8/15/17 CoC Operating Cabinet Meeting


Kathleen WienerMonique FarrellNikki McCormick

Max GoellingRuss MayObie Johnson

Tim WestMichael BergondoJohn Fennell

Rose FisherSonjia KuroskyTammi O’Quinn

Derwin MontgomeryTeresa WoodJackie Hundt

Karisa McDanielLaura LamaReni Geiger

Twana RoebuckKelly ChurchRayce Lamb

Rebecca NagaishiAmber HumblePamela Ingram

Robert MartinShakerra JonesAde Oni

Cassandra RoweJanarricaImes

  • Max called the meeting to order and a moment of silence was observed
  • Minutes from the 6/20/17 meeting were reviewed, Obie made a motion for approval, Twana seconded and all present approved.
  • Introductions were made
  • Cabinet Organizational Activities
  • Max requested nominations/volunteers from the group to fill the seats of Vice Chair and Treasurer. Reni Geiger volunteered to take on the role of treasurer (no one at this time volunteered for role of vice chair). Nikki made a motion to approve Reni as secretary, Derwin seconded and all present approved. Later in the meeting Twana resigned her role of secretary and volunteered to be vice chair, Rose made a motion to approve Twana as vice chair, Sonjia seconded and all present approved. Open position of secretary will be discussed at the next meeting.
  • Max asked for a motion and vote to add Positive Wellness Alliance (PWA) to the Operating Cabinet (they will fill the void left by the closing of Aids Care Service), Derwin made a motion to add PWA to the Operating Cabinet, Reni seconded and all present approved.
  • Tim discussed coordinated entry; HUD has put out guidelines that need to be followed and in place by mid-January. The City put out an RFP for a consultant to assist in the development of the coordinated entry process. The Rating Panel will make the decision on the consultant. Tim would like a 2-tiered planning group to be involved in the process. Suggestions have been made to have reps from the City, UW, shelters, DSS, hospitals, jail, Cardinal Innovations, law enforcement, street outreach, other mental health providers, the VA, the homeless caucus and the school system, Goodwill and business leaders. The plan is to get feedback from the larger group first and then narrow down the number of people involved. The goal is to bring the new policies and procedures for coordinated entry to the OC in November. If you have additional ideas for parties that need to be involved, let Tim know.
  • Cassie Rowe and Ade’ Oni from NCCADV presented to the group about the Delta Project. Ade’ is taking over the housing portion of the project; they would like us to use the danger assessment tool at coordinated entry.
  • Laura and Kathleen presented preliminary numbers from the July PIT count.
  • On behalf of the WS/FC CoC Rating Panel members, Max,Tim and Jackie presented the 2017 Project Priority Listing as Approved by Rating Panel. Jackie reminded project applicants/sub-recipients that the renewal project performance scorecard and project outcomes were circulated via email before today’s meeting and will be posted soon on the City’s website.. Explanations for how the Rating Panel came to these priority ranking decisions based on the HUD CoC NOFA were shared with the Operating Cabinet. The 2017 Project Priority Listing will be voted on by the WS/FC Commission on Ending Homelessness at their August 17, 2017 meeting.
  • Committee Reports
  • Health and Mental Health: CFAC meeting was yesterday, talked about the DOJ settlement and CFAC members feel it is failing. They plan to discuss this with Cardinal Innovations at their next meeting. IDD received a small raise for their providers/workers. Twana asked for training for staff about how to de-escalate angry clients as many agencies are dealing with this issue. Rose is looking into this training for the community. Karisa let the group know that Cardinal Innovations has free classes in Mental Health First Aid; they are doing a class on August 30th, check their website for details.
  • Homeless Caucus: Brianna will email out a detailed report as she had to miss the meeting today. Robert reported that they are working on awareness of the caucus and would like more clients present. He also asked for shelter staff to come to the meetings so that any concerns with the shelters could be addressed at that time. Sonjia commented that this would be hard for shelter staff to do as they are typically sleeping during those hours. Tim reported that a form has been created by Brianna and Tim for complaints/concerns; these will go straight to the City to address the concerns. Brianna plans to stay on with the caucus even though her time as a VISTA is completed.
  • CIC: no report
  • COEH: no report
  • Family, Youth and Children: no report
  • Shelter Providers: toured Samaritan Ministries and Bethesda Center. WSRM is celebrating their 50th anniversary on 10/26. VA Stand down will be in Greensboro on 9/22.
  • Other Business
  • Rose reported that there are SSVF RRH dollars to be spent on Vets, please send referrals to Rosa at the Prosperity Center to get clients screened.
  • Sonjia reported that Tyrone Baldwin has retired after 21 years of service, he is currently in renal failure and is at Baptist Hospital, please keep him in our prayers.
  • Ken reported that Danny Parson’s wife has a large mass on her spine, please keep her in our prayers.
  • Rebecca reported that effective 8/21, Forsyth County will be serving DV victims differently for protective orders, they can now be electronically filed and victims can Skype with judges rather than having to go to court.
  • Moonlight Madness: UWs campaign kickoff will be on 9/22.

There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Kathleen Wiener with approval from Max Goelling, Chair