/ Istanbul Toastmasters Club
Club Ref.No 1042863
Wednesday, October21, 2009 Ref. 63
For Better Listening, ThinkingSpeaking, We Learn By Doing
ITM # 63 Notes of Meeting
Started @ 19:30 and Stopped @ 21:30
Toastmaster of the Evening / TM : Ertugrul Cepni
Theme of Evening / “Thankfullness”
The Word of the Evening / “Thank you”
Attendees (15 TMs + 13 Guests) - Visitors : Yavuz Irtem, Beyza Toksoy, Duran Ustek, Youla Levchuk, Bora Gencer, Pervin Kaplan, Seda Esenturk, Ceyhun Chvi, Bahadır Boran, Hasan Vatansever, Gözde Günsel, Nihan Kayı, Phillip
Club Business Announcements
  1. Contact &Coordinate with the members who have not renewed their Membership.
  2. TM Edith Heidelbergeris the next TMOE (ITM#64 on 04 Nov09).

Meeting Facilitators / AH Counter / TM. Besir Wrayet
Timer / TM. Ross Mead
Vote Counter / TM. Cihan Butun
Word Master / TM. Gulin Ozkan
Grammarian / TM.
TT Master / TM. Edith Heidelberger
TT Evaluator / TM. Mehmet Koruyan
General Evaluator / TM. Bulent Ozsoy
Speakers / Speech title / Evaluator
Speaker 1: TM. Mubeyyet Ozgen / #05STEP BY STEP / TM. Aybike Gokgiray
Speaker 2: TM.Mustafa Demirkol / #04How to stop procrastinating and start a “do it now” habit / TM. Burcu Ekinci
Awards / Best Speaker / TM. Mustafa Demirkol
Best Evaluator / TM. Burcu Ekinci
Best TT Speaker / TM. Sema Ozsoy / Ross Mead
1)Message from Matt was read by Ross in which he expressed his gratitude to all of the founders and members of the club. He said “Becoming involved with the Istanbul Toastmasters club was one of the best things I have ever done.
2)As TMOE Ertugrul was well prepared and educative with his comments.
3)Table Topics session managed by Edith was full of provoking guestions and choice of topics and the speeches in response to these questions were fantastic .
4)Hammer and flags are still missing so Nuray should order these from USA
Next meeting is on Nov 4.
5)Guests Seda, Gozde and Bora decided to be members
6)Guest Youla from Kazakhistan told the group that she liked our meeting very much and would like to attend whenever she was in Istanbul
7) TMOE Ertugrul started a new application in which guests were presented by the members who had invited them which was interesting. The guests had a chance to speak and express themselves at the end of the meeting where they shared their impressions.
Areas of Improvement :
Guest registrations should be done and their e-mails noted and written in the minutes of the meeting.
More water bottles please on the tables
2 speakers were a low figure we need to motivate every member to speak as much as possible
Every new member should be appointed a Mentor