Healthy Oxfordshire Schools Programme
Guidelines for creating a
Physical Activity Policy
As with all policies to be truly effective a policy should be
Relevant to the needs of the school
- Widely consulted upon when being developed (pupils, parents, staff, community)
- Widely understood
- Implemented
- Regularly reviewed and evaluated for impact
A. Introduction
- School Name
- Consultation that has taken place eg this policy has been developed by a working party (list participants), which has consulted with (say who was consulted & how).
- Date policy was approved by Governors
- Implementation Date
- Review date
- Person(s) responsible for implementation and monitoring
- Links to other policies e.g. PSHE policy, school travel plan, school food policy, Inclusion policy, School Development Plan.
NB Points 3-7 could be listed at the end of the policy
B. Rationale
Why you are writing this policy. You might reference some of the following points
The ethos of the school as a health promoting environment (a “HealthySchool”)
National targets e.g. 2 hours high quality structured activity/ becoming a healthy school/ contributing to the reduction of childhood obesity
Every Child Matters outcomes e.g. Be Healthy, Stay Safe, Enjoy and Achieve.
Contribution of physical activity to achievement.
Aspiring to improve the health of the school and wider community by teaching ways to establish and maintain lifelong physical activity.
The development of extended schools and School Sport Partnerships
Inclusion of all pupils
Fun and enjoyment
C. Aims and Objectives
What you would like to achieve through implementing the policy
You may wish to include an overarching aim e.g. “to ensure that all aspects of physical activity in school and during out of hours learning are promoted for the health and well being of pupils, staff, parents and carers and the wider community”
Schools need to decide their own objectives but here are some suggestions
To increase physical activity levels of pupils
To contribute to optimum pupil behaviour, physical fitness, growth and development as well assisting pupils to reach their learning potential.
To provide opportunities for pupils to develop life skills
To provide a safe and stimulating environment where pupils can be active.
To increase pupils’ knowledge, understanding, experience and attitudes towards physical activity.
To promote the self-esteem and confidence of pupils through opportunities to work co-operatively together in and outside of the curriculum.
To ensure that the provision of physical activity opportunities meets the cultural and medical needs of pupils
D Actions
How will these objectives be met? What will be referenced and acted upon in your policy?
PE curriculum - No of hrs/ curriculum offer/ assessment/facilities/staffing/training for staff/safety and risk assessments(refer to PE policy or simply incorporate it if this is already fairly comprehensive)
Extra curricular activities (who delivers, are parents encouraged to lead activities, what is on offer although if this is seasonal or variable it might be best to not be too specific, are there activities for all pupils, are these activities free?)
Inclusion: how will the needs of all pupils be met.
Travel to school (travel plan)
Playground activities - equipment/time/training for lunch time staff/ play leader schemes etc
Sports days
Cycling proficiency/ footsteps
School Trips e.g. Yenworthy
Outdoor learning
Brain gym
Daily activity
Sponsored events e.g. walks, skipping etc
How do you liaise and work with the School Sport Co-ordinator
How does the school consult with pupils and involve pupils in decisions about physical activity in school
Involving parents (e.g. How does the school promote physical activity to parents?)
Staff involvement
E. Future Plans
Outline any future developments for promoting physical activity that the school has the school
F. Monitoring and Evaluating The Policy
How will you know if the policy is effective? The monitoring criteria could include:
Pupil feedback
Increased numbers of pupils participating in out of hours activities.
Teacher feedback
Parent feedback
Ofsted comments
Achieving National Healthy School Status
G. Signatures
The policy should be signed by
Head Teacher
Pupil representative
A Parent Governor
And possibly by
Head of P.E.
These policy guidelines have been drawn up with very much help from Rachel Mills SSCO (Carterton and Burford SSCP) and Assistant PDM for the Witney SSCP.