Cathedral Church of the Nativity
Vestry Minutes
October 21, 2013
Attending: Barbara Iannelli, Kim Plyler, Ray Vernon, Philip Rizzo, Pam Bayliss,
Tom Brandt, Joy Thiel, Ray Vernon, Lee Snyder, Kris Warner,
Carl Chegwidden,
Clergy: Dean Tony Pompa
Guests: Don Appleton
Spiritual Practice: Pray Triad Bbout Play -- Do we play enough?
Kim Plyler called the meeting to order.
Approval of Minutes: Kim Plyler
Kim Plyler made a motion to approve the September 16, 2013 minutes with the needed spelling corrections. Tom Brandt seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report / Finance Committee: Don Appleton
We are a little behind in the pledge income. The income from the wine tasting has not been added to its proper account at this time. We made $1,020. The utilities are over budget. Natural gas prices have gone higher than expected. The quarterly statements have gone out. We will discuss the estate requests budget line (3545) at the next meeting. We have done a good job of managing our expenses.
Barbara Iannelli made a motion that the September Financial report be approved subject to audit. Lee Snyder seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Standing Ministry Reports
1. Fund Raising: Kim Plyler
Mark your calendar for these upcoming events. ® Wine Tasting with Don Appleton raised $1,020. ® December 22 is a Concert by Nyke Van Wyk. The proceeds will be used to benefit youth projects. We will make signs to put into store windows.
2. Property Committee: Richard Sause
The capstones in Sayre Hall need work. There has been some water damage, especially around the windows in the Goodman Room. We have the budget estimates for this project from C&D Waterproofing. The total cost is $26,400, with a possibility that it may reach $35,000. Money was found for the work on the capstones. The work has begun and should be complete soon.
The bell has been restored and is in the bell tower.
3. Communication Committee: Tom Brandt
The committee is still working on the digital signage and cameras and video equipment for the Cathedral. The committee asked for help in determining their future. They have completed almost all of the tasks that they were given. The vestry will discuss possibilities at our next meeting.
4. Shawnee Property: Ray Vernon
There has been a proposal for the use of the building. MKSD architects want to build apartments on the lot. Any discussion was table until the next meeting when more members will be present. The details will be discussed then.
5. Personnel: Carl Chegwidden
The search committee for our new organist and choir director has drafted a position paper. The paper came about after the committee studied the survey responses and met with 4 focus groups, including the choir. There was also input form Jim Norwine about salary issues. An advertisement has been placed on the Internet and other places. We have had some applications.
Old Business
1. Habitat for Humanity: Ray Vernon
We still need to fund our share of our Habitat home. We will have a dinner December 1 after Evensong. The proceeds will go to funding the house. Ray Arcario is in charge. The house is under roof.
New Business
The Dean has challenged us to get to know our neighbors and their needs. He believes a focus group should be formed to explore ideas about how we can accomplish this task.
The Vestry also needs to update our committee lists and to let people know about them. We need to begin more long range planning; the upper parking lot is need of repair.
Lee Snyder made a motion to adjourn at 9:00 pm. Tom Brandt seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
October 26: Hurd Lecture 5PM
November 2-3: Birthday Celebration and in gathering
November 7: Clergy Day – Bishop Transition
November 16-17: Rite 13 Celebration Dinner/Ritual
November 17: My Fair Dolly
Next Vestry Meeting: Monday, November 18, 6:30 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Iannelli
Barbara Iannelli
Vestry Clerk
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