Reading for Career & College Success Syllabus

Ms. Heaven

Boca Ciega High School

Email: Room number: 4-104

Welcome to Reading for Career & College Success!
The primary purpose of this course is to encourage reading and improve each student’s reading skills. This class is
designed to motivate, enlighten, and assist you in the development of your reading ability. As a student in this class, you
will learn strategies that are useful with reading comprehension, which in turn will be useful when taking the English
Language Arts Florida Standards Assessment (FSA).Critical thinking and writing are a significant component of this
course; you can expect to read and write every single day in class.
* One 3 inch binder with 16 tabs (school-wide requirement)
*1 composition notebook (for English use only)
* Loose leaf paper
* Pens (blue or black ink) and Pencils
* Notecards
* Colored pencils or pens
* Sticky notes
Grading Policy:
Grades will be determined using the following forms of assessment:
* Classwork (bell ringers, interactive notebook, class participation, in-class assignments) – 25%
* Binder use – 15%
* Homework – 20%
* Assessments (tests, quizzes, exams, writing assignments) - 30%
*Participation (includes class discussions, listening skills, attitude, and behavior) – 10%
***Disruptive behavior will result in a loss of participation points for that particular activity***
Grading Scale:
A 90 - 100% Outstanding progress
B 80 - 89% Above average progress
C 70 - 79% Average progress
D 60 - 69% Lowest acceptable progress
F 0 - 59% Failure
Student Expectations:
1. Be Prepared. Come to class prepared and on time. No one will be allowed to leave the classroom for the first and last
ten minutes of class.
2. Be Cooperative. Actively participate in class lessons, activities, and group work. Stay on task
3. Be Responsible. Record all assignments and complete them on time. Study for tests and quizzes.
4. Be Diligent. Work from bell to bell. The teacher will dismiss class, not the bell.
5. Be Respectful. Be respectful of yourself, others, and the classroom. Any behavior that is rude or disrespectful,
including inappropriate language or comments, will result in disciplinary action.
Reading Workshop Expectations:
1. Students are to be in their desks working on their first task of the day when the bell rings. Be sure to look at the board
daily, copying the agenda and homework into your student planner.
2. It is extremely important to come to class prepared every day. This includes having homework on time, your class
supplies, and any other materials needed for class. You will be graded on RANDOM binder checks so be sure that you
have your binder every single day.
3. We use all available class minutes, so do not pack up early. Do not line up at the door near dismissal.
4. Talking occurs only in reference to teacher lectures, discussions and/or group work. Independent, silent work periods
are just that, silent. This is a reading class and it is very important that you allow yourself and others to concentrate
during silent work periods.
5. Hall Passes will be given on a limited basis. You are allowed three passes every grading period. However, you can
choose not to use them and receive extra credit at the end of the grading period. Keep in mind, though, that we do not
have “rollover restroom passes” and if you use one, you are no longer able to receive the extra credit.
6. Students must actively participate during each of the rotations during the Reading Workshop.
Student Conduct:
All students will conduct themselves in accordance will the school’s behavior expectations, as well as the
classroom rules. The following consequences will occur for infractions:
1. Warning
2. Isolation & Phone call or email home
3. Administrative Referral (certain offenses will result in an immediate referral)
We need to cover a large amount of content this year, especially with the changed and more rigorous state
assessments required for graduation. Behavior that is preventing anyone from learning will NOT be tolerated.
Cell Phone & Electronic Devices:
All cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off and out of sight during the school day. Putting your phone on
“vibrate” is not considered turning it off. In accordance with school policy, if a phone or electronic device is seen, a
referral will be issued. Consider this your warning for the rest of the school year. #NoTwitter #NoSnapchat
#NoTexting #NoInstagram #CellFreeZone #YouAreNotSlickSoDoNotTrySneaking
Dress Code:
The school wide dress code must be followed at all times. Those who violate the dress code will be sent to an
administrator and receive a consequence.
The Boca Ciega tardy policy will be enforced without exception.
Attendance & Make up Policy:
Attendance is extremely important. One absence can set you back, especially on a block schedule and since we will be
participating in group work and projects this year. If you miss class, YOU are responsible for obtaining any missed
assignments. It is expected you check if you are absent BEFORE you come to ask about missing work. All make-up work, including tests and quizzes, must be made up within the number of days absent. For example, if you miss two days, you have two days to take any missed test or quiz and/or hand in any missed assignment(s). If work is not submitted in the given
time, it will not be graded. I will not chase you around to obtain missed work. I do NOT offer ‘retakes’ on tests or
quizzes, so study and prepare the first time. Please check and my Portal regularly (at least every few days).
It is VITAL you are present for all assessments. #IHateTheQuestionDidIMissAnything
Academic Honesty
I take academic dishonesty VERY seriously Three ways to think about it:
1.  Cheating on your school work is not only a mark of underdeveloped character, but it also lessens your learning
experience. If you aren’t doing the work, you aren’t doing the learning.
2.  Academic dishonesty is also a form of stealing – you have stolen my time and energy (two precious
resources that cannot be retrieved once spent) to assess your work with the goal of helping YOU improve,
when in fact you didn’t even produce the work so my feedback was completely moot. NOT COOL. Not at all.
3.  We are all human. We all make mistakes. Some mistakes cause more damage than others, though, and cheating
in school is a mistake that’s one of the hardest to overcome the consequences of, AND one of the most easily
avoidable ones in in the first place.
The following will be considered plagiarism or cheating on schoolwork and will result in a grade of zero (0),
in addition to further disciplinary action:
· Copying work or answers from other students
· Copying word for word from any book or source (without using quotations and giving credit in MLA
· Having someone else do your work
· Allowing another student to “borrow” your work and present it as their own
Extra Help:
I strongly encourage any student who needs or wants extra help to see me. I am available during lunch every day and can also schedule time after school. You may also email me if you have any questions regarding assignments.
Parent Communication:
Parents are encouraged to contact me anytime they have questions or concerns regarding their child’s
progress. Grades and attendance will also be available and updated regularly.
I need for both you and your parent/guardian to complete, sign and return this page by Thursday, August 18 or Friday, August 19,
2016 (whichever day your child has my class).
I have read and understood the details of this syllabus.
Student Name (print) Student Signature
Date Primary Phone
Student Email Address
Parent/Guardian Name (print) Parent/Guardian Signature
Date Primary Phone
Parent/Guardian Email Address
Parent/Guardian Relationship to Student Other Number(s)-please specify
My child is allowed to watch PG & PG-13 movies that are related to course content
With whom do you live? ______
Do you have access to a computer? ______
Do you know how to access the school’s website, ______
List your interests, hobbies, favorite things:
What do I need to know to help you be successful? ______
Does your student have any medical condition of which I should be aware? If so, please explain: ______
Anything else I need to know about or can do to help your child succeed: ______

The Vision of Boca Ciega High School is 100% Student Success.

Our Mission is to Open Doors to Success for Our Students!

Pinellas County Schools is an equal opportunity instruction institution for education and employment