(English only/ Solamente en inglés/ Seulement en anglais)

List of animal species used in traditional medicine
(submitted by IFAW)

Family Name /

Scientific Name

/ Common and Pharmacopeia Name (s) / CITES Appendix /

IUCN Listing


Part (s) Used

/ Medicinal Use (s) / Alternatives and notes
Accipitridae spp.17 / Hawks / I/II
Accipitridae13 / Aquila chrysaetos kamtschatica / Vulture / Aquilae / II / Bone
Accipitridae13 / Circus cyaneus / Sparrow Hawk / Circi Cyanei / II/III / Head, flesh, bone
Accipitridae23 / Terathopius ecaudatus / Bateleur / II / Unspecified; whole carcass / Protective charm and causes storms; great power to the practioners
Acipenseridae13 / Acipenser sinensis / Chinese Sturgeon or Paddlefish / Acipenser Sinensis / II / Red List 2000 - EN / Fish, bladder / Spleen, liver / Psephurus gladius
Acipenseridae13 / Huso dauricus / Siberian Huso Sturgeon / Huso Dauricus / II / Red List 2000 - EN / Fish, liver / Spleen, liver
Alcedinidae13 / Alcedo atthis bengalensis / Kingfisher / Alcedo Atthis Bengalensis / Whole body
Anatidae13 / Aix galericulata / Mandarin Duck / Aicis Galericulata / Red List 1996 - LR/nt / Flesh
Anatidae13 / Anas platyrhynchos / Mallard / Anas Platyrhynchos / Flesh, feather / Spleen, stomach, lung, kidney
Anatidae13 / Cairina moschata / Muscovy Duck / Carnis Cairina Moschata / III / Flesh
Anatidae13 / Cygnus cygnus / Swan / Cygnus / Fat, down / Anser cygnoides, A. fabalis serrirostris
Ardeidae13 / Egretta garzetta / Egret / Egretta Garzetta / III / Flesh
Bovidae1 / In some parts of China Bubalus bubalis L. (water buffalo) is used / Buffalo, Water Buffalo / Calculus Bovis / Red List 2000 - EN / Gall stone / Heart, Liver
Bovidae1 / Saiga tatarica / Saiga Antelope / Cornu Antelopis / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Horn / Heart, Liver / Goat horn, Cornu Naemorhedis
Bovidae13 / Bos grunniens / Yak / Cornu Bovis Grunniens / Red List 2000 - VU / Horn / Bos taurus domesticus G.
Bovidae13 / Bubalus bubalis / Bull / Testis et Scrotum Bovis seu Bubali / Red List 2000 - EN / Testicle and scrotum
Bovidae13 / Capricornis sumatraensis / Serows / Os Capricornis sumatraensis / Red List 2000 - VU / Bone
Bovidae13 / Nemorhaedus goral / Goral Mutton / Adeps Goral / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Fat
Bovidae13 / Nemorhaedus goral / Goral Mutton / Carnis Naemorhedi / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Flesh
Bovidae13 / Nemorhaedus goral / Goral Mutton / Cornu Goral / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Horn
Bovidae13 / Nemorhaedus goral / Goral Mutton / Hepar Goral / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / liver
Bovidae13 / Nemorhaedus goral / Goral Mutton / Sanguis Naemorhedi / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Blood / Heart, liver
Bovidae13 / Procapra gutturosa / Mongolian Gazelle / Procapra Gutturosae / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Mutton, horn, fat
Bovidae14 / Bubalus bubalis / Buffalo / Cornu Bubali / Red List 2000 - EN / Horn / Heart and liver
Bovidae16 / Bos mutus / Wild Yak / I / Horn / Cures tumors and gives warmth to the body
Bovidae16 / Bos mutus / Wild Yak / I / Blood / Prevent diarrhoea
Bovidae16 / Saiga tatarica / Saiga Antelope / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Horn / Assist easy birth
Bovidae17 / Bos javanicus / Banteng / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Horn
Bovidae17 / Bos Sauveli / Kouprey / I / Red List 2000 - CR / Gall bladder
Bovidae17 / Bos sauveli / Kouprey / I / Red List 2000 - CR / Horn
Bovidae17 / Bos taurus / Aurochs / I / Bone, Gall bladder
Bovidae17 / Bos taurus / Aurochs / I / Horn
Bovidae17 / Bos taurus / Aurochs / I
Bovidae17 / Bubalus arnee / Buffalo / III / Gall bladder
Bovidae17 / Bubalus arnee / Buffalo / III / Horn
Bovidae17 / Budorcas taxicolor / Takin / II / Red List 2000 - VU / Horn
Bovidae17 / Nemorhaedus / I / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Horn
Bovidae17 / Nemorhaedus sumatranensis / Gorals / I / Blood
Bovidae17 / Nemorhaedus sumatranensis / Gorals / I / Gall bladder
Bovidae17 / Nemorhaedus sumatranensis / Gorals / I / Hoof/foot
Bovidae17 / Nemorhaedus sumatranensis / Gorals / I / Horn
Bovidae17 / Nemorhaedus sumatranensis / Gorals / I / Intestine
Bovidae17 / Nemorhaedus sumatranensis / Gorals / I / Oil
Bovidae17 / Nemorhaedus sumatranensis / Gorals / I / Skin, teelth
Bovidae17 / Nemorhaedus sumatranensis / Gorals / I / Skull
Bovidae17 / Saiga tatarica / Saiga Antelope / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Horn
Bovidae17 / Saiga tatarica / Saiga Antelope / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt
Bovidae20,22,23 / Cephalophus monticola / Blue Duiker / II / Red List 2000 - LR/lc
Bovidae20,22,23 / Sylvicapra grimmia / Common Duiker / Red List 1996 - LR/lc
Bovidae20,23 / Cephalophus monticola / Blue Duiker / II / Red List 2000 - LR/lc
Bovidae20,23 / Raphicerus melanotis / Cape Grysbok / Red List 2000 - LR/cd
Bovidae20,23 / Tragelaphus scriptus / Bushbuck / Red List 1996 - LR/lc
Bovidae20,23 / Tragelaphus strepsiceros / Kudu / Red List 2000 - LR/cd / Tail bones, pelvic girdle / Arthritis and rheumatism of the hip
Bovidae22 / Connochaetes gnou / Wildebeest / Red List 2000 - LR/cd / Fat
Bovidae23 / Aepyceros melampus / Impala / Red List 2000 - LR/cd
Bovidae23 / Cephalophus natalensis / Red Duiker / Red List 2000 - LR/lc
Bovidae23 / Neotragus moschatus / Suni / Red List 2000 - LR/cd
Bovidae23 / Oreotragus oreatragus / Klipspringer / Red List 2000 - LR/cd / To treat babies
Bovidae23 / Raphicerus melatonis / Cape Grysbok / Red List 2000 - LR/cd / Whole body / Decoration
Bovidae23 / Tragelaphus oryx / Common Eland / Red List 2000 - LR/cd / Fat; oil / Charm for cattle; deter evil spirits; chest/ear problems; hunting dog charm
Bovidae7 / Bubalus bubalis / Water Buffalo / Seal penis / Red List 2000 - EN / Penis / Water buffalo penis, labelled as seal penis
Bovidae8 / Bubalus bubalis / Water Buffalo / Red List 2000 - EN / Horn / Heart, Liver, Stomach / Rhinoceros horn was the herb of choice for such conditions; but considering its scarcity and expense, this is the best substitute
Bovidae8 / Naemorhedis and spp. / Antelope / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Horn / Liver, heart
Bovidae9 / Saiga tatarica / Saiga Antelope / Cornu Saigae Tataricae / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Horn / Liver, heart / Horn of Mongolian gazelle or long-tailed Mongolian gazelle
Bufonidae22,23 / Bufo amatolicus / Amatola Toad / Red List 2000 - VU
Camelidae13 / Camelus bactrianus / Camel / Cameli / Red List 2000 - EN / Hairs, flesh, fat, gallbladder stone
Camelidae13 / Camelus bactrianus / Camel / Lac Cameli / Red List 2000 - EN / Milk
Canidae13 / Canis lupus / Wolf / Canitis Lupi / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Flesh, fat, thyroid / Canis familiaris L
Canidae13 / Cuon alpinus / Jackal / Cuon Alpini / Red List 2000 - VU / Skin, flesh
Canidae13 / Nyctereutes procyonoides / Racoon Dog / Nyctereutes Procyonodes / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Flesh
Canidae13 / Vulpes vulpes / Fox / Vulpes / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Heart, head, meat, liver, intestine, gallbladder, feet / Other relative species in the same genus
Canidae20,23 / Vulpes chama / Cape Fox / Red List 1996 - LR/lc
Canidae22,23 / Lycaon pictus / African Hunting Dog, Wild Dog / Red List 2000 - EN / Fat
Canidae5 / Canis lupus / Wolf / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Bone / Personal problems and general medicinal
Canidae6 / Canis lupus / Gray Wolf / Seal penis / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Penis / Gray wolf labelled as seal penis
Cercopithaecidae12 / Colobus badius rufomitratis C.B. tephhrosceles / Colobus Monkey / II / Red list 2000 - EN / Skin / Spiritual / Africa
Cercopithecidae spp.17 / I/II / Blood, bone, brain, excrement, gall bladder, skull
Cercopithecidae1 / Macaca mulatta / Rhesus Macaque / Calculus Macacae Mulattae / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / n/a / Gallbladder, Heart, Liver, Lung
Cercopithecidae13 / Macaca mulatta / Rhesus Macaque / Macaca Mulatta / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Flesh, bone / Heart, liver
Cercopithecidae13 / Rhinopithecus roxellana / Sichuan Golden Monkey / Adeps seu Carnis Rhinopithecus / I / Red List 2000 - VU / Fat and flesh
Cercopithecidae14 / Macaca mulatta / Rhesus macaque / Calculus Macacae Mulattae / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Stone in gallbladder / Heart, lung, liver, gallbladder
Cercopithecidae17 / Macaca mulatta / Rhesus Macaque / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt
Cercopithecidae17 / Macaca spp. / Macaques / II / Red List 2000 - VU / Skull
Ceropithecidae20,22,23 / Papio ursinus / Chacma Baboon / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Bones and skin / Treatment of arthritis, protective charm, court case charm, stickfight charm and headache
Cervidae13 / Elaphuras davidianus / Père David's Deer / Elaphuri Davidiani / Red List 2000 - CR-D / Flesh, horn, pilose antler, bone, fat / Spleen / Other relative species
Cervidae17 / Cervus eldii / Thamin / I / Red List 2000 - VU / Antler
Cervidae17 / Cervus eldii / Thamin / I / Red List 2000 - VU
Chamaeleonidae10 / various species / Chameleon / II / Whole body / Opportunistic infections in AIDS / Phytotherapy and minerals / Kamba, Mbeere, Rabai and Duruma
Chamaeleonidae22,23 / Bradypodion dracamontanum / Drakensberg Dwarf Chameleon / II / Whole body / Preventative charm
Chamaeleonidae22,23 / Bradypodion nemorale / Zululand Dwarf Charmeleon / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Whole body / Preventative charm
Chamaeleonidae22,23 / Bradypodion setaroi / Setaro's Dwarf Chameleon / II / Red List 2000 - EN / Whole body / Preventative charm
Chamaeleonidae22,23 / Bradypodion thamnobates / Natal Midland Dwarf Chameleon / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Whole body / Preventative charm
Chelonidae spp.17 / I
Cheloniidae13 / Caretta caretta / Turtle / Caretta / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Blood, scale and shell / One species of turtle
Cheloniidae14 / Eretmochelys imbricata / Hawksbill Turtle / Carapax Eretmochelydis / I / Red List 2000 - CR / Carapace / Heart, liver
Cheloniidae17 / Chelonia mydas / Green Turtle / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Egg, flesh
Cheloniidae17 / Chelonia mydas / Green Turtle / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Oil
Cheloniidae17 / Chelonia mydas / Green Turtle / I / Red List 2000 - EN
Cheloniidae17 / Eretmochelys imbricata / Hawksbill Turtle / Shell turtle / I / Red List 2000 - CR / Shell
Cheloniidae17 / Eretmochelys imbricata / Hawksbill Turtle / Shell turtle / I / Red List 2000 - CR
Ciconiidae13 / Ciconia ciconia boyciana / Stork / Ciconia / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Flesh, bone
Cnidaria spp17 / II / Dead animals
Colubridae1 / Elaphe taeniurus, E. carinata, or Zaocys dhumnades / Exuviae Serpentis / Skin slough / Liver
Colubridae1 / Zaocys dhumnades / Black-Striped Snake / Zaocys Dhumnades / Liver, spleen
Colubridae13 / Enhydris chinensis / Chinese Water Snake / Dermis Enhydris / Skin
Colubridae13 / Enhydris chinensis / Chinese Water Snake / Enhydris Chinensis / Whole body
Colubridae13 / Ptyas korros / Indo-Chinese Rat Snake / Ptyas Korros / Whole body
Colubridae13 / Zaocys dhumnades / Garter Snake / Adeps Zaocys / Fat / Elaphe taeniura, E. carinata, Nartix annuleris, Dinodon rufozonatum and Bungarus multicinctus
Colubridae13 / Zaocys dhumnades / Garter Snake / Dermis Zaocys / Skin / Elaphe taeniura, E. carinata, Nartix annuleris, Dinodon rufozonatum and Bungarus multicinctus
Colubridae13 / Zaocys dhumnades / Garter Snake / Fel Zaocys / Gall bladder / Elaphe taeniura, E. carinata, Nartix annuleris, Dinodon rufozonatum and Bungarus multicinctus
Colubridae13 / Zaocys dhumnades / Garter Snake / Ovum Zaocys / Egg / Elaphe taeniura, E. carinata, Nartix annuleris, Dinodon rufozonatum and Bungarus multicinctus
Colubridae14 / Elaphe taeniura,
E. carinata or
Zaocys dhumnades / Periostracum Serpentis / Slough / Liver / Slough of Elaphe moellendorffi
Colubridae14 / Zaocys dhumnades / Garter Snake / Zaocys / Whole body with bowels off / Liver, heart / Elaphe taeniura, E. carinata, Nartix annuleris, Dinodon rufozonatum and Bungarus multicinctus
Columbidae13 / Columba livia / Pigeon / Columba Livia / III / Flesh, egg / Liver, kidney / Columba livia domestica, Columba rupestris
Cordylidae22,23 / Cordylus giganteus / Giant Girdled Lizard / II / Red List 2000 - VU / Protective charm and love charm
Cordylidae22,23 / Cordylus tropidosternum jonesii / Tropical Girdled Lizard / II
Cordylidae22,23 / Cordylus warreni / Warren's Girdled Lizard / II / Maintain love of mate
Corvidae13 / Corvus monedula dauuricus / Jackdaw / Corvus Monedula / Flesh, gallbladder
Corvidae13 / Pica pica sericea / Magpie / Pica / Flesh / Liver, kidney, yangming
Crocodylidae10 / Crocodilus niloticus C. osteolaemus / Crocodile / I/II / Gall bladder / Bewitching / Phytotherapy / Pokomo, Mbeere, Kamba
Crocodylidae13 / Alligator siamensis / Chinese Alligator / Alligator / I / Red List 2000 - CR / Scale, flesh
Crocodylidae17 / Crocodylus niloticus / Nile Crocodile / I/II / Fat, skin
Crocodylidae17 / Crocodylus niloticus / Nile Crocodile / I/II / Oil
Crocodylidae17 / Crocodylus niloticus / Nile Crocodile / I/II
Crocodylidae17 / Crocodylus siamensis / Siamese Crocodile / I / Red List 2000 - CR / Dried penis
Crocodylidae3 / Crocodylus niloticus / Crocodile or Timsah / I/II / Feces / Infusion of feces dropped into eyes to improve vision
Crocodylus spp.17 / I/II / "Lumpy" bone on top of head
Crocodylus spp.17 / I/II / Bile
Crocodylus spp.17 / I/II / Gall bladder
Crocodylus spp.17 / I/II / Teeth
Crocodylus spp.17 / I/II
Delphinidae13 / Delphinus delphis / Dolphin / Carnis seu Adeps Delphini Delphis / II / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Flesh, fat
Delphinidae22,23 / Delphinus dephis / Common Dolphin / II / Red List 2000 - LR/lc / Witchcraft; charm for cattle; charm for crops; chest/ear treatment
Dugongidae17 / Dugong dugon / Dugong / I/II / Red List 2000 - VU / Teeth
Elapidae13 / Naja naja / Cobra / Naja / II / Whole body / Liver, kidney
Elapidae17 / Naja naja / Indian Cobra / II / Body
Elapidae17 / Naja naja / Indian Cobra / II / Venom
Elapidae17 / Naja spp. / Indian Cobra / II / Red List 2000 - DD / Bile
Elapidae17 / Naja spp. / Indian Cobra / II / Red List 2000 - DD
Elapidae17 / Ophiophagus hannah / King Cobra / II / Bone
Elapidae17 / Ophiophagus hannah / King Cobra / II
Elephantidae spp.17 / I/II / Red List 2000 - EN / Skin
Elephantidae spp.17 / I/II / Red List 2000 - EN
Elephantidae10 / Loxodonta africana / Elephant / I/II / Red List 2000 - EN / Tusk / Spiritual / Hard wood / Maasai, Laibons
Elephantidae13 / Elephas maximus / Indian Elephant / Elephatis / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Tusk, hide, flesh, bone, gallbladder / Heart, kidney, urinary bladder, liver, spleen / Elephas africanus
Elephantidae17 / Elephas maximus / Indian Elephant / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Bone
Elephantidae17 / Elephas maximus / Indian Elephant / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Muscle, penis, teeth, tusk, urine
Elephantidae17 / Elephas maximus / Indian Elephant / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Skin
Elephantidae17 / Loxodonta africana / African Elephant / I/II / Red List 2000 - EN / Excrement, fat, skin
Elephantidae17 / Loxodonta africana / African Elephant / I/II / Red List 2000 - EN
Elephantidae20,21,22,23 / Laxodanta africana / Elephant / I/II / Red List 2000 - EN / Fat and skin / Building strength in weak and deficient patients
Elephantidae20,21,22,23 / Loxodonta africana / Elephant / I/II / Red List 2000 - EN / Skin, jawbone and gallstones / Strengthen asthetic patients, attract luck and treat barren women, love charm, charm for cattle
Elephantidae3 / Loxodonta africana / Elephant or Fil / I/II / Red List 2000 - EN / Ivory / Ivory powder is applied to treat whitlow.
Emydidae17 / Kachuga tecta / Indian Roofel Turtle / I / Shell
Emydidae2 / Malaclemys terrapin / Terrapin / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Flesh / Spiritual / S. Africa
Equidae10 / Equus burchelli / Burchell's Zebra / Red List 2000 - EX / Fat / Pneumonia, asthma and cold / Phytotherapy / Pokot and Turkana
Equidae10 / Equus grevyi / Grevy Zebra / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Fat / Pneumonia, asthma and cold / Phytotherapy / Pokot and Turkana
Equidae13 / Equus przewalskii / Wild Horse / Carnis Equi / I / Red List 2000 - EW / Flesh
Equidae23 / Equus burchelli / Burchell's Zebra / Red List 2000 - EX / Protective charm and mental disorders
Equidae23 / Equus zebra zebra / Cape Mountain Zebra / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Fat / Protective charm, mental disorders
Erinaceidae11 / Erinaceus europaeus / Hedgehog / Red List 1997 - LR/lc
Erinaceidae14 / Erinaceus europaeus,
Hemiechianus dauricus or
H. auritus / Hedgehog / Corium Erimacei Seu Hemiechianus / Red List 1997 - LR/lc (Erinaceus europaeus) / Skin / Stomach, large intestine, kidney
Erinaceidae14 / Erinaceus europaeus, Hemiechianus dauricus or H. auritus / Hedgehog / Fel Hemiechianus / Red List 1997 - LR/lc (Erinaceus europaeus) / Dried gallbladder / Liver
Erinaceidae19 / Erinaceus europaeus / Hedgehog or Kirpi / Red List 1997 - LR/lc / Meat / Used to treat tuberculosis and hemorrhoids.
Erinaceidae20,23 / Atelerix frontalis / Hedgehog / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Keep evil spirits away
Falconidae18 / Falco tinnunculus / Falcon / II / Eggs / Sorcery / Kikuyu
Felidae spp.17 / I/II / Bone
Felidae spp.17 / I/II / Oil
Felidae spp.17 / I/II
Felidae1 / Panthera tigris / Tiger / Os Tigris / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Bone / Liver, kidney / Leopard - Os Leopardis dog bone - Os Canis
Felidae10 / Ancinonyx jubatus / Cheetah / I / Red List 2000 - VU / Skin / Spiritual / Other carnivores / Most witch doctors in E. Africa
Felidae10 / Panthera leo / Lion / II / Red List 2000 - VU / Feces / Preventive / Other carnivores / Kamba, Mbeere
Felidae10 / Panthera leo / Lion / II / Red List 2000 - VU / Skin / Spiritual / Other carnivores / Most witch doctors in E. Africa
Felidae10 / Panthera pardus / Leopard / I / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Skin / Spiritual / Other carnivores / Most witch doctors in E. Africa
Felidae13 / Panthera pardus / Leopard / Pardi / I / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Flesh, bone / Liver, kidney / Panthera uncia, Neofelis nebulosa
Felidae13 / Panthera tigris / Tiger / Tigris / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Teeth, tripe, dried bones, kidney, gallbladder, fat, eye, sinew, nail, meat / Liver, kidney / Panthera pardus
Felidae17 / Panthera leo / Lion / II / Red List 2000 - VU / Bone
Felidae17 / Panthera leo / Lion / II / Red List 2000 - VU / Fat
Felidae17 / Panthera leo / Lion / II / Red List 2000 - VU
Felidae17 / Panthera pardus / Leopard / I / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Bone
Felidae17 / Panthera pardus / Leopard / I / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Fat
Felidae17 / Panthera pardus / Leopard / I / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Heart
Felidae17 / Panthera pardus / Leopard / I / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Skin
Felidae17 / Panthera pardus / Leopard / I / Red List 1996 - LR/lc
Felidae17 / Panthera tigris / Tiger / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Bone
Felidae17 / Panthera tigris / Tiger / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Bone paste
Felidae17 / Panthera tigris / Tiger / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Bone powder
Felidae17 / Panthera tigris / Tiger / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Gall bladder
Felidae17 / Panthera tigris / Tiger / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Penis
Felidae17 / Panthera tigris / Tiger / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Teeth
Felidae17 / Panthera tigris / Tiger / I / Red List 2000 - EN
Felidae20,21,23 / Panthera pardus / Leopard / I / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Stick fight charm; court case charm snd protective charm
Felidae21,22,23 / Panthera leo / Lion / II / Red List 2000 - VU / Fat / Terrorising people
Felidae23 / Acinonyx jubatus / Cheetah / I / Red List 2000 - VU / Fat / Hunting dog charm
Felidae23 / Leptailurus serval / Serval / II / Red List LR/lc / Skin
Felidae3 / Panthera leo / Lion or Assad / II / Red List 2000 - VU / Fat / Fat is smeared on the chest to relieve pain.
Felidae3 / Panthera pardus / Tiger or Nimr / I / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Fat / Fat is applied externally to treat paralysis.
Felidae9 / Panthera tigris / Tiger / Os Tigris / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Dried bones / Liver, kidney / Dried bones of Panthera pardus
Galagonidae23 / Galago moholi / Mohol Galago / II / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Charm for love and athletes, fits, stop babies crying
Giraffidae10 / Giraffa camelopardalis / Reticulated Giraffe / Red List 2000 - LR/cd / Tail / Headache / Phytotherapy / Mbeere
Giraffidae22 / Girraffa camelopardalis / Giraffe / Red List 2000 - LR/cd / Fat; unspecified / Mixed with herbs and cures different diseases; love and protective charm
Gruidae13 / Grus japonensis / Red-crowned Crane / Grus Japonensis / I / Red List 2000 - EN / Flesh, bone, brain
Hippopotamidae17 / Hippopotamus amphibius / Hippopotomus / II / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Fat
Hippopotamidae17 / Hippopotamus amphibius / Hippopotomus / II / Red List 1996 - LR/lc
Hippopotamidae22 / Hippopotamus amphibius / Hippopotamus / II / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Fat, unspecified / Confers strength and power; love charm and cattle charm
Hyaenidae18 / Crocuta crocuta / Hyena Spotted / Red List 2000 - LR/cd / Blood / Pneumonia / Phytotherapy / Venda of S. Africa and Zimbabwe
Hyaenidae18 / Hyaena hyaena / Hyena Striped / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Blood / Pneumonia / Phytotherapy / Venda of S. Africa and Zimbabwe
Hyaenidae20,23 / Proteles cristatus / Aardwolf / III / Red List 1996 - LR/lc
Hyaenidae22 / Crocuta crocuta / Spotted Hyaena / Red List 2000 - LR/cd / Fat, eyebrow; hair/skin; gland paste / Induce sleep; emetic; sorcery
Hydrophiidae13 / Laticauda semifasciata / Laticauda Semifasciata / Whole body / Erabu-unagi
Hystricidae spp.17 / Old-world Porcupines / III / Intestine, stomach, tail
Hystricidae spp.17 / Old-world Porcupines / III / Quill
Hystricidae10 / Hystrix cristata / Porcupine / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Quill / Spiritual / Rabai, Duruma
Hystricidae17 / Hystrix brachyura / B. Malayan Porcupine / II / Red List 2000 - VU / Quill
Hystricidae2 / Hystrix cristata / Porcupine / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Quill / Spiritual
Hystricidae20,22,23 / Hystrix africaeaustralis / South African Crested Porcupine / Red List 1996 - LR/lc / Quills; unspecified / Prick the knees and feet of lazy children;
Lutrinae spp.17 / I/II / Bladder
Lutrinae spp.17 / I/II / Liver
Lutrinae spp.17 / I/II / Sexual organs
Lutrinae spp.17 / I/II / Teelth
Manidae spp.17 / Pangolin / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Scales
Manidae1 / Manis pentadactyla / Pangolin / Squama Manitis Pentadactylae / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Scales / Liver, stomach
Manidae17 / Manis javanica / Malayan Pangolin / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt
Manidae17 / Manis javanica / Malayan Pangolin / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Scales
Manidae17 / Manis pentadactyla / Chinese Pangolin / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Scales
Manidae17 / Manis pentadactyla / Chinese Pangolin / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt
Manidae17 / Manis temminckii / Temminck's Ground Pangolin / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Scales
Manidae23 / Manis temminckii / Cape Pangolin / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Scales and blood / Cure for heart problems, good luck charm, rainmaking and to protect against bad omens and bullets
Manidae23 / Manis temminckii / Cape Pangolin / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Scales / Nosebleeds; rheumatism; love portion; provides strength to the healer
Manidae9 / Manis pentadactyla / Pangolin / Squama Manitis / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Scales / Liver, stomach
Manis spp.17 / II
Manis spp.17 / II / Scales
Monodontidae17 / Monodon monoceros / Narwhal / II / Red List 2000 - DD / Teeth
Moschidae1 / Moschus moschiferus or M. berezovskii / Musk Deer / Secretio Moschus / I/II / Red List 2000 - VU / Navel gland secretions / Heart, Spleen, Liver
Moschidae17 / Moschus berezovskii / Dwarf Musk Deer / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt / Pod/gland
Moschidae17 / Moschus berezovskii / Dwarf Musk Deer / II / Red List 2000 - LR/nt
Moschidae17 / Moschus moschiferus / Siberian Musk Deer / II / Red List 2000 - VU / Musk
Moschidae17 / Moschus moschiferus / Siberian Musk Deer / II / Red List 2000 - VU / Pod/gland
Moschidae17 / Moschus moschiferus / Siberian Musk Deer / II / Red List 2000 - VU / Pod/gland
Moschidae17 / Moschus moschiferus / Siberian Musk Deer / II / Red List 2000 - VU