hand. Brush back and forth across and around the waistline 14 times. Brush in a circular motion at the center of the waistline, 14 times to the left and 14 times to the right.
Stomach and Midriff – For the stomach area, brush in circular motions 14 times, then in a back and forth motion 10 times. Repeat this motion on the midriff area.
Bust – If you choose to, brush in a circular motion 7 times, very gently.
Back Area – Cradle the brush with two hands. Brush up and down, 14 times along the spine, starting at the coccyx (tailbone) and reaching as high as you can. For your upper back, use the long handle to brush those hard to reach places. If available, get a friend to brush your back more thoroughly, in a circular motion, then up and down in long sweeping motions.
Neck Area – To relieve tension and pressure in this area, cradle the brush in both hands, and then place behind your head at the base of the neck and spine. Brush back and forth in a rocking motion.
For the Face – Use a softer brush of the cosmetic variety, since the blood vessels are nearer to the surface of the skin and can be broken if brushed too hard. Begin in the center of your face and stroke outwards, then up the sides of the face and neck.
3 Exercise
One of the best ways to increase your metabolicactivity is to simply use your body. Daily exercise hasinnumerable benefits including building lean musclemass which helps you burn more calories at rest.Consider jumping on a mini trampoline for 3-5
minutes a day to give a boost to your health and vitality. This shakes up your whole body and is particularly useful for stimulating your lymph drainage system, thereby moving those toxins OUT!Try your own 'hydrotherapy' in the shower by alternating hot/cold. This stimulates circulation and your immune system. You can also do a sauna/cold shower/sauna etc., if you belong to a gym. Not for the squeamish! But it is very invigorating! You'll feel like a million bucks when you're done. Of course, just a sauna and a shower are beneficial as well.
Sweating also releases toxins.
4 Take a warm Bath
Take a warm bath with Epsom salt added to soothe, relax and detox. Additionally you may rub on the salt with a warm, wet washcloth in bath or shower. Very invigorating.