2013 Sponsorship Opportunities

2013 ACC Houston Sponsorship Packages

The Houston ACC Chapter is excited to offer the following sponsorship packagesfor 2013. Some of these packageswill provide your firm year-long benefits, including your ability to participate in the Houston Chapter’s 14th Annual Golf/Spa event. Other sponsorship plans are only for individual events, such as the Night Court Event or a Social Event.All of the sponsorship packages, however, provide you with opportunities to interact with our membership at our Continuing Legal Education meetingsfor in-house attorneys, atPro Bono events or networking socials. Most importantly,your sponsorship supports the work of the Houston ACC Chapter, which could not happen without your support, especiallyour Diversity Scholarship Program. In 2012, thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, we were able to provide $48,000 in Diversity Scholarships at the three area law schools. Twelve deservingminority law students across the Houston area each received $4,000. The Houston Chapter believes these Diversity Scholarships ensure that law firms and corporations alike will have a future pool of excellent minority attorneys from which to hire.

To reserve your spot as an ACC Sponsor, please complete the sponsorship registration form at the end of the packet and return via fax(713-839-1453)or emailto our chapter administrator’s office, Nerissa Lawford (). Sponsorship opportunities are limited, and current 2012 sponsors may renew their sponsorship by returning their registration form by 12 noon, Friday, October 5, 2012.Remaining sponsorships will be offered on a first come/first served basis*. Payment of the 2012sponsorship fee is due forty-five (45) days after submitting the sponsorship registration form.If you have any questions, about non Golf/Spa sponsorships, please contact George Thomas, the Sponsorship chair at . For questions related to the 2013 Golf/Spa Event, the contact is Sean Johnson at may always contact Nerissa Lawford at or 713-375-2736.

*The Chapter reserves the right to not accept a sponsor for any reason.

PlatinumSponsorship- Golf Spa

A.Donation - $15,000 - Limited to one (1) Sponsor

B.Yearly Benefits:

  • Sponsor of one (1) Chapter Monthly CLE Meeting.Sponsor willpresent a topic to be jointly agreed upon with ACC Houston Chapter, such presentation to include at least one in-house counsel presenter of Sponsor’s choice (i.e. client). Subject to ACC Houston’s Chapter Meeting Informational Guidelines, Sponsor may send up to eight (8) additional representatives to develop personal contacts with ACC members.Any written materials from presentation will be posted on the ACC Houston website.
  • If requested by the Sponsor, ACC will promote to its members that the Platinum Sponsor will make the same presentation to ACC member companies onsite at a member’s company offices.
  • *Opportunity to present one (1) webinar (audio with powerpoint slides). Sponsor may present a topic to be jointly agreed upon with ACC Houston Chapter. The webinar will be archived and made available for 6 months following the initial presentation.
  • 2 tickets to Night Court (in the ACC reserved section), and to the ACC reception prior to Night Court.
  • 2 invitations to Diversity Reception honoring ACC scholarship recipients.
  • Opportunity to work with ACC Houston Pro Bono Committee and ACC volunteers on a Pro Bono Project (Saturday Clinic, Drive Time Clinic or Will Clinic).
  • Access to ACC’s Diversity Scholarship Winners’ database information.
  • Link to Sponsor’s website on ACC Houston’s website.
  • Spotlight of the Sponsor to be posted on ACC Houston’s website during the month of the Sponsor’s presentation at a Chapter Monthly CLE Meeting.

C.Golf/Spa Retreat Benefits

  • Presenting Sponsor of CLE before Golf/Spa.
  • Recognition on signage, brochures, website, etc.
  • Two (2) Golf Teams (Golf Team = Two (2) Outside Counsel and two (2) Inside Counsel (Sponsormay invite any inside counsel-not required to be members of ACC).
  • Two (2) Spa participants.
  • May provide promotional items to include in golf and spa bags.

Platinum Sponsorship- Dedicated One-Day Seminar

  1. Donation - $15,000+ cost of event - Limited to one (1) Sponsor.

B.Yearly Benefits:

  • Sponsor of one (1) all day CLE seminar (up to 8 hours of CLE). Must coordinate date with ACC to be held between the months of October and May. All associated costs (location, food, beverages, etc.) are borne by sponsor. The Sponsor shall present topics to be agreed to with the ACC Houston Chapter. Panelists should include several in-house counsel presenters of Sponsor’s choice. Subject to ACC Houston’s Chapter Meeting Informational Guidelines, Sponsor may send up to eight (8) additional representatives to develop personal contacts with ACC members(beyond firm Panelists).Any written materials from presentation will be posted on the ACC Houston website.
  • *Opportunity to present one (1) webinar (audio with powerpoint slides). Sponsor may present a topic to be jointly agreed upon with ACC Houston Chapter. The webinar will be archived and made available for 6 months following the initial presentation.
  • 2 tickets to Night Court (in the ACC reserved section), and to the ACC reception prior to Night Court.
  • 2 invitations to Diversity Reception honoring ACC scholarship recipients.
  • Opportunity to work with ACC Houston Pro Bono Committee and ACC volunteers on a Pro Bono Project (Saturday Clinic, Drive Time Clinic or Will Clinic).
  • Access to ACC’s Diversity Scholarship Winners’ database information.
  • Link to Sponsor’s website on ACC Houston’s website.
  • Spotlight of Sponsor to be posted on ACC Houston’s website during the month of the Sponsor’sseminar.
  • At Sponsor expense, a social event (such as a Happy Hour) exclusive to the Sponsor.

C.Golf/Spa Retreat Benefits

  • Recognition on signage, brochures, website etc.
  • Two (2) Golf Teams (Golf Team = Two (2) Outside Counsel and two (2) Inside Counsel (Sponsormay invite any inside counsel-not required to be members of ACC).
  • Two (2) Spa participants.
  • May provide promotional items to include in golf and spa bags.

Gold Sponsorships

A.Donation - $11,000 - Limited to eleven (11) total Sponsors

B.Yearly Benefits:

  • Sponsor of one (1) Chapter Monthly CLE Meeting. Sponsor will present a topic to be jointly agreed upon with ACC Houston Chapter, such presentation to include at least one in-house counsel presenterof Sponsor’s choice. Subject to ACC Houston’s Chapter Meeting Informational Guidelines, Sponsor may send up to five (5) additional representatives to develop personal contacts with ACC members. Any written materials from presentation will be posted on the ACC Houston website.
  • If requested by the Sponsor, ACC will promote to its members that the Gold Sponsor will make the same presentation to ACC member companies onsite at a member’s company offices.
  • *Opportunity to present one (1) webinar (audio with powerpoint slides). Sponsor may present a topic to be jointly agreed upon with ACC Houston Chapter. The webinar will be archived and made available for 6 months following the initial presentation.
  • 2 tickets to Night Court(in the ACC reserved section), and to the ACC reception prior to Night Court.
  • 1 invitation to Diversity Reception honoring ACC scholarship recipients.
  • Opportunity to work with ACC Houston Pro Bono Committee and ACC volunteers on a Pro Bono Project (Saturday Clinic, Drive Time Clinic or Will Clinic).
  • Access to ACC’s Diversity Scholarship Winners database information.
  • Link to Sponsor’s website on ACC Houston’s website.
  • Spotlight of Sponsor to be posted on ACC Houston’s website during the month of the Sponsor’s presentation at a Chapter Monthly CLE Meeting.

C.Golf/Spa Retreat Benefits

  • Recognition on signage, brochures, website, etc.
  • One (1) Golf Team (Golf Team = Two (2) Outside Counsel and two (2) Inside Counsel (Sponsor may invite any inside counsel-not required to be members of ACC).
  • One (1) Spa participant.
  • May provide promotional items to include in golf and spa bags.

Silver Sponsorships
(Symposium Sponsors)

A.Donation - $8,000 - Limited to six (6) total Sponsors

  1. Yearly Benefits:
  2. Sponsor of one (1) 45 to 50 minute CLE presentation at our annual CLE Symposium, anticipated to be August 2012. Sponsor may present a topic to be jointly agreed upon with ACC Houston Chapter, such presentation to include at least one in-house counsel presenter of Sponsor’s choice. Any written materials from presentation will be posted on the ACC Houston website.
  3. Name recognition on signage, flyers and website listings regarding the Fall Symposium.
  4. 2 tickets to Night Court (in the ACC reserved section), and to the ACC reception prior to Night Court.
  5. 1 invitation to Diversity Reception honoring ACC scholarship recipients.
  6. Access to ACC’s Diversity Scholarship Winners’ database information.
  7. Link to Sponsor’s website on ACC Houston’s website.

C.Golf/Spa Retreat Benefits

  • Recognition on signage, brochures, website, etc.
  • Two (2) attendees at Golf/Spa Reception.
  • May provide promotional items to include in golf and spa bags.
  • One (1) Golf Team (Golf Team = Two (2) Outside Counsel and two (2) Inside Counsel (Sponsor may invite any inside counsel - not required to be members of ACC).
  • One (1) Spa participant.


(Practice Group Sponsors)

A.Donation - $6,000+ cost of event- Limited to(7) total Sponsors

B. Yearly Benefits:

  • One CLE seminar, on a topic to be mutually agreed and co-sponsored by an ACC Practice Group, not to exceed an hour in duration. Seminar to be held at Sponsor’s offices in Houston or such other venue as Sponsor may designate at Sponsor’s cost. Food and/or beverages at such seminar to be at Sponsor’s option and cost. Any written materials from presentation will be posted on the ACC Houston website. The practice groups are: International, Intellectual Property, Labor and Employment, Law Firm Best Practices, Energy, and Compliance and Ethics.
  • Sponsor will host one social event (e.g. happy hour) that may include a CLE component (food/beverage/venue charges at Sponsor’s expense).
  • *Opportunity to present one (1) webinar (audio with powerpoint slides) on a topic to be jointly agreed upon with ACC Houston Chapter. The webinar will be archived and made available for 6 months following the initial presentation.
  • 2 tickets to Night Court (in the ACC reserved section), and to the ACC reception prior to Night Court
  • 1 invitation to Diversity Reception honoring ACC scholarship recipients.
  • Access to ACC’s Diversity Scholarship Winners’ database information.
  • Link to Sponsor’s website on ACC Houston’s website.

C.Golf/Spa Retreat Benefits

  • Recognition on signage, brochures, website, etc.
  • One (1) Golf Team (Golf Team = Two (2) Outside Counsel and two (2) Inside Counsel (Sponsor may invite any inside counsel - not required to be members of ACC).
  • Two (2) attendees at Golf/Spa Reception.
  • May provide promotional items to include in golf and spa bags.

Platinum, Gold and Bronze level sponsors will have the opportunity to present one webinar for our Houston ACC members. This is in addition to the regular monthly meeting benefit. The sponsor can choose to present the webinar on the same topic as the monthly meeting or on a different topic. The webinars will be recorded and made available on our website for a period of 6 months after the presentation.Additional costs to record or make the webinar available online may apply and will be provided in advance.

Special Event Sponsorships

A.Donation - $3,500- Limited to ten(10) Sponsors. Event choice is on a first come, first serve basis.

  1. Yearly Benefits:
  2. Presenting Co-Sponsor (with one other Special Event sponsor) of one (1) of the following ACC Special Events: Diversity General CounselReception, Night Court, Holiday Party, or other ACC Houston special event(you may sponsor at $7,000 for an exclusive event).
  3. Recognition on invitations, signage, brochures, website, etc.
  4. Opportunity to speak briefly at the event, with attendance for two (2) representatives.
  5. Opportunity to have brochures and/or promotional items at the event.
  6. Golf/Spa Retreat Benefit:
  7. Two (2) attendees at Golf/Spa Reception.

Social Event Sponsorships

A.Donation – $1,000 + cost of event

B.Yearly Benefits:

  • Presenting Sponsor of one ACC Social Event or sponsor of Breakfast, Lunch or Cocktail Reception at annual CLE Symposium or New to In House Boot Camp (only $1,000 fee applies for this event). Date/Time/Location to be jointly agreed upon with the ACC Houston Chapter.
  • Recognition on invitations, signage, brochures, website, etc.
  • Opportunity to speak at the event.
  • Opportunity to have brochures and/or promotional itemsat event.

C.Golf/Spa Retreat Benefit:

  • Two (2) attendees at Golf/Spa Reception.

Golf/Spa Retreat Sponsorships

I.Golf Team Sponsor (12 available)

  1. Donation - $2,200
  2. Benefits:
  3. One (1) Golf Team*
  4. Name on Tee Box Sign, which may include other Sponsor names
  5. May provide promotional items to include in golf bag
  6. Two (2) Attendees at Golf/Spa Reception

II.Spa Networking Sponsor (3 available)

  1. Donation - $3,000
  2. Benefits:

1.One (1) representative at spa (treatments on a space available basis)

2.May provide promotional items to include in spa bag

3.Two (2) Attendees at Golf/Spa Reception

III.Premium Hole Sponsor

  1. Donation - $1,500
  2. Benefits:
  3. Sign and table at select tee boxes and greens
  4. Two (2) Attendees at Golf/Spa Reception

IV.Beverage Cart Sponsor (2 available)

  1. Donation - $2,000 each
  2. Benefits:

1.ACC to provide beverages


3.Two (2) Attendees at Golf/Spa Reception

4.Limited to two (2) Sponsors

V.Tee Box

  1. Donation - $500
  2. Name on Tee Box Sign (no other Sponsor names appearing)
  3. One (1) Attendee at Golf/Spa Reception

*Golf Team = Two (2) Outside Counsel/Vendors and two (2) Inside Counsel (may invite any inside counsel-not required to be members of ACC)