The Collective Body for Arts Students


Board Member By-Elections Fall 2007



CBAS Headquarters

2-10 Humanities Centre

University of Alberta


Dear Candidates,

Welcome to the CBAS Board Member By-Elections 2007! We applaud your decision to run for a board portfolio in this, the first elections for the newly reinvigorated Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Association.

This Nomination Package is your guide to participating in the election, and it should include the following documents: a brief summary of CBAS, a description of the roles and responsibilities of board members, an election timeline, an outline of the election regulations, a nomination form, a nomination signature sheet, and a candidates' information sheet. Please ensure your package has all the documents and read it carefully.

Please keep in mind that it is your responsibility to ensure that your nomination form is completed accurately and fully. Your nomination form can be dropped off at Janelle Morrin’s office in 0-40 W SUB by 4:30pm on Wednesday, October 3rd, or you can bring completed packages to the CBAS Annual General Meeting on Thursday, October 4th in HC L-2 at 4pm. If you encounter any problems, please feel free to bring them forward to the interim CBAS board.

If you have any questions about the elections process, you can contact the interim CBAS board in person during regular office hours, which are posted outside of room 2-10 in the Humanities Centre, by phone at 780.492.5085 or via email at .

We would like to encourage you to bring friends who are interested in the affairs of CBAS to participate in the election as candidates or volunteers.

Good Luck!

Ariel Bowering

Chris Langlois

Leah Trueblood

Interim CBAS Board


The Collective Body for Arts Students (CBAS) was created through a proposal process conducted by the Student’s Union (SU) at the end of the Winter 2007 term. Due to the dissolution of the Arts Students Association (ASA) earlier in the Winter Term, it fell to the SU to initiate a new organization. A Townhall meeting was conducted at which it was announced that students could submit proposals outlining the structure for a new organization. These proposals were reviewed by the VP Academic of the SU, the Director of Student Group Services, and representatives from the Dean of Arts and Dean of Students offices. The successful applicants, Ariel Bowering, Leah Trueblood, and Chris Langlois signed Conditions of Establishment wih the SU outlining how CBAS would be accountable to the SU during its one year probation period. The summer has been spent extinguishing outstanding ASA debts, cleaning the office, making connections within the Faculty of Arts, and establishing procedures and protocols for the new organization.

What does CBAS do?

CBAS is the meeting place between undergraduate Arts students and the Faculty of Arts. As a Faculty Association, CBAS is responsible for providing services and representation for its members as well as acting in an advocacy capacity to the Faculty on Faculty related issues.

In short this means we coordinate Grad photos, locker sales, and student representation on various committees.

How Will These Elections Work?

Subsequent boards will be elected via general elections to be held in March/April of each year. As this is the first year of the organization, there needs to be a by-election to fill the board positions until the regular general elections in March/April. Interested students will be able to pick up or download elections packages and can submit them at the Annual General Meeting on October 4th 2007. In fact, after an introduction to the organization at the beginning of the AGM, a brief break will be taken at which time if further individuals wish to put themselves forward for election they may do so.

Each candidate will be given 2-3minutes to say something about themselves at the AGM before the voting will commence. Ballots will be counted by a yet to be decided non-partisan individual while the remaining business of the meeting is conducted and the successful candidates announced at the end of the meeting.


The CBAS board is responsible for overseeing all CBAS operations. Board member duties include conducting locker sales, organizing events, outreaching to students, setting annual priorities, reviewing funding applications, and developing and maintaining policy. The CBAS board members will be responsible for supporting each other in learning opportunities and professional development. Decisions will be reached using a consensus based decision-making process.

Working knowledge of CBAS

Weekly office hours are an important part of being a CBAS board member. Each board member will be expected to hold at least two hours of in-office hours per week. Office hours are a great way to:

  • Familiarize yourself with day-to-day operations
  • Be available for student concerns on a drop-in basis
  • Complete board-related tasks
Time Commitment

Board members should expect to commit a minimum of 5 hours per week working on CBAS projects and/or issues in addition to meetings, (as described below). This time may be spent working in the office, at home or in another location. There will be a mandatory board retreat held before the end of the Fall Term and one held after the spring elections.


All board members are required to attend biweekly board meetings during the fall and winter terms. At every meeting, voting members will be assigned a role for the next meeting. Board members who are assigned roles are expected come to the next meeting prepared for their role. Board members are also expected to have read meeting agendas and any attached information, which will be emailed to all board members before the meeting. Board members will also be expected to attend Town Hall meetings which are held around the middle of every month. Board members will be expected to attend any other meetings that pertain to their portfolio.


The elected portfolio positions have been created with a flat organizational structure in mind. This means that power will be balanced throughout the board. Each person holding a portfolio will be responsible for carrying out the duties within their purview in consultation with the other board members. The ideal of mutual empowerment and growth is central to these positions and the equitable and efficient functioning of the organization. These positions have taken into consideration what functions an Arts Faculty Undergraduate Association needs to fulfill and how best to ensure that these are fulfilled in a sustainable manner.

CODA Portfolio: This individual will be responsible for coordinating and facilitating Council of Departmental Associations meetings. The DAs are often much better situated to hear what Arts students have to say about their undergraduate Arts experience. By fostering and supporting these organizations, CBAS can much more effectively find out what services should be provided and advocacy undertaken. This portfolio is responsible for communication within the Faculty of Arts.

  • Duties:
  • Coordinate, facilitate and attend regular, preferably monthly, CODA meetings
  • Contact students in programs or departments without undergraduate associations and facilitate creation of a DA
  • General internal Arts communication and coordination
  • Offering general support to DA’s
  • In conjunction with Financial Portfolio hold granting rounds for DA’s
  • In conjunction with COFA/Faculty Portfolio produce quarterly report of Arts FA activities to be tabled by SU Liaison
  • Minimum 2hrs/week regular office hours
  • Locker sales/grad photo tabling
  • General office tidying and upkeep
  • Answering phones, taking messages, answering walk-ins
  • Production of applicable portion of year end report
  • Attend bi-weekly CBAS meetings
  • On a rotating basis take minutes for and facilitate CBAS meetings
  • Any other task required to keep CBAS a relevant student organization

COFA/Faculty Portfolio: This individual will be responsible for sitting on the Council of Faculty of Associations as well as being in regular contact with the Faculty of Arts. Their role will be to seek out and foster collaborations and opportunities for Undergraduate Arts students outside of the Faculty of Arts. This portfolio is responsible for communication between the undergraduate population of the Faculty of Arts and external bodies.

  • Duties:
  • Attend COFA meetings and offer regular reports to the rest of CBAS
  • Keep in regular communication with the Faculty of Arts
  • General communication and coordination of collaboration with bodies external to Arts
  • Using process previously established by the Faculty of Arts to solicit students at large to sit on Faculty committees
  • In conjunction with CODA Liaison produce quarterly report of CBAS activities to be tabled in Students Council by SU Liaison
  • Minimum 2hrs/week regular office hours
  • Locker sales/grad photo tabling
  • General office tidying and upkeep
  • Answering phones, taking messages, answering walk-ins
  • Production of applicable portion of year end report
  • Attend bi-weekly Arts FA meetings
  • When applicable attend CODA meetings
  • On a rotating basis take minutes for and facilitate Arts FA council meetings
  • Any other task required to keep CBAS a relevant student organization

Website/Communications Portfolio: This individual will be responsible for maintaining and updating the CBAS website. They will also be responsible for any relevant electronic communication necessary for the functioning of the organization. This will include collecting information and resources that are of interest to undergraduate arts students. Further they will be responsible for production and coordination of communication materials necessitated by CBAS.

  • Duties:
  • Maintenance of website, email, and any other electronic communication
  • Production and distribution of publicity materials; posters, handbills, print and radio advertisements
  • Assisting DA’s with above for their own projects
  • Regularly posting CBAS minutes to the website and maintaining a hard copy in the office.
  • Minimum 2hrs/week regular office hours
  • Locker sales/grad photo tabling
  • General office tidying and upkeep
  • Answering phones, taking messages, answering walk-ins
  • Production of applicable portion of year end report
  • Attend bi-weekly CBAS meetings
  • When applicable attend CODA meetings
  • On a rotating basis take minutes for and facilitate CBAS meetings
  • Any other task required to keep CBAS a relevant student organization

Volunteer Portfolio: This individual will be responsible for recruiting and coordinating volunteers. There are a number of activities for which CBAS requires volunteers, so it is the Volunteer Portfolio’s first responsibility to ensure that these duties are covered. Once the activities outlined below are fulfilled, it will be up to the discretion of the Volunteer Portfolio as to how it wishes to expand these activities.

  • Duties:
  • Volunteer recruitment
  • Upkeep of Arts microwaves and CBAS office space or coordination of volunteers to do so
  • Coordination of volunteers to do locker sales
  • Coordination of volunteers to do grad photos
  • Coordination of volunteers for postering
  • Coordination of meeting times and office hours for CBAS
  • Minimum 2hrs/week regular office hours
  • Locker sales/grad photo tabling
  • General office tidying and upkeep
  • Answering phones, taking messages, answering walk-ins
  • Production of applicable portion of year end report
  • Attend bi-weekly CBAS meetings
  • When applicable attend CODA meetings
  • On a rotating basis take minutes for and facilitate CBAS meetings
  • Any other task required to keep CBAS a relevant student organization

Financial Portfolio: This individual will be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the financial records of CBAS. This will include maintaining signing authority and production of regular financial reports. They will be responsible for all monies collected and disbursed by CBAS

  • Duties:
  • Maintaining financial records of CBAS and conduct correspondence with appropriate financial institution(s)
  • In conjunction with CODA Liaison hold granting rounds for DA’s
  • Weekly updating of financial records
  • Appropriate volunteer training as necessary for tasks such as issuing of receipts
  • Production of bi-weekly and quarterly financial reports and appropriate distribution thereof
  • Production of financial report for AGM and facilitation of question and answer period
  • Arrange for yearly audit
  • Attend CODA meetings
  • Minimum 2hrs/week regular office hours
  • Locker sales/grad photo tabling
  • General office tidying and upkeep
  • Answering phones, taking messages, answering walk-ins
  • Production of applicable portion of year end report
  • Attend bi-weekly CBAS meetings
  • On a rotating basis take minutes for and facilitate CBAS meetings
  • Any other task required to keep CBAS a relevant student organization


Monday, September 17 @ 17:00 – Campaigning begins

  • No campaigning is permitted before this time.
  • Candidates may submit their maximum 200 word bio and photo to be posted on the CBAS website at this time.
  • Allcandidates will be required to help put up the general CBAS campaign and AGM posters around campus. The campus will be divided up and each candidate will be responsible for all posters in that given area.
  • There will be no individual campaign posters permitted for this by-election.

Tuesday, October 2 @ 12:30 – Deadline for Submission of Photo and Bio

  • Candidates must have submitted their maximum 200 word bio and photo for inclusion on the CBAS website by this time.

Wednesday, October 3 @ 17:00 – Campaigning ends

  • Absolutely no campaigning should be conducted after this time. Candidates may however encourage attendance at the AGM

Thursday, October 4 @ 4:00-4:30 – Candidate Talks and Voting

  • Voting will be conducted at the CBAS Annual General Meeting.
  • Each candidate will have 2-3 minutes to speak
  • Candidates should keep at least three (3) meters away from the polling station other than to vote.

Friday, October 5 @ 11:00 – Last chance to appeal

  • Last opportunity for proceedings to be brought to the yet to be designated individual. Once an individual has been designated, their name and contact information will be posted on the CBAS website and in the CBAS office.
  • All election irregularities must be submitted in writing to this individual by this time.
  • This individual shall rule by 16:00
  • Any appeals must be made to the elections committee in the following 24 hours.

2007 CBAS Board Member By-Election Rules and Guidelines

Please be sure to read this document and abide by the rules set forth in it. Candidates in breach of any of the following rules or guidelines will be subject to disqualification and/or alternate consequences.


Acceptance of a nomination package does not guarantee the eligibility of a candidate. If, at a later point in time, a candidate is found to be ineligible, that candidate will be disqualified.

In order to be eligible to take office as a CBAS board member, nominees must be undergraduate students at the University of Alberta and currently enrolled in the Faculty of Arts.

Campaigning in Lister, HUB and North Garneau Residences

Posters in Lister must be approved by the Lister Hall Students’ Association Office in Lister Hall.

For HUB and North Garneau Residences, canvassing is permitted. However, leaflets may not be attached to or slipped under doors when the residents are not in.

No campaign materials may be placed in students’ mailboxes in any of the residences, including Pembina, Michener Park, and Faculte St. Jean.

Classroom Speaking

It is up to candidates to organize any classroom presentations. This may be done on an individual basis or as a collaborative effort between candidates should they wish to do so. Permission must be obtained from the instructors involved prior to speaking in any classroom.

Campaign Restrictions

Candidates are NOT permitted to campaign in the following areas:

  • Campus Libraries
  • U of A Admin Buildings
  • RATT
  • Student Union Info Booths
  • LRT Station
  • Garneau & Hub Mailboxes
  • University Hall
  • Dewey’s/Power Plant
  • Student Union Services
  • APIRG Offices

Candidate Information for Posting on CBAS Website

There will be not individual campaign posters; instead one poster will announce the AGM and the fact that elections will be held. The posters will also direct students to the CBAS website for more information. Please write down a description of yourself in the space below (approximately two hundred (200) words), which will appear on the CBAS website.

Please keep in mind that the description you write must be based on a true understanding of yourself, and should not include any content attacking other candidates.

Also, one purpose of this material is to encourage voters to vote for you. Please pay attention to your wording for this purpose.

In addition, please submit an electronic copy of a recent picture (1.5''X2''), which clearly shows your face and shoulders. If you can’t provide one, please contact the interim CBAS board to take a digital picture of you. You can either email your picture to CBAS at , or submit a disk to the CBAS office in 2-10 HC.

Please print:

Collective Body for Arts Students (CBAS)


Board Member By-Elections Fall 2007

Name: ______Position: ______

Faculty: ______Student ID #: ______

Program of Study: ______Telephone #: ______

Year: ______Email: ______

The CBAS Fall 2007 By-Election is governed by the regulations set out in the Collective Body for Arts Students (CBAS) Board Member By-Elections Fall 2007 NOMINATION PACKAGE. Each candidate is responsible for ensuring that all aspects of her/his campaign are in accordance with these election rules and regulations.

This form must be accompanied by the signature, faculty, year and student ID number of at least fifteen (15) Undergraduate Arts students endorsing the nomination and must be turned in either at 0-40 W SUB by 4:30pm on Wednesday, October 3rd, or brought with you to the CBAS Annual General Meeting on Thursday, October 4th in HC L-2 at 4pm.


I hereby acknowledge and accept this nomination for the position named above, and declare that, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, I am eligible to contest this election and, if elected, to hold office.