Republic of Latvia


Regulation No. 321

Adopted 8 May 2012

Regulations Regarding Deposits of Mineral Resources of National Significance

Issued pursuant to

Section 1, Paragraph 18

of the Law On Subterranean Depths

1. This Regulation prescribes the following deposits of mineral resources of national significance:

No. / Type of the mineral resource, name of the deposit / Location / Area (ha) / Stocks according to the situation as on 1 January 2005 (thousands of m3) / Type of use of the mineral resource / Layout, description of borders
1.1. / rock gypsum
1.1.1. / “Salaspils” / Rural territory (or pagasts) of Salaspils in Salaspils county / 102.1 / 4470 / Manufacture of plaster products, cement and finish materials / Annex 1
1.1.2. / “Skaistkalne” / Rural territories (pagasti) of Bārbele,
Skaistkalne and
Kurmene in Vecumnieki county / 174.5 / 21977 / Manufacture of cement, gypsum plaster and finish materials / Annex 2
1.2. / limestone
1.2.1. / “Auce” / Rural territory (pagasts) of Vītiņi in
Auce county / 143.9 / 10670 / Manufacture of food, glass and paper and other fields where a high quality limestone is required / Annex 3
1.2.2. / “Kūmas” / Rural territories (pagasti) of Novadnieki
and Kursīši in Saldus county / 272.2 / 35240 / Manufacture of cement, lime and glass, metallurgy / Annex 4
1.3. / clay
1.3.1. / “Apriķi” / Rural territory (pagasts) of Laža
in Aizpute county / 98.7 / 5090 / Manufacture of expanded clay aggregate and structural ceramics / Annex 5
1.3.2. / “Brocēni II” / Brocēni county / 242.0 / 33382 / Manufacture of cement / Annex 6
1.3.3. / “Kaiģi” / Rural territories (pagasti) of Līvbērze and Valgunde
in Jelgava county / 229.2 / 4266 / Manufacture of bricks / Annex 7
1.3.4. / “Kuprava” / Rural territories (pagasti) of Kuprava
and Susāji in Viļaka county, rural territory (pagasts) of Bērzkalne in Balvi county / 159.7 / 16674 / Manufacture of expanded clay aggregate and structural ceramics / Annex 8
1.3.5. / “Liepa” / Rural territory (pagasts) of Liepa
in Priekuļi county / 79.5 / 17646 / Manufacture of various types ofstructural ceramics / Annex 9
1.3.6. / “Nīcgale” / Rural territory (pagasts) of Nīcgale
in Daugavpils county / 37.4 / 1978 / Manufacture of expanded clay aggregate and structural ceramics / Annex 10
1.3.7. / “Usma” / Rural territory (pagasts) of Usma
in Ventspils county / 133.4 / 5520 / Manufacture of structural ceramics / Annex 11
1.3.8. / “Venta” / Rural territory (pagasts) of Pampāļi
in Pampāļi county / 123.6 / 10604 / Manufacture of cement and structural ceramics / Annex 12
1.4. / dolomite
1.4.1. / “Aiviekste – left bank” / Rural territories (pagasti) of Varieši and Krustpils
in Krustpils county / 201.0 / 10909 / Manufacture of stone chippings and dolomite powder / Annex 13
1.4.2. / “Biržī-Pūteļi” / Rural territory (pagasts) of Sala
in Sala county / 723.9 / 38637 / Manufacture of stone chippings, dolomite powder and building lime / Annex 14
1.4.3. / “'Dārzciems” / Rural territory (pagasts) of Gaujiena
in Ape county / 166.8 / 14807 / Manufacture of finish materials and stone chippings / Annex 15
1.4.4. / “Iecava” / Rural territory (pagasts) of Sidrabene
in Ozolnieki county / 131.4 / 5074 / Manufacture of finish materials and stone chippings / Annex 16
1.4.5. / “Kranciems” / Ikšķile county / 123.7 / 7599 / Manufacture of building lime, dolomite powder and finish materials / Annex 17
1.4.6. / “Pērtnieki” / Rural territory (pagasts) of Sakstagals in Rēzekne county,
rural territory (pagasts) of Viļāni in Viļāni county / 124.5 / 19933 / Manufacture of stone chippings, dolomite powder and lime / Annex 18
1.4.7. / “Tūrkalne” / Ropaži county / 147.8 / 10276 / Manufacture of stone chippings and dolomite powder / Annex 19
1.5. / quartz sand
1.5.1. / “Bāle-Bērziņi” / Rural territory (pagasts) of Kauguri
in Beverīna county / 16.8 / 1063 / Manufacture of window glass and technical glass / Annex 20
1.5.2. / “Cīruļi” / Rural territories (pagasti) of Liepa and Mārsnēni
in Priekuļi county / 53.7 / 9111 / Manufacture of glass and making of metal casting moulds / Annex 21
1.5.3. / “Skudras” / Rural territory (pagasts) of Nīkrāce
in Skrunda county / 30.1 / 2572 / Manufacture of glass and making of metal casting moulds / Annex 22
1.6. / sand-gravel and sand
1.6.1. / “Cēre” / Kandava county / 93.3 / 12792 / Construction, road construction and repair / Annex 23
1.6.2. / “Griščāti” / Rural territory of Malta
in Rēzekne county / 48.4 / 3585 / Manufacture of sand-lime bricks and road construction / Annex 24
1.6.3. / “Kurzeme” / Rural territories (pagasti) of Lauciene and Lībagi in Talsi county / 177.6 / 55340 / Construction, road construction and repair / Annex 25
1.6.4. / “Pāvuli” / Rural territory (pagasts) of Rauna
in Rauna county / 52.5 / 4146 / Road construction and repair / Annex 26
1.6.5. / “Veseta” / Rural territory (pagasts) of Vietalva
in Pļaviņas county / 143.0 / 7582 / Railway construction and repair / Annex 27

2. If the local government councils referred to in the Table in Paragraph one of this Regulation take a decision to develop amendments in the spatial planning, the borders of the mineral deposits of national significance referred to in Sub-paragraphs 1.2.1, 1.3.1, 1.3.4, 1.3.6, 1.3.7, 1.3.8, 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 of this Regulation shall be clarified in the referred to amendments.

Prime Minister V. Dombrovskis

Minister for Environmental Protection

and Regional Development E. Sprūdžs

Translation © 2013 Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre)1