Panel #1, 2 are due before Thanksgiving! (Do not fold the cube until the day before turn in.)

Final Project Due: ______

The Element Cube is a project in which students choose one element to research and display that information on a three dimensional cube. The following information must be on each panel.


Panel # 1

Label: “Periodic Table Information”

1. Element symbol (should be larger than the other information on this panel).

2. Element name spelled correctly

3. Atomic number

4. Atomic mass/weight (rounded to the whole number)

Panel # 2

Label: “State of Element” Example:

5. A symbol shows the state of the element as seen on the periodic table.

6. The melting point (oC). These temperatures must

be clearly labeled, “melting point.” (if found in 0Kelvin then add 273 to find

degrees Celcius.

7. The boiling point (oC). These temperatures must be clearly labeled,

“boiling point.”

8. A drawing or computer graphic of what the element looks like in color.

Panel # 3

Label: “Uses of Element”

9. Three drawings or computer graphics that shows at least three things (if they exist) made of this element or how this element can be used.

10. The drawing or computer graphic must be clearly labeled as to what it is.

Panel # 4

Label: “Interesting Facts”

11. An acrostic and a riddle, or joke that contains interesting facts and at least one physical property that is specific for your element.

Panel #5

Label: “Compound Containing Element”

12. The name and formula for at least two compounds that contains this element (if they exist.)

Panel #6

Label: “Bohr Model of Element” Example:

13. A drawing (no computer graphics allowed) with the Bohr

Model of your Element’s atom.

14. Heading: Name, Science, Block #, Date Due

YOUR NAME: ______, BLOCK:______ELEMENT NAME:______


Panel # 1
Label: “Periodic Table Information” (3 percent)
1. Element symbol (should be larger than the other information on this panel). (3 percent)
2. Element name spelled correctly (3 percent)
3. Atomic number (3 percent)
4. Atomic mass/weight (rounded to the whole number) (3 percent) / 15
Panel # 2
Label: “State of Element” (3 percent)
5. A symbol shows the state of the element as seen on the periodic table. (3 percent)
6. The melting point (oC ). These temperatures must be clearly labeled,
“melting point.” (5 percent)
7. The boiling point (oC ). This temperature must be clearly labeled, “boiling point.”
(5 percent)
8. A drawing or computer graphic of what the element looks like in color. (4 percent) / 20
Panel # 3
Label: “Uses of Element” (3 percent)
9. Three drawings or computer graphics that shows at least three things (if they exist) made of this element or how this element can be used.
10. The drawing or computer graphic must be clearly labeled as to what it is. (3 percent) / 10
Panel # 4
Label: “Interesting Facts” (3 percent)
11. An acrostic and a riddle, or joke that contains interesting facts and at least one physical property that is specific for your element. (7 percent) / 10
Panel #5
Label: “Compound Containing Element” (3 percent)
12. The name and formula for at least two compounds that contains this element. (7 percent)
Subscripts are in the correct place. / 10
Panel #6
Label: “Bohr Model of Element” (3 percent)
13. A drawing with the Bohr Model of your Element’s atom. (6 percent)
14. Heading: Name, Science, Block #, Date Due (6 percent) / 15
All work must be written in ink, marker, or colored pencil.
The words are easy to read and neatly written or printed from a computer.
Cube is in good condition and is not crumpled. It is securely glued.
Spelling is correct and information is accurate.
Computer sources must be cited below or placed on a sticky on the cube. / 20
TOTAL / 100

Suggested Websites: www.webelements.com


