Junior Conservatoire – The Advanced Course

The Advanced Course is the ‘flagship’ of the Junior Conservatoire, the only course of its kind in Wales and the South West of England. Its format is firmly based on the practical and academic conservatoire training offered in the ‘senior’ conservatoire – this is the main part of RWCMD, providing music degrees at higher education (HE) level for those who have left school.

The Advanced Course is geared to those aged 8 to 18 years who show musical ability, commitment and outstanding potential. It is the perfect preparation for those who wish to study music at a conservatoire or university, as well as for those who want to fully develop their musical potential.


The Advanced course has two pathways: ‘Classical’ Instrument/Voice and Jazz. A summary of each pathway is shown here.

Instrument/voice / Jazz
Principal study (45 minutes) / Principal study (45 minutes)
Chamber Music (45-60 minutes) / Jazz Elements, Listening and Improvisation (JELI)
General Musicianship (60 minutes) / General Musicianship (60 minutes)
Orchestra/specialist Workshops (120 minutes) / Jazz Workshop (120 minutes)
Optional activities (30 minutes) / Optional activities (30 minutes)

The Advanced Course curriculum is geared to promoting the highest standards of musicianship and performance. Fundamental to the course is your individual instrumental/vocal lesson, but it is your group and class activities that provide the uniquely holistic approach to your musical development that only the Junior Conservatoire can offer.

Principal/additional study

A principal study lesson is usually 45 minutes long and the additional study lesson is usually 30 minutes long. These times can be extended (at an extra cost), if timetables allow. Longer lessons are advised for students working beyond Grade 8 level.

Your tutor will devise a scheme of work appropriate to your particular needs. This will normally include exercises, studies and pieces that reflect a breadth of musical styles and work towards the development of strong technical and musical skills.

Chamber Music and JELI

Chamber music is performed by small groups such as duos, trios, quartets, and quintets. Playing in a chamber group is a rewarding and effective way of developing your technical and musical skills. It is also very demanding, as you have to prepare, rehearse and perform your part to a high standard in a way that complements the entire group. The players in your group will be of a similar level to you and you will receive expert coaching each week. You are expected to practice your individual parts regularly at home.

Jazz students attend JELI (Jazz history, Education, Listening and Improvisation). In this class, you will develop aesthetic and stylistic awareness of Jazz and related idioms and its historical context by investigating key composers, instrumentalists and movements in Jazz through the analysis of musical extracts and jazz theory exercises.

General Musicianship

Aural training is a major feature of this activity which also promotes a sound grasp of music theory, history, analysis and composition – all essential skills for any performer. Students who need to work towards their Grade 1-5 theory exams will focus on this in a class separate to their General Musicianship class.

The General Musicianship Class aims to:

·  broaden and deepen students’ knowledge and understanding of history, style, analysis and composition

·  develop confidence and accuracy in the aural perception of the elements of music, as well as the ability to discuss these elements

·  support GCSE/A Level work as appropriate

·  develop students’ ability to understand and apply compositional technique through short project work

·  support students’ preparations for national practical examination aural tests when required

For students working on theory, General Musicianship aims to:

·  develop students’ confidence, understanding and practical facility in music theory and notation

·  provide a thorough understanding of ABRSM theory syllabi

·  coach students towards strong passes in ABRSM examinations.


The Orchestra performs at least twice a year, as part of the department’s Winter and Summer concerts. Principal study players of orchestral instruments will automatically become members of the Junior Conservatoire Orchestra and work to develop:

·  a high level of skill and discipline in ensemble/orchestral playing for your age

·  good awareness and experience of ensemble/orchestral repertoire and performance practice

·  sound experience of effective rehearsing and performing in an ensemble/orchestral setting

·  reliable reading and pitching skills

Workshops for Principal Study Pianists and Singers

Pianists and singers will participate in weekly workshops that aim to:

·  develop skill, discipline and experience in rehearsing and performing as part of a group to high levels for your age

·  develop knowledge and experience of standard solo and ‘ensemble’ repertoire and related performance practice

·  develop reliable sight-reading/singing skills

·  piano workshop: develop reliable keyboard harmonisation and transposition skills and greater confidence and freedom in improvisation

·  voice workshop: reinforce understanding of language and aspects of acting and movement

Jazz Ensemble

Principal study players of jazz instruments will automatically become members of the Junior Conservatoire Jazz Ensemble. The Ensemble’s repertoire will be drawn from Jazz standards and other Jazz idioms such as Be-Bop, Latin Jazz, Trad Jazz and Modern Jazz. It aims to develop:

·  a high level of skill and discipline in ensemble playing for your age

·  good awareness and experience of ensemble jazz repertoire and related performance practice

·  transposition skills

·  performance skills and familiarisation with a wide range of sub- genres within Jazz and Improvisation

Your Timetable

Each September, you will receive a draft timetable for the coming year. A final timetable will follow a few days before the start of term showing any adjustments if required. While changes can be extremely difficult to make once we have reached final timetable stage, you should always let us know if any aspect of your timetable causes you problems.

Your timetable is unique to you and the way your lessons and classes are put together is influenced by your tutor(s) timetables and the requirements of his/her other students. Because of the small number of hours and rooms we have available, we cannot promise to give you the ‘perfect’ timetable, especially in the mornings. However, we will make sure that you have a break for lunch and that students who have long journeys (eg, more than approx. 50 miles one way) are not given very early lessons and classes.



If you need to miss a Saturday for an important occasion, you should ask you parents/carers to write to the Head. This should be done at least two weeks before the absence.

Remember that not all absences are agreed. This is because your absence has a big effect on ensembles and classes. Also, one of the rules of receiving a bursary is that you should attend College each Saturday.

Don’t forget that if you miss a lesson, your instrument/voice tutor may not be able to make the lesson up.


Each year, Instrumental/vocal students have a performance assessment given by the Head and a specialist in your Principal Study area – usually a College Head of Study. Assessments for Jazz students are usually conducted in a group.

There is opportunity for a two-way dialogue in assessments – it is an excellent opportunity to ask for some objective feedback on your performing and for careers advice.

The requirements for your annual assessment are as follows

·  Principal study:

2 Contrasting Pieces or 1 Piece and 1 Study and either:

·  for instrumentalists up to and including Grade 8 standard: 4 scales and 4 arpeggios of tutor’s/pupil’s choice, or

·  for instrumentalists beyond Grade 8 standard: 4 scales and 4 arpeggios of tutor’s/pupil’s own choice OR a short study or technical exercise.

·  Singers will be asked to complete a short sight-singing exercise.

·  Additional Study:

1 Piece and either:

·  for instrumentalists up to and including Grade 8 standard: 4 scales and 4 arpeggios of tutor’s/pupil’s choice, or

·  for instrumentalists beyond Grade 8 standard: 4 scales and 4 arpeggios of tutor’s/pupil’s own choice OR a short study or technical exercise

·  Singers will be asked to complete a short sight-singing exercise.

Although students often take theory examinations as part of General Musicianship work, there are no formal examinations in the Junior Conservatoire. You are expected, however, to complete any homework set and work hard in all your activities.

The termly reports you receive from your tutors form part of your annual assessment.

If it is clear from your reports and/or assessment that you are not making sufficient progress, in the first instance you and your parents/carers will be required to discuss the reasons for this with the Head.

Students who are clearly not doing sufficient practice will be asked to keep a practice diary which is monitored by their tutor and the Head.


Several trust funds and charitable organisations have been generous in helping us support musically talented students whose families require assistance with fees. The amount families are awarded depends on their circumstances and how much funding is available.

Bursaries must be applied for annually: we cannot guarantee your bursary funding from year to year.

The Head is required to send detailed individual reports on each bursary holder to our funders each year. These reports are very carefully scrutinized and can often mean the difference between whether Junior Conservatoire receives continued funding in the future or not. You can play your part in helping us maintain and extend our bursary funding by attending College reliably, working hard and making the best possible progress.

Careers Advice

There are several sources of careers advice within the department

·  The Head – you and/or your parents/carers are welcome to make an appointment to see the Head at any time for individual careers advice. The Head may also put you in touch with other members of staff who may be able to help

·  Your Tutor

·  The Annual Assessment Panel – which usually comprises a College Head of Study or a subject specialist – who will also be happy to offer careers advice if you ask.

Through the senior conservatoire, it is possible to obtain advice and information from a huge range of experts in the various performing disciplines. If you would like to seek advice from a senior conservatoire expert, please contact the Head in the first instance.


Concerts are a very important part of your musical development. The Junior Conservatoire offers a wide range of very useful opportunities for Advanced Course students to perform solo and as part of ensembles and orchestra at College, including occasional joint concerts with senior students.

Your main concerts are:

Winter Concert.* The Winter Concert is held on the last Saturday of the Autumn term, usually from 5pm-6pm. The programme is usually of ensemble, orchestral and choral items and all students MUST take part.

Summer Concert.* This is held on the penultimate Saturday of the Summer term, usually from 5pm. The programme will include orchestral and choral items and usually a concerto. All students MUST take part.

Foyer Concerts.** The departmental gives regular performances in the College’s beautiful new foyer which are open to the public. Students of Grade 8 level and above are encouraged to participate in these.

Lunchtime Concert. All students are encouraged to perform either solo or as part of a chamber group regular lunchtime concerts.

* the Junior Conservatoire concert dress code for these events is a black blouse/shirt and black trousers/skirt (below the knee) and black shoes.

**the dress code for these events is smart – jeans or very casual clothes are not acceptable.


While some grades (such as 8) are clearly desirable, there is no requirement from us for you to take one grade exam after another. Instead, you are advised to follow your tutor’s recommendations in prioritising your technical development, working to make sure that this efficiently supports your developing musicianship. We advise you not to take a grade exam unless you and your tutor are confident of a pass at merit/distinction level. For Grade 8, all students should aim for a distinction.

Prizes and Competitions

Advanced students are eligible for a number of prizes which are awarded either on the basis of a competition or following annual assessment.

The competitive prizes are:

·  Concerto Competition (Winner performs as part of Summer concert)

·  Beattie Prize for Piano (£100)

·  Eleanor Myfanwy Jones (ABRSM Piano performance)

·  Betty Richards Prize for Voice or Piano (£25)

·  Chamber Music prize (£15 each)

Prizes awarded following annual assessment are:

·  Walker Prize for an Outstanding Student Proceeding to a Conservatoire (£100)

·  Caerphilly Borough String Prize (£50)

·  Individual Prizes for Voice (£50)

·  Individual Prizes for Brass (£50)

·  Individual Prizes for Woodwind (£50)

·  Beryl Weale Prize (£25)

·  Friends of Junior RWCMD Prize for Drive and Determination (£25)

·  Principal’s Prize for Outstanding Contribution to the Life of the Department (£50) Friends of RWCMD Junior Prize for an Outstanding Student (£10)