Role / -  He is the main character
-  Protagonist
-  Represents the display of justice amongst Aboriginals
-  Aboriginal man (he has a heart condition)
-  Brother of Milly Millimura
-  Brother in law of Sam Millimura
-  Fight between Jimmy and Sam
-  Represent the death of the aboriginal voice when he die
Adjectives / -  Drunk, Lose Cannon, Wreckless, Troublemaker
-  Rebellious
-  Heart is in the right place
-  Leader
-  Powerless but willing to make a change
-  Poor
-  Angry
-  Outspoken
-  Insubordinate
-  Defensive
-  Sensitive to certain topics
Quotations / -  “Wait till I see him tomorrow, I’ll give him no soap” p20
-  “Cause them bastards took our country” p10
-  “…. That beats everything! Stupid bloody blackfella” p10
-  “I don’t give a dam for any man, that don’t give a dam for me” p28
-  “not allowed in town, not allowed to go down to the soak, not allowed to march” p23
Actions / -  Standing up against authority
-  Gets thrown in prison
-  Dies through his rebellious actions against Neal & Neville
-  Brawl between Jimmy & Sam (p24-25)
Motivations / -  Proud of his culture
-  Family
-  Rights of aboriginals
-  Always looking for a fight

Jimmy Munday

Gran Munday

Role / -  Elder of the family, matriarch
-  Milly and Jimmy’s mother
-  Represents the traditional owners of the land
-  Represents tradition, history
-  Follows traditional Aboriginal methods
-  Mother and Grandmother figure
-  Grandmother of Joe, David and Cissie
Adjectives / -  Wise
-  Sarcastic
-  Witty
-  Open
-  Caring
-  Knowledgeable
-  Feisty
-  Proud
-  Not afraid
-  Supporting
-  Fearless
-  Old fashioned
-  Tough
-  Traditional
-  Opinionated
-  Headstrong
Quotations / “I got you a little Nyoongah. Now I cut your cord and tie it, make a real pretty belly button for you, just like your daddys. Now cover you in ashes. More better than Johnsons baby powder, eh?” Pg 97
“Youse be careful now, you hear me?” Pg 4
“… I aint goin on no train. You can put me in gaol if you want to.” Pg 45
Actions / -  Delivers Marys baby => using traditional medicine
-  Uses traditional medicine when family is sick/injured
-  Delivered Magpie/Billy/Joe
Motivations / -  Protect family
-  Traditional aboriginal way of life
-  To prove to matron that Aborigines can survive on their own

Milly Millimurra

Role / Wife and caring mother to 3 children (Joe, David and Cissie)
-Gran’s daughter and Jimmy’s sister
-Married to Sam
-Wants the best for her children
-Mediator (of family feuds)
-Acts as the glue that holds the family together
Adjectives / - Loving
- Kind
- Helpful
- Courageous
- Smart
- Strong/persistent
Quotations / ‘You want till brother Jimmy hears about this soap business’
‘Here’s two-pence, you can buy an apple for lunch’
‘Come on you two, get to school’ pg 10
‘Gimme that shirt, its filthy’
‘How can I keep them clean?’
‘Don’t wake the kids, the less they know the better.’
‘And you don’t go wrapping him up in the gubmet blanket, you put him in a proper bay’ – page 95
Actions / Giving blessing to Joe to run away
Help deliver Mary’s baby
Keeps he walks intact
True to keep the family together
Requests for a proper burial for Jimmy
Milly tells Joe and Sam to hunt rabbits ‘ no meat for dinner or copper’
Motivations / -To care for family
-To keep the children clean
-To keep the family together/in harmony

Sam Millimurra

Role / ·  Bystander, Supporting
·  Joe’s dad and Milly’s husband
·  Breadwinner, worker, man of the house
·  Understands the equality but takes no action
·  Leader male in the family
·  Looks up to Jimmy
·  Milly’s husband-Moderating influence
Adjectives / ·  Placid, submissive, selfless
·  Supportive
·  Passive
·  Accepting
·  Gives up
·  Selfless
·  Follower, sheep
·  Not outspoken
·  Goes with the flow.
Quotations / ·  “come on, Milly, we get Cissie to write to him. Come on, Milly. Come on, come on now.” (P.95-6)
·  “what, leave the dogs behind.”
Actions / ·  Goes to jail-for alcohol abuse
·  Frequently caught with jimmy breaking the law
·  Supports Joe
·  Becomes scared after Jimmy’s death
·  Works towards co-operations, tries to control the family.
Motivations / ·  Family
·  No motivation-gives up
·  To go with the flow
·  Jimmy

Joe Millimurra

Role / ·  Sam and Milly’s eldest son.
·  Symbol of younger Aboriginal generation, future.
·  Symbol of Hope.
·  Mary’s lover/husband.
·  Becomes main protagonist towards the end of the play.
·  Young boy turned father.
Adjectives / ·  Protective.
·  Argumentative.
·  Romantic.
·  Resilient.
·  Independent.
·  Strong minded.
·  Young, naïve.
·  Adventurous.
·  Blunt.
·  Mature. (towards the end)
Quotations / ·  “He don’t scare me.” Pg. 54.
·  “It’ll never be over.” Pg. 75.
·  “I wanna call him Jimmy.”
·  “I’ll kill the old bastard!”
·  “You ain’t putting them on me.”
·  “I just don’t want them things on me.”
Actions / ·  Runs away with Mary.
·  Defies authority e.g beats up Billy.
·  Fights for justice on an individual level.
·  Protects Mary from setbacks and hardships, including the forced labour at the hospital by Neal.
Motivations / ·  To win over Mary and to protect her.
·  Independence.
·  Hope of a better life.
·  Fight for justice.

Frank Brown

Role / Unemployed white farmer
Acts as a representation of acceptance, harmony and equality.
Demonstrates disparity.
Adjectives / Not Racist
Defiant of authority
Decent human being.
Quotations / “No Work” – Page 12
“Can’t even raise a train fare” – Page 12
“Well he was a real mate to me” – Page 29
“I better go Mrs Millimurra… and thanks for the really nice meal” – Page 24
“I’m a wine connoisseur” – Page 12
Actions / Supplies liquor to an aboriginal native
Hangs out with the aboriginals
Get arrested
Looking to provide for his family
Befriends Jimmy.
Tries to help the aboriginals
Motivations / Family
Living in poverty and having to provide for his family.

Constable Kerr

Role / ·  Police Officer – Controls the law
·  Northam police
·  Assists the Sergeant
·  To show the blatant racism of the town
Adjectives / ·  Authoritative, harsh, brutal (speech)
·  Racist
·  Stereotypical white (of the time)
·  Short tempered
Quotations / ·  “Nigger’s Department” (p.36)
·  [The constable goes to Jimmy’s cell carrying a baton.] (p.28)
·  ‘Listen, you cheeky bla-‘ (pg.79)
·  “Hold out your hands.” (p.g79)
·  “What the hell would you know? You don’t even vote.” (p.45)
·  “Should put a pinch of strychnine in the flour.” (p.39)
Actions / ·  Arresting Joe
·  Intimidates joe, Sam and Jimmy
·  Argues with Jimmy whilst in prison
Motivations / ·  Wants to have power over the Aborigines
·  ‘Duties’
·  Wants the Aborigines gone

Auber Octavius Neville (Chief protector of Aborigines)

Role / ·  To show corruption
·  Symbolic of the injustice of the aboriginals
·  Bureaucrat
·  Was a real person some of his speeches were actually in the play
Adjectives / ·  Sophisticated
·  Authorative
·  Rude
·  Racist
·  Power driven
·  Coward
·  Pampas
·  Hypocrite
Quotations / “The native’s entrance is around the back.”
“Be quiet there will be no Christmas this year. No Christmas!”
“If you provide the native the basic accoutrements of civilisation you are half way to civilising them.”
Actions / ·  Ignores requests of aborigines
·  Transfers to the Moore river settlement camp
·  Assisted in the dispossession of the natives
·  Discontinues certain ration items
Motivations / ·  Control over the Aboriginal population
·  Political motivations

Sister Eileen

Role / ·  Missionary at the Moore River Settlement
·  Nun
·  Religious advocate
·  Teacher
·  Doesn’t really care about aboriginal culture, traditions or beliefs
Adjectives / ·  Kind hearted
·  Compassionate
·  Caring
·  Accepting
·  Reasonable
·  Ignorant
·  Proper
·  Formal
·  Religious
·  Educated
·  Witty
·  Reasonable
Quotations / ·  “Did he hurt you?” pg. 84
·  “I’d prefer that they come of their own free will” pg. 90
·  “What do you mean? That you don’t encourage the natives to read” pg. 90
·  “Getting back to the books, what do you classify the bible as?” pg. 91
·  “Alright Billy, but we don’t hit people to make them do Gods will” pg. 84
Actions / ·  Asked Mr Neal to open up a library for the Aboriginal children
·  Stands up against Mr Neal
·  Teaches children the hymn and some religious stories
·  Replaces the children’s knowledge of traditional Aboriginal stories with Christian stories (dispossession)
Motivations / ·  Religion
·  Education
·  Peace
·  Spread God’s love