ICT discursive plan for Y1

Simon de Senlis Primary School, Northampton

Spring term 2013


Organisation of ICTin KS 1

ICT is taught once a week for one hour. Additional time is sometimes allocated when ICT is suitable in other curriculum areas. Teacher and support staff are currently looking to promote ICT within all subjects through the use of iPads, netbooks and laptops within the classroom to meet the changing needs of the children.

The class is taught as one and there is no ability groups. Often the year 1 class is divided into two, teaching each group of 15 individuallyfor 30 minutes.

Organisation across the week – ICT lessons for Y1

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
9.05 – 10.00

The school plan from Northamptonshire’s Scheme of work

Additional provision for technology outside the ICTlesson

The teachers are aware of programs to help aid teaching and develop cross curricula links.

School initiatives

The school are currently promoting the use of iPads within the classroom and at home. Each class is fitted with Apple TV to allow teachers to project apps onto the smart board. Teachers are suggesting apps to parents to help their children learn at home. There are planned changes within the school to remove the ICT suite and instead the teachers will use laptops etc. in the classroom. This change has no scheduled date.

Units to be covered this term

Word, 2simple software linked to instructional writing.

National Curriculum References

Knowledge, skills and understanding

1.b. enter and store information in a variety of forms [for example, storing information in a prepared database, saving work]

Developing ideas and making things happen

2.a. to use text, tables, images and sound to develop their ideas

2.c. how to plan and give instructions to make things happen [for example, programming a floor turtle, placing instructions in the right order]

2.d. to try things out and explore what happens in real and imaginary situations [for example, trying out different colours on an image, using an adventure game or simulation].

Reviewing, modifying and evaluating work as it progresses

4.a. review what they have done to help them develop their ideas
4.b. describe the effects of their actions
4.c. talk about what they might change in future work.

Breadth of study

During the key stage, pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through:
5.a. working with a range of information to investigate the different ways it can be presented [for example, information about the Sun presented as a poem, picture or sound pattern]
5.b. exploring a variety of ICT tools [for example, floor turtle, word processing software, adventure game]
5.c. talking about the uses of ICT inside and outside school.

Previous learning and teaching (Autumn term 2012)

The children have been developing Word, 2simple and DT skills


There are currently no ICT displays, however the teachers were talking in the last staff meeting of having QR codes at the bottom of displays for others to hear or see more information about the display content.