18th January 2013

Dear Parent/Carer

Year 11 Intervention Consultation Evening – 24th January 2013

For the first time at Holmes Chapel, we are offering a second year 11 consultation evening which is specifically designed to address the needs of students who are not yet achieving their targets in particular subjects.

The purpose of this second evening will be to discuss exactly what needs to be done to achieve the success we all want for your child in the coming examination season. It will be an opportunity to focus on how we can all work towards maximising the achievement of those who are not yet achieving their potential grades. Because of the very specific focus of the evening, parents will only be invited to make appointments in subjects where the student is not yet on target.

On your child’s January 2013 Year 11 interim report, you will notice an additional column with the heading ‘Parents evening appointment’. The subjects with a ‘yes’ in this column are the subjects where you will be offered an appointment with the subject teacher. You will not get an appointment for subjects with “no”

If you have concerns about any aspects of your child’s progress or learning in subjects where they are already on target, please contact Helen Robertson (Key Stage 4 Learning Intervention Manager) in the first instance.

Making your appointments

As there is less than a week between receiving the interim report information and the parents evening it is vital that you follow the procedure below to ensure we have time to book all the required appointments.

This must be completed by Monday 21st January.

1.  Please email or telephone 01477 689500 with the following information.

a.  Are you attending the Yr11 Parents Evening on Thursday 24th January?

b.  Which is your preferred timeslot: 5-6pm; 6-7pm; 6.30-7.30pm

2.  Once you have contacted us we will make appointments on your behalf for the subjects marked “yes”. These appointments will be emailed to you using the registered email we have from the last parents evening.

3.  If you do not have a registered email we will send appointments home with your child.

Many thanks and looking forward to a successful evening.

Yours sincerely

Helen Robertson

Key Stage 4 Learning Intervention Manager