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Michigan Department of Talent and Economic Development
Michigan Department of Education
2017-2018 61c(7) Career and Technical Education Innovation and Equipment Competitive Grant
Application for Funding
The Michigan Departments of Talent and Economic Development (TED) and Education (MDE) are offering a competitive grant opportunity for districts and intermediate school districts or consortia of districts and intermediate districts that will establish a partnership between high schools, early/middle colleges, business and industry, and public community colleges or universities to develop or enhance career and technical (CTE) opportunities for students. Section 388.1661(c) of the State School Aid Act, as amended, for fiscal 2017-2018, allocated $5,000,000 of new funding to support this grant.
Part I
Purpose of the Grant
The purpose of the CTE Innovation and Equipment Grant is to purchase or lease equipment from private industry partners and for related capacity building activities, develop and sustain partnerships between education and business and industry. The priorities of the grant are to:
- Identify and verify local high wage, high skill, high-demand, job opportunities using state and regional business, workforce, and labor market information.
- Increase career option awareness of Michigan middle and high school students, adult learners, parents, teachers, and counselors.
- In partnership with business and industry that increases work-based learning, apprenticeships, teacher/counselor externships or a combination of these.
- Align high school, adult education, community college, and postsecondary curriculum to focus on attainment of career goals.
- Require all state-funded skills training programs to justify and share state-purchased assets.
- Expand availability of CTE-type training for remote and other geographically disadvantaged students.
- Demonstrate a commitment of local or regional partners that will assist in sustaining this initiative beyond the initial grant funding.
Grant Range
Grant awards will range from $100,000 to $1,000,000. Administrative costs are limited to 5% of the grant award.
Total funds available: $5,000,000.
Eligible Applicants
Grants will be made available to districts, intermediate school districts, or consortia of districts and intermediate districts, in partnership with high schools, early/middle colleges, public community colleges or universities, and business and industry.
Assurance of Accuracy
For each application, an assurance must be submitted stating that all information provided with is true and accurate. If, during the implementation of any funded project, MDE establishes that inaccurate or false information was provided in the application, the grant may be rescinded.
Submission and Timeframe Instructions
A complete application package includes:
- Applicant Information Form, with Assurances and Certifications
- Certification of Fiscal Agency and Participating Agency Form
- Budget Summary
- Budget Detail
- Project Narrative and Abstract
The tentative timeframe for the operation of this grant program is:
November 21, 2017Questions Regarding Grant Application Emailed to OCTE by 11:59 p.m.
November 27, 2017Question/Answer Conference Call with OCTE 10:00 a.m.-11 a.m. EST
December 11, 2017Application Package Due to MDE
December 12, 2017Begins Competitive Review of Applications
September 30, 2018End of Fiscal Year
November 30, 2018Final Performance Report Due
November 30, 2018Final Expenditure Report Due
Complete the required information. Obtain the required signatures on pages 9, 12, and 14. Make a PDF of the entire application package and submit electronically to Jackie Martinez (MDE) no later than 5:00 p.m. Monday, December 11, 2017. Late applications will not be considered for funding.
Funding Carryover
A portion of the grant award may be approved for carryover to the next fiscal year upon written request to the MDE by August 29, 2018.
Rejection of Proposals
The TED and MDE reserve the right to reject any and all proposals received as a result of this announcement.
Required Components
The plan must include, but not be limited to:
- Evidence of employer demand for targeted CTE programs and related professional trades occupations, including actual or projected job openings in the form of employer commitment letters, supporting national, state, and/or local labor market information, etc.
- Outline of the activities and overall goal of the proposed initiative, including a description of how the proposed initiative will increase career opportunities for students and adult learners in high wage, high skill, high demand occupations.
- Description of how local/regional partners were consulted during the planning phase.
- Evidence of all funding sources for launching as well as sustaining the program including employer match and/or in-kind match, foundation allowance, local vocational millage, private and community foundations, etc.
- Explain how this proposed initiative will offer increased opportunities for work-based learning, apprenticeship opportunities, and/or teacher and counselor externships.
- Describe how the proposed initiative aligns with other CTE or community college programs, and efforts made to share curriculum and/or articulate credit.
- Explain how equipment purchased or leased with this funding will be shared by industry, secondary education, adult education, community college, and workforce partners. Demonstrate how the equipment is tied to in-demand and high-wage jobs and insure that equipment is not duplicative.
- Describe the educational programs that will be offered, by whom, and explain how it expands on CTE opportunities. Include certifications/credentials students can earn.
9.Describe how the proposed initiative will leverage/integrate Michigan’s Going Pro campaign and the Career Pathways Alliance Initiatives and whether there is potential alignment with state-level initiatives. For more information please visit:
10.Demonstrate that there is sufficient employer commitment and partner support to sustain the project beyond the initial grant funding.
11.Provide a timeline of activities to be conducted and the responsible party.
12.Description of the evaluation plan for the activity.
13.Description of the metrics to measure the effectiveness of the project. Includes growth data on program improvement, retention, and development of student and adult learner skills.
14.Budget and budget narrative.
Length of Narrative and Abstract
Proposal narrative will be no longer than 10 pages, including charts and graphs. Appendices in the form of additional attachments may not exceed five pages. Proposals are required to address all identified criteria.
The abstract and narrative will be no less than 12-point font size and no less than one-inch margins. Proposals using less than the required spacing, font, and margin size or that exceed the page requirements will be disqualified.
Selection of Award Recipients
This grant will be awarded through a competitive review process. A review panel composed of individuals representing TED and MDE and will review grant applications. A member of the Governor’s Talent Investment Boardmay also be on the review team. The review of each application will be based on the attached scoring rubric. The proposals most likely to be funded will have completely addressed all the elements described in the Exceptionally Comprehensive and Rigorous column of the rubric and preference will be given to projects that will increase the regional talent pool. The grant awards will be based upon merit and quality as determined by points awarded. It is strongly recommended that the narrative be written in the sequence of the rubrics to facilitate evaluation by the grant readers.
Length of Award
Funding will be effective immediately following the State Superintendent approval of grant awards anticipated January 2018, with an ending date of September 30, 2018, or longer if requested in writing by the grantee on or before August 29, 2018.
Payment Schedule
Payments to the grantee will be made available when the grant award letters are signed by the State Superintendent and will be distributed through the State Aid Management System.
Final Performance Report
A final performance report will be required by November 30, 2018. The final report will consist of: 1) a description of the activities conducted, specifically addressing the outcome of items 11, 12, and 13 of the Required Components, and 2) the Final Expenditure Report.
Final Expenditure Report
A final expenditure report and a final budget detail will be required by November 30, 2018, showing all bills paid in full.
Presentation of Results
Grantees agree to participate as requested by the State Michigan, in at least one conference or workshop presentation on the results of the grant activities.
State of Michigan Monitoring Visits
All grant awards are subject to onsite grant review. Project staff must maintain and make available, in the event of a monitoring visit, evidence to support the complete implementation of the proposed project.
Ownership of Materials Produced
Ownership of products resulting from the CTE Innovation and Equipment Competitive Grant, which are subject to copyright and have economic value, shall remain with the state of Michigan unless such ownership is explicitly waived. This stipulation covers recipients, as well as subcontractors receiving funds through this grant program.
Where to Obtain Help
Questions regarding the application and submission procedures should be directed to Lisa Seigel, Office of Career and Technical Education, Michigan Department of Education, or 517-241-2072.
Part II
Review Criteria Rubric
Following is a rubric to help proposal writers discern whether they have sufficiently addressed all the required elements and to help reviewers score the proposals. It is strongly suggested the narrative be written in the sequence of the rubric.
Projects that increase the regional talent pool will be given preference.
Evidence of employer demand for targeted CTE programs and related professional trades occupations, including actual or projected job openings in the form of employer commitment letters, supporting national, state, and/or local labor market information. 10 points
- Lacks adequate data and has marginal support from employers and will have low impact.
- 0-3 points
- Good description of the available data sources and commitment/need of employers.
- 4-7 points
- Thorough and extensive supportive data from valid and reliable sources, and demonstrates strong employer initiative, involvement, and commitment.
- 8-10 points
Outline of the activities and overall goal of the proposed initiative, including a description of how the proposed initiative will increase career opportunities for students and adult learners in high wage, high skill, high demand occupations. 10 points
- Marginally comprehensive plan, lacks detail, low impact to students.
- 0-3 points
- Comprehensive, complete, and rigorous plan that will increase options for students and increase available talent for employers.
- 4-7 points
- Exceptionally well documented plan aligned to the local population and business/industry needs, and will impact talent in the region.
- 8-10 points
Description of how local/regional partners were consulted during the planning phase. 10 points
- Incomplete or minimal information provided.
- 0-3 points
- Well documented list of partners and their involvement to achieve the outcomes of the proposal.
- 4-7 points
- Strong relationship with partners who are invested in achieving the outcomes of the proposal, including long term commitments.
- 8-10 points
Evidence of all funding sources used for launching, as well as sustaining the program, including employer match and/or in-kind match, foundation allowance, local vocational millage, private and community foundations. 10 points
- A vague description of the sources that will support the project – lacking specifics.
- 0-3 points
- A detailed description of all forms of financial support for the project that demonstrate sustainability.
- 4-7 points
- A solid and comprehensive financial plan that includes multiple partners and their specific investment as well as a longterm relationship and significant leadership involvement.
- 8-10 points
Explain how this proposed initiative will offer increased opportunities for work-based learning, apprenticeship opportunities, and/or teacher and counselor externships. 5 points
- Minimal opportunities available for students, teachers, and counselors.
- 0-1 point
- Detailed description of various activities that will be made available.
- 2-3 points
- Multiple opportunities planned, including all partners that will be involved and the types of experiences that will be available.
- 4-5 points
Describe how the proposed initiative aligns with other CTE or community college programs, and how the partners have or will share curriculum and/or awarded articulated credit. 5 points
- Plan Identifies education partners but lacks specifics.
- 0-1 point
- Detailed plan for communication and alignment with educational partners.
- 2-3 points
- Well-developed and detailed timeline for aligning between educational entities, including MOU or other articulation plans and/or agreements.
- 4-5 points
Explain how equipment purchased or leased with this funding (or use of existing equipment) will be shared by industry, secondary education, adult education, community college, and workforce partners and demonstrate how the equipment is tied to in-demand and high wage jobs. 5 points
- References the plan to share and align with needed jobs, but lacks detail.
- 0-1 point
- Plan provides a detailed description of how all entities will share equipment and addresses data on job demand.
- 2-3 points
- Extensive description of shared resources among all partners that demonstrates a nonduplicative, regional plan for providing up-to-date equipment to all educational programs that address high demand jobs in the region.
- 4-5 points
Describe the educational programs that will be offered, by whom, and explain how it expands on Career and Technical Education opportunities. Include certifications/credentials students can earn. 5 points
- List of programs that will be made available to students.
- 0-1 point
- Comprehensive list of programs that will become available through the project and the credentials available to students.
- 2-3 points
- Detailed plan with a timeline for offering state-approved secondary and/or postsecondary programs that lead to additional opportunities for students in the region and awards employervalued credentials where available.
- 4-5 points
Describe how the proposed initiative will leverage/integrate Michigan’s Going Pro campaign and the Career Pathways Alliance Initiatives and whether there is potential alignment with state-level initiatives. For more information please visit: 5 points
- Lacks detail of a communication and outreach plan that addresses other state initiatives.
- 0-1 point
- Provides a communication and outreach plan to inform stakeholders and invite participation of other state initiatives in the region.
- 2-3 points
- All stakeholders and state initiatives are included in a comprehensive, regional plan to inform faculty, advisors, administrators, parents, and students.
- 4-5 points
Demonstrate that there is sufficient employer commitment and partner support to sustain the project beyond the initial grant funding. 10 points
- Lack of meaningful commitment by employers.
- 0-3 points
- Evidence of employer agreement and commitment to the project, including future support.
- 4-7 points
- Solid commitment and agreement from employers, including a longterm strategy of continued investment for multiple years.
- 8-10 points
Provide a timeline of activities to be conducted and the responsible party for each activity. 10 points
- Incomplete plan for implementation that lacks specifics about projectresponsibilities and timelines for activities.
- 0-3 points
- Detailed project management design with timeline, steps for implementing, and personnel responsible for each stage of the project.
- 4-7 points
- Comprehensive, multi-year schedule of activities that includes all aspects of the project and stage of implementation. Includes all stakeholders and key personnel, their project responsibilities, and the amount of time assigned to the activities.
- 8-10 points
A description of the evaluation plan for each of the activities. 5 points
- Identification of evaluation design, but does not provide a description of measures of effectiveness of outcomes.
- 0-1 point
- Evaluation design includes acceptable means to evaluate effectiveness of the implementation of the activities to promote the completion of the activities.
- 2-3 points
- Comprehensive and detailed design for evaluation that includes specific timelines, ongoing feedback and adjustment process, and periodic reporting to stakeholders on the accomplishment and challenges.
- 4-5 points
Description of the metrics to measure the effectiveness of the project. Includes growth data on program improvement, retention, and development of student and adult learner skills. 5 points
- No detail given on metrics that will be used.
- 0-1 point
- Provides acceptable metrics to be used to measure effectiveness of the activities.
- 2-3 points
- Comprehensive method using reliable data to measure the outcomes of the activities and how they increased available talent in the region.
- 4-5 points
Budget and budget detail. 5 points
- The budget is limited in scope, does not meet the intent of the grant outcomes and does not provide a detailed plan of how grant funds will be expended.
- 0-1 point
- The budget is cost effective, complete, non-duplicative, and provides information on all costs associated with the grant activities.
- 2-3 points
- The budget is complete, cost effective, clearly supports the project, leveraging dollars and resources, eliminates duplication, and correlates budget items to project objectives and anticipated results.
- 4-5 points
Michigan Department of Talent and Economic Development
Michigan Department of Education
2017-2018 61c(7) Career and Technical Education Innovation and Equipment Competitive Grant
Applicant Information
Tab to each field to complete your answers. Text fields will automatically expand as you type.
Blank / Legal Name of District: / District Code:Applicant / Address of District:
blank / City and Zip Code: / Name of County:
Person / Name of Contact Person: / Title:
Address: / City: / Zip Code:
Email Address: / Telephone: / Fax:
Grant Funds Requested:$
Assurances and Certification: By submitting this electronic application, the superintendent or authorized official certifies that they agree to perform all actions and support all intentions stated in the Assurances and Certifications on pages8-10 and will comply with all state and federal regulations and requirements pertaining to this program. The applicant certifies further that the information submitted on this application is true and correct.