Rock around the Flock (The Shepherds’ Nativity)
Opening- Good afternoon/ Good evening and welcome to our Christmas play, Rock around the Flock. Sit back, relax, and please enjoy the show.
Song one-
Two Thousand Years Ago
(Choir Sing) (Kazoo Instrumental)
Two thousand years ago-
Give or take a day-
Something strange was happening
‘Round Bethlehem way:
Something more exciting
Than only words can say!
So if you’re sitting comf’tably
We’ll show you in our play!
Repeat x2
Narrator 1 – Many years ago, near Bethlehem, some shepherds were sitting in the fields keeping watch over their sheep.
The shepherds {but not the Good shepherd) move to the front of the stage and sing song 2 to the audience, pointing to the field and sheep at appropriate times.
Song 2 - We Are The Shepherds
(Shepherds Sing)
We are the shepherds,
Caring for our sheep
Here in the fields
Where we work and where we sleep.
If they should stumble,
Or go astray,
We will protect them
And carry them on their way
We are the shepherds,
Faithful in all we do
Far from our families,
We must work the whole night through
We are the shepherds,
Faithful in all we do
Far from our families,
We must work the whole night through
1st Shepherd - Listen, do you ever wish you could be something more exciting like a superhero?Superhero fly across stage
2nd Shepherd – No, I love this life!
3rd Shepherd – Me Too!
1st Shepherd –Well, I suppose I do too. It’s just that sometimes I get bored and I wish that something INTERESTING could happened around here!
Shepherds return to their campfire and continue chatting quietly
Narrator 2 – Elsewhere at a place called Nazareth, something VERY interesting was happening.
Narrator 3 – An Angel appeared, to a girl named Mary
Song 3 – Angel Song (Wriggly Nativity – Track 10)
Angel – Don’t be afraid, I come bearing good news. You have been chosen to have a baby and you must name that baby Jesus.
An angel comes forward and stands before Mary. Mary stands up, moves backwards slightly and looks worried at first.
Song 3 –Angel Song (Wriggly Nativity – Track 10)
1st Shepherd - Guess What?!
2nd Shepherd – It was amazing!
3rd Shepherd – You should hear what happened to us!
Song 4 -
(All sing)
We were sitting in the fields the other night
When suddenly we saw an incredible sight
The whole sky was ablaze with a burning light
There were hosts of heavenly angels shining bright
They sang Hallelujah! Glory to God!
Hallelujah! Peace on earth!
Hallelujah! Glory to God!
Do not be fearful, we bring you good news
Of Jesus the Saviour’s birth!
Dancing when singing Hallelujah –
4 beats to the right step/ feet together/ step/ feet together/ clap
4 beats to the left step/ feet together/ step/ feet together/ clap
1st Shepherd – We’ve just got to go and find the baby!
2nd Shepherd – Just imagine, a Saviour for our people!
3rd Shepherd – I think this day will be celebrated for ever!
All Shepherds – Lets go!
The shepherds hurry off stage. The Good shepherd is still sitting quietly on the edge of the stage. The angels move forward to the front of the stage and greet him.
Song 5 – Angel music for dance
Narrator 4 – After the angel had appeared to Mary, God worked a miracle. She travelled to a town called Bethlehem on a donkey with Joseph, who was her husband.
Narrator 5– Mary and Joseph knocked on lots of inns but Bethlehem was very busy and the only place they could stay was a stable full of animals.
Inn Keeper 1 – Sorry no room here. Try the down the road!
Inn Keeper 2 –Sorry we’re over booked. Check
Inn Keeper 3 –Sorry, last rooms been taken.
Inn Keeper 4 –I don’t have any rooms but I have a stable which you can use.
Narrator 6–So the baby had to be born in a stable. Mary named Him Jesus, as the angel had said. She wrapped Him in cloth blankets and laid Him in a manger.
Mary, Joseph and the animals to assemble on the stage. Mary lays Jesus in the manger and she and Joseph sit close to watch him. Play music to song 7 at this time.
Farmyard Medley - Rec
Narrator 1 – In the East, a new star appeared in the sky.
Narrator 2 –The Wise Men followed it, and began the most exciting journey of their lives.
Song 6 –
Oh! What a Treasure
(Kazoo instrumentals)
Wise Men came from miles away,
Following the star by night and day
Imagine their surprise when they saw the baby boy
Lying in the hay!
When they realised who they’d found
They fell to their knees upon the ground
And Mary and Joseph and all of the animals
Gathered around
Chorus Oh! What a treasure to behold!
Frankincense and Myrrh and Gold!
Given to the child who was given to the world
As the Bible told!
Repeat Chorus
Mary picks up the baby, in the blanket, and moves to the front of the stage.
Wise Man 1 – I bring gifts of Frankincense
Wise Man 2 – I bring gifts of Myrrh
Wise Man 3 – I bring gifts of Gold
Song 7 –
As the Years Go By
(Mary Sings?)
Hush, Baby Jesus, do not cry
Listen to words of this lullaby
Your Father in Heaven will watch over you
As the years go by………
As the years go by………
As the years go by………
As the years go by………
Mary places the baby back into the manger and sits with Him and Joseph again.
1st Shepherd – Well! If I hadn’t been there, I could hardly have believed it!
2nd Shepherd – I know! The angels, the baby, the star, the wise men, the gifts – it’s amazing
3rd Shepherd – And to think that we we’re chosen to see Jesus, come to earth.
1st Shepherd – Yes – I wonder why the shepherds were chosen?!?
All Shepherd – Anyway – Let’s Celebrate!
Song 9 –
Rock Around the Flock!
Every sheep has a tail
That much is true
But do we have a tale
To tell you?!
We’re going to rock around the flock tonight
We’ll be dancing in the fields’ till morning light
Please excuse our excited behaviour
But we have seen the baby Saviour, Oh yeah!
Every sheep has a tail
It’s true to say
But do we have a tale
To tell you today?!
We’re going to rock around the flock tonight
We’ll be dancing in the fields’ till morning light
This is such a great scenario!
But now it’s time for our finale, oh yeah!
Sheep and shepherds could do a rock and roll dance
Close- Thank you for watching- we hope you all enjoyed yourselves! We just have one last message for you.
Song 10 –
We wish you a Merry Christmas
Narrators x 6 1-Matthew, 2-Belle, 3-Jessica W, 4-Sam, 5-Lily M, 6-Ava
Main Shepherds x 3 1-Leo, 2-Jackson, 3-Grace
Good ShepherdEmily
Mary Gabi
Wise Men x31-George, 2-Harry, 3-Isabel
Inn Keepers x41-Rebecca, 2-Luke, 3-Sophie, 4-Ellie
Star -Emma
Angel - Lucy
Stable animals – Cows, donkeys, chickens, Rams, Camels
Kazzoo Band x12Elliott, Albaro, Finley, Jan, Adam, Eva, Jessica C, Lily S
Opening/Closing Katy, Ryan