Biology Syllabus 2017-2018

Teacher: Ms. D. Nowell


Conference: 5th Period 11:50-12:35

Tutorials: 7:30 – 7:50 am

Course Description:

Biology is devoted to the study of living things and their processes. Throughout the year this course provides an opportunity for students to develop scientific process skills, laboratory techniques, and an understanding of the fundamental principles of living organisms. In Biology, students conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. Students in Biology study a variety of topics that include: structures and functions of cells and viruses; growth and development of organisms; cells, tissues, and organs; nucleic acids and genetics; biological evolution; taxonomy; metabolism and energy transfers in living organisms; living systems; homeostasis; and ecosystems and the environment. An end of course test (EOC) will be administered in May, which covers objectives for both semesters.


·  Teach the student to use critical thinking, scientific reasoning, and problem solving to make informed decisions within and outside the classroom.

·  Teach students practical scientific skills, which they can use to investigate,

study and explain the world around them.

·  Give students a deeper understanding of the how biology impacts their lives.

·  To encourage the spirit of scientific investigation and with it the attitudes of

accuracy in thought and work.


Each six weeks grade will consist of 50% of a minimum of 10 minor grades and 50% of at least 2 major grades. Major grades may include exams, binder test, labs or lab exams and major projects. Minor grades may include class work, homework, quizzes, labs, activities, and participation.

Major Projects --research projects may be assigned throughout the year. Each project will include a handout of details, expectations, and grading rubric.


·  Mandatory 3 ring Binder (preferably 2in)

·  Either a composition book or spiral for notes

·  4 Dividers

·  Pen or pencil

·  Box of Kleenex

·  Highlighters

Class Policies:

·  See student handbook for absence and tardy policy

·  Late Work –

o  Late work up to 5 days late. You will lose 10 points every day past due date that assignment is turned in.

·  Makeup Work-

o  If you are absent it is your responsibility to obtain any assignments you missed while you were gone.

o  Approved absences – you have one day for each excused absence to make up your work. This includes daily grades and test.

o  Missed exams may be taken before school or during extended day within the time allowed.

o  If you are absent during a lab you must make special arrangements to come in before or after school or during RATTLER period to make up the lab or get an alternative assignment.

·  Cheating/ Plagiarism

o  Cheating on a test or assignment will result in a grade of zero for all involved.

·  Lab Safety:

o  Each student is required to complete and have signed by parent/guardian the lab safety contract. Students will not be able to participate in lab until this form is returned to teacher.

Keys for Success in Biology:

·  Have a positive attitude!

·  I am here to help you succeed, so feel free to ask me for help. I am available before school in my room

·  Ask lots of relevant questions. If you are unclear about something from the textbook, lab, or from discussion, ask.

·  Make sure that you understand how the lecture, homework, and labs interrelate. Labs and homework are designed to reinforce significant ideas. Make sure that you see these connections.

·  Start studying for tests early. By studying and reviewing each night you are not only helping to prepare for the test more effectively, you are also more prepared for class each day and any quizzes that may be given.

Classroom Expectations:

·  Students are expected to be in their seat and ready when the bell rings.

·  Homework or previously assigned assignments are due upon bell ringing.

·  Materials (pencil, paper, and Binder) must be brought to class each day, in addition to any further materials instructed by the teacher. If you must borrow you must give collateral.

·  As graded papers are returned they must be filed in your binder.

o  Binder will be divided as follows:

§  vocabulary

§  Handouts/Notepackets

§  Homework

§  Labs

§  Tests

·  The classroom must be clean at the end of the period and all materials must be placed in their predestinated spots (calculators, classroom textbooks etc.)

·  The bell does not dismiss the class; the teacher will dismiss the class.

·  “Treat everyone with respect and as you would like to be treated if you were in their shoes.”

·  Follow the instructions given by teacher or lesson.

·  All school rules will be followed as stated in the student handbook.

·  All safety rules must be abided by at all times

Tutorials: Daily 7:30 – 7:50 am

I will offer tutorials every morning unless I am in a meeting. Your success is my goal.

CELL PHONE philosophy:

The classroom is a place to LEARN not play and socialize.

Do not use a cell phone or electronic device unless otherwise instructed.

There is a time and a place for everything. I will take the phone away if this idea is abused.

1st Semester / 2nd Semester
1st 6 weeks
Unit 1: Science Safety and Evidence Based Thinking (wk1) 1AB;3BCDF
Unit 2: Biochemistry (wks2-4) 9ACD
Biochemistry foldable project
Unit 3: Cells (wks4-6) 4A: 5B; 10C / 4th 6 weeks
Unit 7: Genetics and Heredity (wks 18-21) 6FG
Unit 8 : Evolution and Natural Selection (wks 22-23) 7ABCDEFG; 9D
2nd 6 weeks
Unit 4: Viruses (wks7-8) 4C
Virus Project
Unit 5 : Cell Cycle and Cellular Processes (wks 9-11) 4B; 5AD; 9B / 5th 6 weeks
Unit 9 : Classification (wks 24-26) 8ABC
Unit 10: Body Systems (wks 27- 28) 5B; 10AC; 11A
Unit 11: Plants and Ecology (wks 29-30) 5B;7E;10BC;11ABCD;12ABCDEF
3rd 6 weeks
Unit 6: Basics of DNA, Mutations, and Karyotypes (wks 12-17)
5C;6ABCDEH / 6th 6 weeks
Unit 11: Plants and Ecology (31- EOC review)
EOC Review
Biome project
Curriculum resources: Gateways to Biology; Miller & Levine Biology available online at with assigned password and name
Authors: Region 4; Pearson Texas
Updated: August 16, 2018

****This is only a proposed schedule, units and assignments are subject to change.