
City of Mapleton

Regular Meeting Minutes


Tuesday May 3, 2011 – 6:00pm

Present: MAnderson, Dietz, Hillman,Kartes, Dell.

Also present: Betty Jo N, Wade K. Tim S., John S, Brandon O, Mark H, Geoff L,Jon W, Duane K, & Mary H

MotionDellagenda approval,2nd Kartes.

MotionDell, consent agenda approval, including: minutes Jan 4, March 1, 8, 17, 22, & 29, 2011. Bills paid April 2011 bills to be paid May2011:Ameripride $44.19; Anderson, M. $84.35; Dell, L $70.76; Dietz, C $70.76; Dietz, J $28.30; Kartes, D $70.76; Lowe, G $28.30; Lund, B $28.30; Nelson, J $28.30; Avenet $350.00; BCBS $976.10; Bank of ND $25,156.25; CRW $4583.63; Cass C Gov. $1477.08; Cass C Reporter $435.78; City of Fargo $14.00; Dakota Hose $1141.64; Doug’s Repair $445.09; Electric Pump $317.24; Fargo H2O $1695.75; Farm Plan $654.43; General Equip $900.00; Hawkins $472.20; Johnson Ins $112.00; M Hinschberger $59.27; Mac’s $33.10; Metro Disposal $3367.50; Midcontinent $232.09; ND League of Cities $80.00.00; ND Sewage $486.00; Network Center $64.29: NC Rental $272.00; Ohnstad Twichell $1677.08; Otter Tail $2746.11765.63; Petro $1706.77; Ramkota $138.00; Reardon $182.82; State Bank $10,006.71;Sweeney $754.49; The Acme Invest. $2330.00; Thurlow $228.11; USPS $86.42; Xcel $295.06. April financials (prior to accountant review), 2nd Kartes. RCV/MC

Police Report: Everyone busy with flood duty. City requested speed radar on Cty 11 and an additional sign for step increases north by Maple Pointe, going north.

FM Metro Council of Governments – Wade Klein: Work on specific surface transportation issues concentrating on what is changing. Members include Cass Cty, Fargo, W Fargo, Moorhead & Dilworth on 30 year transportation plan required by government, updated every 5 years. Mapleton is currently half in and half out of the boundary line of working area. They are looking at changes to include Mapleton. No dues required for Associate Membership. Tim Solberg stated that the TE grant for the cities multiuse path was part of this.

Fire Department: Jon stated receiving 1 year aggressive grant award of 73,000.00 for new tanker purchase and requested city financial assistance of approx 15-20 thousand. Old Tanker has to be destroyed or taken out of service, can’t be traded or sold. They have $40,000.00 in savings. $5000.00 will go toward match and $23,000.00 is committed to updating gear. John S. stated Century code provision allows $10,000.00 toward equipment by increasing the mill levy, but is not open ended.

Motion Hillman, increase mill levy up to 10,000 for truck only, not extended more than 2 years, second Kartes. RCV/MC

Park District: County letter recommendations for safety additions to MPB – letter to be sent to council per Brandon. June 4 scheduled rummage day contact Denise 730-6003. 1-2 pallets of sandbags allotted to Park Board for diamonds. Squirt & T-ball behind school. Opp to start MPB Park next week. Requesting 150 cu yds top soil from city & also clay - agreed.

Forestry: Pruning with Chaput May 9th at 1:00 contact Jean 282-3748. Arbor Day - May 6th. Memorial for Alice Wagner, May 13th at the school 2:30 pm, planting flowering crab tree. No grant dollars for trees on Cty 11.

P & Z: Geoff reviewed meeting concerning accessibility to lots, permits, sidewalk ordinance, storm sewer, rezoning, and vet clinic zoning would be C-2.

City Engineer:

2011 CDBG Grant Pre-Application- Storm Sewer Imprv -north side waiting on funding situation from Washington.

Meridian Grove & Bishop’s Addition Drainage Imprv -preliminary timeline reviewed. Motion Dell to create improvement district, second Dietz. RCV - Hillman & Kartes opposed – Anderson aye, MC Motion Dell direct engineer to prepare report, second Dietz. RCV - Hillman & Kartes opposed – Anderson aye, MC

Levee Recertification– timeline submitted. Need base flood elevations. FEMA deadline Dec 1, 2012. Send letter to request extension. Survey work required, approx. $11,000.00 Motion Dietz, instructing engineer to do survey, second, Dell, RCV/MC

Cass Cty Hwy 11 project - striping done by Wednesday. Next week dirt crew punch list.

Code Administrator:

Motion Dell, 1st reading adopt building codes, 2nd Hillman, RCV, Kartes opposed, MC

City Attorney: John S. – Sidewalk ordinances – shadowing West Fargo. “May” used instead of “shall” to allow council provisions (variations). Sidewalk required prior to Certificate of occupancy being issued. Motion Hillman 1st reading Sidewalk Ordinance 214-11, 2nd Dell, RCV, Kartes opposed, MC


Steve Anderson Heating – Furnace replacement - breaker #24 trips when overhead door is opened. Mark H will contact regarding provisions & permit.

C Center Rental – Mark A requested looking at deposit amount – no action.

Snow damage:Ashmoor Entrance – no action. Ashmoor mailboxes – Motion Dell, pay for replacement of 817/819 Birdie Ct, 2nd Dietz, RCV/MC. Lund sod – no action. Free black dirt provided to residents for repairs.

Water Towers:Motion Hillman, renew contracts & accept repair bid on old tower stem pipe, 2nd Kartes, RCV/MC Kapaun suggested painting for old tower also.

MotionKartes, discontinue interest of $1.00 on water deposit refunds 2nd Dell, RCV/MC

MotionDell, city official newspaper as Cass county Reporter, second, Hillman,RCV/MC

4020 repairs pd by city, Golf Course to pay 15 gals of fuel used. Ashmoor lift seal repair cost $5300.00. Electric Pump not contacted to clean in 3 years – service contract? Should be done in fall - every year.

36th St build up & Meridian Grove drainage – Brandon – have to show benefit & record of damages to qualify for FEMA. County was contacted for information from 1999. Brandon will follow up with letter to expedite. COLA – no action

Motion Dell, nominate Carlita to attend county redistricting meeting in Casselton May 26th, 7:00 pm, 2nd Hillman,RCV/MC. Relocate Post Office door – no action.

Motion Dell, adjourn, 2ndDietz (9:30 pm).


Mark Anderson, Mayor

