Elected officers and Chairman as of December 6, 2015 Rev September 2016
OFFICE / SOROR / E-MAILBasileus / Robyn R Jones /
1st anti Basileus / Karima Bouchenafa /
2nd anti Basileus / Celeste Merriweather /
Grammateus. / Diana Medley-Mandly /
Anti Grammateus / Cheryl Mallory /
Tamiouchos / Tracy McLaughlin /
Anti Tamiouchos / Nathania Johnson /
Pecunious Grammateus / Demeatrice Sanders /
Anti Pecunious Grammateus / Charlene Shuler /
Epistoleus. / Gaynelle Lewis Fleming /
Ivy Leaf Reporter / Dietra H. Smith /
Graduate Advisors / Shantelle Jenkins and
Terri Dean /
Hodegos / Tierra Ryan /
Philacter / Janet Folk /
Parliamentarian / Marcia Shepherd Baker /
Historian / Celia Berry /
Chaplain / Karen Dean /
Business Manager / Keisha Y. Sanders /
Newsletter Editor / Cozette Rooney Ferron
Kimberly Daye Hardy
Chalon Downes /
Members at Large / Jackie Johnson, Chair /
EAF Captain / Michelle Leftwich Harper /
TILF President / Jacquelyn Washington /
TILF Liaison / Linda Medley, /
Scholarship / Sharon Lomax and Shaquanna Lomax /
Membership / Celeste Merriweather /
Program / Karima Bouchenafa /
Social Amenities / Tierra Ryan
Co chairman Michele Merriweather Rodgers, /
Nominating / Cheryl Lewis,
Cheryl Harper, / ,
By Laws / Marcia Shepherd Baker /
Connection / Naomi Johnson Booker, Co Chairmen Clara Tolbert, Anne Hairston / , ,
Protocol / Pamela Jordan-Farr /
Technology / Velvet McNeil /
Ivy Leaf Reporter / Dietra H. Smith /
Internal Audit Committee / Kia Butler Buchner /
Leadership / Catherine Manning Adams,
Jenny Hassell /
Sisterly Relations / Vanessa Thomas Smith
Rachel Branson, / ,
Committee / Members
Members at Large / Jackie Johnson Chairman /
Bonnie Murdah /
Alana Sears /
Kealy Dangerfield-Enlow /
Sharon Brown /
Heather Drummond /
Awards / Nancy Coleman Miller /
Connection Committee / Naomi Johnson Booker, Clara Tolbert, Anne Hairston / , , ,
Social Amenities / Tierra Ryan /
Nominating Members
Co-chairman / Cheryl Lewis,
Cheryl Harper, /
Judith E. Grant /
E. Berry Holmes /
Shantelle Jenkins /
Terri Richardson /
Michele M. Rogers /
Standards / Angela Taylor /
Internal Audit Committee, Chair / Kia Butler-Buckner
Sharon Brown
Nadira Tarboro /
Protocol / Pamela Jordan Farr /
FundraisingTeri Duckett
PMACCheryl Mallory