Prepared by: Ma. Shiela Velasco

Classify populations of unicellular and multicellular organisms as producers, consumers, and decomposers by the role they serve in the ecosystem. (4..2.A.b)
Diagram and describe the transfer of energy in an aquatic food web and land food web with reference to producers, consumers, decomposers, scavenger, and predator/prey relationships. (4.2.A.a).
Ecosystems and Species Diversity
Ecosystem: Food Chain, Food Web, Energy Pyramid
Language objective:
Concept Objective:
-Trace the transmission of energy in ecosystem and identify the roles of organisms in an energy movement in an ecosystem.
-Classify species within a food web and define their roles
-Construct a food web
-Analyze the impact of human activity on the ecosystem of the Earth
-Taking Note
-Vocabulary reinforcement-recognize key terms
-Scaffolding (outline)
Producer, consumer, decomposer, food web, food chain, energy pyramid, habitat, niche, population, species,
Picture cut-outs (plants, animals, decomposers)
Drawing materials
Visual Aid (drawing of food chain)
Ask students to think of what do living things need in order to survive. Ask them to state these need to survive such as water, food, and shelter/shelter.
*Present a PowerPoint presentation about the ecosystem, its components (Biotic- producers, consumers, decomposers and Abiotic factors-light, water, temperature, etc), and discuss how living things are interdependent to each other. Discuss why the Sun is the main source of energy.
-As the PowerPoint is presented, have them take down notes (tell them that in taking down notes, they have to write down key words and main ideas only). Students will be shown an outline which they will copy in their journal and will write whatever important information they will learn from the PowerPoint.
-In between the presentation, students may be asked to interact between teacher and classmates to answer questions or give examples.
-To reinforce the key concepts, the teacher will present a chart with the vocabulary words producer, consumer, and decomposer. Students will be given a food web of marine ecosystem. Each organisms found in the food web will be written in paper strips. Paper strip will be given to each student and they will be instructed to place it in the chart to where they belong and have them explain why.
Hands-on activity: Create your own food web
-In a group of four, students will be provided with picture cut-outs of different organisms (plants, animals- herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, mushroom, etc). They will classify them as producers, consumers-primary, secondary and tertiary, and decomposer. They will write the names of the organism in a graphic organizer (pyramid) which they will label producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer and decomposer.
From the examples of organism they have written, they will construct three food chain. Then, from those food chain they will create a food web on a poster paper. Each group will present their food web to the class
-Students post their poster around the classroom and they will have a gallery walk.
-Students will be presented a picture of simple ecosystem and have them explain in writing what would happen to the ecosystem if a disease caused an herbivore (e.g. mice in the ecosystem) to die.
-Students will be asked to choose two animals from the picture and have them explain in writing how they meet their basic need. Teacher will advice the use of Venn diagram to help them organize their idea and writing.
- Pencil and paper test (use questions from standardized test)
Show student a picture of a vacant lot for sale (habitat of squirrel, bird, rabbit, etc.) ask the students the advantage and disadvantages of building homes from the provided picture .