
Administration & Education in the Local ChurchPracticum

“Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping students to serve the church and fulfill the Great Commission.”

COURSE DESCRIPTION(EQUIP Instructor may not change this course description.)

PMN6721 – A survey of effective methods of administration and an overview of Christian education ministries in the local church setting. 3 Semester hrs.

OBJECTIVES(EQUIP Instructor may add to these course objectives but not remove any of the ones already included.)

Spiritual Formation: Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a vital Christian life and witness manifest in all personal relationships and vocational endeavors.

  • Be in proximity to great administrators and teachers as you learn how to walk with God.

Biblical Exposition: Gain a basic comprehension of Scripture and learn to interpret and communicate it properly and effectively.

  • Study key passages concerning the mission and vision of the local church and ministries.

Theological Integration: Understand and apply the doctrines of Christianity to all areas of life and ministry.

  • Be introduced to helpful secondary literature concerning the ministry of a local Church.
  • Examine the theological nature of the ministry of the local church.

Ministry Preparation: Acquire and apply knowledge and skills necessary for Christian ministry.

  • Begin to develop an understanding of the different aspects of the administrative and educational ministries of the church.
  • Articulate a biblical apology for the practice of ministry.

Critical Thinking and Communication: Demonstrate the ability to think critically, argue persuasively, and communicate clearly.

  • Research, discuss and write concerning issues in church administration and education.

REQUIREMENTS(EQUIP Instructor must articulate the specific requirements of the class as indicated below.)

  1. READING – The reading requirement for this course must include the two books listed below and an additional 300 pages of reading chosen by the EQUIP Instructor. Please include all reading in the final version of the syllabus given to the EQUIP Office and the student.

SEBTS Required Reading:

Anthony, Michael J. and James Estep, eds. Management Essentials for Christian Ministries. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2005.

Waggoner, Brad J. The Shape of Faith to Come. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2008.

  1. WRITING – The writing requirement for this course must include the assignment listed below as well as at least 18 pages of additional writing and research (double-spaced, 12pt New Times Roman font). These assignments may include research papers, book analyses, position papers, reflection papers on ministry experiences (see below), and/or various other writing assignments relative to pastoral ministry. These writing assignments should be weighted and assigned a grade.

SEBTS Required Writing:

The student should compose a 2-3 page essay as a final document for the course that answers the question, “Why is Christian Education Important?” This essay should include (but is not limited to) the student’s philosophy of pastoral ministry. This essay should be graded by the EQUIP Instructor.

  1. CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION – The instruction time for this course may include lecture, debate, discussion, and other instructive activities in which the EQUIP Instructor or guest lecturer is directly interacting with the students. The minimum classroom instruction time for this course is 24 hours. A schedule of meeting times and topics should be included in a Course Schedule in the syllabus prepared by EQUIP Instructor.
  1. PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES – This course is designed so that SEBTS students are able to learn pastoral ministry in a hands-on fashion. With that in mind, the EQUIP Instructor must include instruction with at least 7 of the following practical experiences in the course:
  1. Develop a ministry budget
  2. Write a small group lesson
  3. Teach a small group lesson
  4. Develop a contextual disciple making process
  5. Write a policy manual for a church ministry
  6. Develop or walk through a church workers’ background check process
  7. Attend and observe a church business session (small group or church wide)
  8. Other as submitted by the EQUIP Instructor

n.b., Each of these practical experiences should happen in addition to the “Classroom Instruction” requirements above and should take at minimum of 2 hours each.

GRADING – Include a detailed explanation of the grading of this practicum course. Also, please note that the SEBTS grading scale is as follows (include this in the syllabus):

PMN67211 follows the SEBTS Faculty Handbook: A =95-100





F= 0-69


(1) The student is expected to spend no less than 2 hours of out-of-class work per credit hour in this class.

(2) This syllabus is meant to accurately reflect all expectations and assignments for this course. However, the professorreserves the right to adjust the syllabus at his discretion.

(3) Cheating or plagiarism of any kind will result in an immediate failing grade on the assignment with no chance for resubmission. The professor does have the option either to allow the student to remain in and complete the course or to dismiss the student from the course completely. Regardless of the professor’s ruling, all cases of cheating or plagiarism will be reported to the Dean of Students Office and the appropriate Academic Dean(s) where further disciplinary action will be considered. At the very least, a permanent record of the infraction will be kept in the student's file. For further information regarding this policy, please refer to the ‘Plagiarism & Cheating’ section of the Student Handbook.

Topics & Course Schedule

The EQUIPInstructormustformulate a schedule that clearly identifies meeting dates, topics covered, and due dates for any assignments. A template is included below for your convenience.

SCHEDULE (Template)

Wk / Date / Lecture Topic / Reading Assignment / Assignment Due
1 / Jan 19
2 / Jan 26
3 / Feb 2
4 / Feb 9
5 / Feb 16
6 / Feb 23
7 / Mar 9
8 / Mar 16
9 / Mar 23
10 / Apr 6
11 / Apr 13
12 / Apr 20
13 / Apr 27
14 / May 4
15 / May 11

This syllabus must be updated each year for Administration and Education in the Local Church. The EQUIP Leader must approve the students that participate in their class, write a supplemental syllabus that includes all requirements listed below and send the Director of EQUIP a list of participants no later than three weeks prior to the beginning of the semester (December 29, 2014 for Spring semester).If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the EQUIP Office: (919) 761-2460 OR