Healthy Eating Policy Grants for
Publicly Funded Institutions

Food and nutrition policies create supportive environments for health by helping people to eat well. A supportive environment makes healthy food the easiest or “default” option and decreases the pressure on people to continually resist less healthy foods. Nova Scotia is a national leader with comprehensive healthy eating policies and standards in schools and childcare settings. Food and nutrition policies are tailored to each setting and can include foods sold and served, pricing, portion size, minimum eating time, fundraising and special functions, infant feeding including breastfeeding, marketing and advertising, access to clean drinking water, procuring local food, role modeling, and environmental considerations.

There are many opportunities to strengthen existing policies, to expand to more places where children, youth, and families gather, and to support all Nova Scotians to eat well. As such, the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness (DHW), in support of the Thrive! strategy, is providing grants to support healthy eating policy work in select publicly funded institutions. The healthy eating policy grants are available for the following settings in Nova Scotia- sport and recreation; district health authorities/IWK Health Centre; post-secondary institutions (including universities and colleges); and provincial government departments or municipal governments.

Grant Priority: Projects to receive funding will support collaborative work in developing and/or implementing innovative approaches to healthy eating policy work in the settings identified above. Initiatives must be linked to an overall strategy (supported by a committee) for the development of a comprehensive healthy eating policy and may include: policy development, supplies/equipment purchases, taste testing, menu development, professional development, evaluation, human resources, resource development, cooking skills, advocacy, local food initiatives, workplace breastfeeding support, etc.

Criteria (must-include)

•projects must include partnerships (can be within same organization)
•applicants must be publicly funded institutions in one of the following settings- sport and recreation, district health authorities/IWK Health Centre, post-secondary institutions (including universities and colleges), and provincial government departments or municipal governments
•projects must fit with the grant priority
• 1-2 letters of support – these letters must state the partner’s contribution to the project (member of advisory committee, in-kind services/resources, etc…).
• ensure equity is considered in planning and
delivery (accessible to all including cost, transportation, etc.)

Priority will be given to applications which:

• include in-kind partnerships and/or matched funding
• demonstrate likelihood of sustainability after the funding period

• focus on more than one level of action (for example- an application may include 3 levels of action: purchase of equipment, professional development and development of policies)

Ineligible groups or activities:

• schools and childcare centres

• operational funding
• private, for-profit groups, individuals or businesses

Application deadline:

Wednesday, December 12th 2014 4:00pm

Funding scope:maximum $15,000/project

Applications may be approved for some or all of the funding being requested. Applications will be reviewed by a committee; funding decisions are at the discretion of the review committee.



Project Title

Contact Person



1. a)Please give a brief description of your project

b) What do you expect to achieve (goals)?

c)What activities will you undertake to achieve these goals?

d)Who will participate? (target audience/stakeholders, number of participants, geographic communities, etc.)

2. Who will be partnering on this project and how? Partnership examples include: collaboration with another group(s); in-kind/free use of expertise, equipment, space;financial contribution from others.

3. What do you expect will be the greatest change in your organization as a result of this project?

4. Describe the likelihood of sustainability after the funding period and how you will know change has taken place. Please give two examples.

5. Tell us how you will recognize the funding contributions of the Department of Health and Wellness.

6. Will another organization or coalition administer the funds on behalf of the applicant? If so, please elaborate.

7. Budget

Human Resources
Participant Support (Child Care, Transportation, etc)
Facility/Room Rental

*If “other” please describe.

In addition to the above criteria, successful applicants will be required to submit a brief report on progress upon completion and may be asked to share their project’s story/results.

Signature of Applicant/Organization/Group Representative:

Name (please print):

Organization Name:


If you have enquiries please send them to

Email (preferred method) or mail your completed application to:

Department of Health and Wellness, Att: Amy MacDonald
1894 Barrington Street
PO Box 488, Halifax NS B3J 2R8

Deadline for applications is Wednesday, December 12, 2014 4:00pm