Step 1 – We recommend you complete the “CSP Preliminary Eligibility Assessment before starting this workbook. After that, if you feel you are eligible for CSP continue.
Step 2 – Gather the following information to help you complete
the remaining steps:
- Your nutrient management plan
- Soil test results
- Nutrient application records
- Pest management records
- Your pasture management plan (if applicable)
- A map or aerial photo of each property you are offering for CSP. If you need aerial photos contact the Farm Services Agency (FSA)
- A summary 1026 from the Farm Services Agency that lists tract and farm data.
Step 3 – Complete the “Attached CSP Self Assessment Workbook” You must complete the Benchmark Condition Inventory.
Step 4 – Complete “Delaware 2006 CSP Supplement #1”
Step 5 – Complete the “Delaware 2006 CSP Supplement #2”
Landowner information and Enhancement information
(Enhancement Job Sheets are located at back of the
Producer Workbook)
Step 6 – Complete the “Farmland Wildlife Habitat Self-
Assessment Questionnaire”
Step 7 – Complete the “Riparian Corridor Self-Assessment
Questionnaire” if you have riparian areas on the
Acreage offered for CSP.
Step 9 – Sign and date an AD-1200 (blank form included in
workbook) Be sure to read the AD-1200 appendix.
It details your responsibilities if accepted into the
1– Complete the “Delaware CSP Grazing Records” sheet if
you do not have a pasture management plan on pasture
offered for CSP.
2 – Circle the Irrigation System type that applies to your
irrigation system on the “CSP Irrigation Index” form. NRCS staff will determine the actual index number. Skip
form if you do not have irrigation.
3 – Complete the “Delaware CSP Nutrient Records” form if
you do not have nutrient application records.
4 – Complete the “Delaware CSP Pest Records” form if
you do not have pest application records.
5 - Complete the “Assignment of Payment” form if applicable.
Other Required Documentation if accepted into CSP program
- Direct Deposit Form (blank form included in workbook)
- For rented land copies of agreements that refer to the land you wish to enroll in CSP indicating you have current and future control of the farming operation for the life of the contract. (blank form included in workbook)
- Completed CCC- 526 Proof that Adjusted Gross Income averages less than $2.5 million per year for the three years prior enrolling in CSP. (blank form included in workbook)
- Copy of a signed AD-1026 HEL and Wetland Conservation Certificate (From Farm Services Agency) (blank form included in workbook)
- Checklist of what to bring to your CSP interview