ABEL (Anti-bullying East Lothian)

Minutes of Annual General Meeting & Award Ceremony

Held at Preston Lodge High School on Friday 4th June 2010


The Annual General Meeting & Award Ceremony of ABEL (Anti-bullying East Lothian) was called to order at 1.45pm on 4th June, 2010 in Preston Lodge High School by Janette Buchanan (Chair person).

Welcome Address

Gavin Clark, Head teacher of Preston Lodge High School welcomed everyone and thanked everyone for coming to the meeting.

Ruth Currie, treasurer of ABEL also welcomed everyone who had come along to the meeting. Ruth referred to the Trustee’s report and was struck by the feedback from parents and teachers. She commended the work that ABEL does and that as an organization the difference it was making in East Lothian in changing people’s lives. Ruth also advised of the close working partnership ABEL has with East Lothian Council and other Organizations, all working towards nurturing young people in East Lothian. She also thanked the staff at ABEL.


See attached list


See attached list

Approval of Minutes of 2009 AGM

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved by:

Janette Buchanan (Chairperson)

Ruth Currie (Treasurer)

Presentation of Annual Review

Caroline Harris (Project Co-ordinator) introduced members of staff.

She referred to the review, which detailed the variety of work being done by ABEL as an organization. Caroline highlighted the following:

o  Volunteers who have worked with us over the past year and our Management Committee and the need for more people to volunteer to become one of our Management Committee.

o  Feedback – feedback from the young people’s questionnaire shows the improvements ABEL is making to young people’s lives.

o  Statistics – A lot of the work ABEL does is one to one work and there is no restriction on time given to each young person. This could mean either working with them for a few sessions or many as long as that young person is moving forward.

o  Workshops – as well as the one to one work ABEL was able to reach an additional 1578 young people through workshops.

o  Peer Mentoring program – This is the start of the 3rd year that ABEL has run this project and Caroline advised how pleased she was with this program. This program was set up to train 6th year pupils to become peer mentors to 1st and 2nd year pupils to offer additional help and support to them.

Presentation of Financial Accounts

Ruth Currie (Treasurer) presented the financial statement.

·  She advised that ABEL had secured core funding from East Lothian Council for the period of 2009 –2012. This is to be jointly shared by the departments of Community Services and Education & Children’s Services. However Ruth did point out that due to the present financial climate she would be keeping a ‘watchful brief’ due to these difficulties in authorities funding.

·  Ruth also advised that the balance at the end of the financial year was £11,261 which was adequate provision for ABEL’s exit strategy should further funding not be secured.

·  Ruth also advised that Trustees of ABEL receive no remuneration.

Any other Business


Award Ceremony

The award ceremony began with a dance display from S2 girls from Dunbar Grammar School.

Caroline Harris introduced and presented the recipients their awards along with Judith Ferrier and Audrey Cowan.

ABEL Trophy winners

The following pupils whom ABEL were working with were each presented with a trophy. ABEL wanted them to recognize that they have made great improvements in their circumstances and put into practice the tools that the ABEL workers have given them.

Jamie Hogg – Prestonpans Primary

(Jamie gave a vote of thanks to Audrey Cowan for the work she had done with him)

Kyle Bogie – Prestonpans Primary

Morgan Corbett – Wallyford Primary

Dunbar Girls group – Dunbar Primary

o  Ariea Burke

o  Erin Bisset

o  Elena Conroy

o  Jade Paterson

o  Genna Pirie

Quaich Award Winner 2010

Iain Richardson – Preston Lodge

Runners up:

Aidan Lindsay – Knox Academy

Samantha Fleming – Musselburgh Grammar

Helen Gourlay – North Berwick High School (Not able to attend)

Stuart Thomson – North Berwick High School (Not able to attend)

Natalie Tait – Dunbar Grammar

Billie Morton – Dunbar Grammar

Calum Harris and Ashley Donaldson were presented with a gift to thank them for the voluntary work they did over the past year for ABEL.

Caroline concluded the award ceremony by thanking the Management Committee. She also thanked the staff, office staff and Brian at Preston Lodge for all their help with the AGM.

Caroline thanked everyone who had attended this year's AGM and Award Ceremony and thanked them for their support.

Caroline also thanked Anne and Liz for the buffet lunch.

Caroline also thanked Judith and Audrey for the 110% they give to ABEL and the care and compassion they show for the families they work with. She commended the ABEL staff as a great and amazing team.

Caroline also thanked the award winners for giving of themselves and giving to the community.


Janette Buchanan adjourned meeting at 2.30pm.

Next Management Committee Meeting

Wednesday 8th September 2010 at 2pm to be held in the Brunton Hall.

Minutes submitted by: Liz Gibson

Approved by:

Seconded by:

ABEL AGM and Award Ceremony 2009 Attendance List

Liz Gibson

Anne McBirnie

Genna Pirie

Ariea Burke

Jade Paterson

Roman Burke

Mr Burke

Mrs Burke

Morag Main

Norman Conroy

Elena Conroy

Jacqui Burke

Natalie Tait

Natasha McClinick

Rachel Cockburn

Holly Silver

Caroline Bogie

Frank Boden

Brandon Bogie

Kyle Bogie

Varrie Clarke

Peter MacKenzie

Elizabeth Buchanan

Iain Richardson

J. Richardson

Shenagh Richardson

Becky Brotherstone

Caitlin mca

Caitlyn Reid

Katie Proudfoot

Jenny Gibson

Adelle Innes

Janette Buchanan

Susan Lindsay

Aidan Lindsay

Cara Mancey

Eilidh Macgregor

Ailsa McKenzie

Billie Morton

Charmian Currie

Samantha Fleming

Gina Fleming

Nikki Fleming

Paul Allan

Ashley Donaldson

Kirsty McLuskie

Lesley Gillies

Pippa Allan

ABEL AGM and Award Ceremony 2010 Apologies List

Alan Blackie

Bill Bradford

Myra Galloway

Sarah McDowell

Shiela Ainslie

Stewart McKinnon

Lorna McLeod

John Burns

Dorothy Barhtolomew

Maureen Jobson

Jill Wareham

Wendy Ingle

Shiela Foggan

Greg McBeth

Anne Burke

Megan Edwards

Saskia Homer

Paul McLennan

Mhairi Johnston

Freda Ross

Sarah Ingham