JAN – JUN 2013


Editor’s Comments:

“There is one way attaining, what we may term, if not utter, at least mortal happiness, it is by sincere and unrelaxing activity for the happiness of others.”

(Edward Bulwer Lytton, Statesman, Poet & Novelist, 1803-1873)

The above quote reminds me of an old story; we used to read in primary schools in India. In Punjab an old man was planting a mango seed, and his little grandson, why he was planting a mango seed. He replied, so that his grand children and gt grand children enjoy the fruits of this tree. We all in our patience, at one stage or the other undertake actions which at later stage could be enjoyed by all who succeeds us.

On the 26th July 2013, we complete six years of the Samaj’s existence and enter into its 7th year, we can now say proudly, of what we have done for the future generation of the Indian community and particularly of Hindus, of any nationality, in Ipswich & Suffolk and for in adjoining counties of Essex, Norfolk and Cambridgeshire. Ipswich Hindu Samaj is now a stable organisation, with its own Community Centre & Mandir, where we can meet socially, and have the divine blessings of deities. This is all our “sincere and unrelaxing activity for the happiness of others”

As the current, Vice-Chairman, Secretary & Manager, of the Ipswich Hindu Samaj, I congratulate to all those who helped the IHS Executive Committee & Trustees, past & present in achieving our goal of having our own Community Centre & Mandir in Ipswich.


Health & Sporting Activities

This news letter covers the period from January to June 2013. In January we received two grants of £10,300.00, from NHS for Winter Funding Projects and of £1,114.85 from Suffolk Foundation for purchase of sports equipment.

The Executive committee started the projects for the provision of elderly lunches, yoga classes, networking for women, and coaching for children. These projects were successfully completed by the beginning of May 2013.

In May we received another small grant of £200.00, from Cancer Equality, for a one day workshop on the awareness of cancer within the Indian community, with physical activity. This was part of the Cancer Awareness Week in June within the Black & Minority Ethnic Communities. The workshop was held on 13th June, and the monitoring report has been sent to the Funding body. Earlier end of the projects monitoring reports were submitted to the NHS for Winter Funding Projects and to the Suffolk Foundation for sports equipment.

As you may have noted from above, that during the period under review in this newsletter, more importance has been given on personal Health Awareness and on Healthy Living Style. Since end June another grant has been secured from Suffolk Community Fund (£3,540.00) to hold projects on Healthy Living Style, which will be started in October this year.

Finally, we have also secured a grant for £2,500.00, in partnership with ISCRE (Ipswich & Suffolk Council for Racial Equality) from NHS for facilitating Dementia Workshops, in September/October on Dementia Awareness amongst the Black, Asian & Ethnic Minorities, at the Samaj’s Community Centre & Mandir.

We had four visits from schools, including a visit from the Ben Gummer, MP for Ipswich, who also opened our Sports activities at the Community Centre.

Social & Religious Activities

Besides holding our sponsored Sat Sangh bhajans, we also celebrated in the Mandir the sponsored Hindu festivals of Makar Sankranti/Lohri Festival, (January), Saraswati Puja, /Basant Panchami and Hanuman Jayanti (February), Maha Shivraatri & Holi (March) and Vaisakhi & Rama Navami (April).

IHS participated in the Indian Summer Mela and in Orwell River Charity Walk (June) to raise funds for the Samaj, and donated prize for SuffolkNewCollege, at the End of the Year Students Award (June)

An exhibition of Swami Vivekananda Birth Centenary together with Ancient Indian Cultural & Religious exhibits was held in June at the IHS Community Centre & Mandir in June. Though well laid and displayed, the attendance was too low over a period of 5 days from 12 noon to 5pm, including weekend. Only 30 visitors visited the exhibition. The exhibition will be held again in October at the Suffolk County Council reception foyer, and hope that this time more visitors will enjoy the benefit of this excellent exhibition.

IHS Volunteers & AGM

During this period, the appointment of Mrs Chinmayi Nath, IHS Admin & Development Officer finished in March 2013. However, she agreed to continue in this position as a volunteer. We applied for a grant for her extension to Suffolk Foundation, but were awarded only £500.00. The EC decided to use this grant to support the activities of the Admin & Development Officer. During her appointment Chinmayi did networking for women and organised Art & Craft classes for women & children. I may add here Chinmayi is a professional Artist and had her paintings exhibited at the Ipswich Information Centre in St Nicholas Church. Well done Chinmayi!!!

From September, IHS will be starting SupplementarySchool to teach Hindi & Arts & Craft to children at the IHS Centre, during the school term. I may add here that we have received an initial grant of £1,000.00 from the Education Department, Suffolk County Council, for SupplementarySchool.

Last year in October we were lucky to have a volunteer Mrs Tapasi Mohanty as a volunteer to reorganise the Samaj’s website. She also did coaching for children in Table Tennis. She has been Odisha (Orrisa) Table Tennis State Champion, besides being a professional Bollywood dancer. Before she left for USA with her husband she tutored children in bollywood dance and held a dance item to celebrate Holi in the Mandir. Thanks Tapasi, and for agreeing to look after the Samaj’s website from USA.

We also had a few meetings with Graham Toyn, Workman LLP, and Landlord’s agent for the maintenance & repair of the premises, including possible extension of the lease from 9 years to 25 years.

Last, but not least, Samaj held its Annual General Meeting, in March, and the following were elected to its Executive Committee & Trustees:

Executive Committee: Umesh Patel (Chairman/President), Sushil Soni (Vice Chairman/Secretary & Manager), Chandresh Patel (Treasurer), Harshad Patel, Ravi Bikannavar, Chinmayi Nath, Punna Athwall and Shyam Modi (Committee Members)

Trustees: Sanjaya Martin Spettigue (Chairman), Pravin Desai, Ashok Nathwani, and Sachin Karale.


We had a very hectic six months, ending with Indian Summer Mela and Orwell River Charity Walk. The next six months will be as busier, as has been the last six months. Thanks to every one who contributed and helped in making the work of the Samaj a verysuccessful.

Sushil Soni