‘I am now a changed person... and I hope through my experience, others can be encouraged’

Since the 2015 El Niño, Zimbabwe has seen widespread drought that has affected crop yields, food supplies, and triggered acute food shortages. According to reports, almost 4 million people are in need of food aid and assistance.

Evans Chipfumbu lives with his wife and three children. Life for Evans has had its challenges; the devastating drought meant it was impossible for farmers to grow a successful harvest and as such, Evans struggled to provide for his family. But, thanks to your faithful support and the work of Tearfund’s Church and Community Mobilisation Process (CCMP), Evans’ life has been turned around.

Without any prospects of employment, Evans found himself unable to pay for his children’s school fees and stress filled the household. The relationship between him and his wife broke down, which led Evans to turn to drinking causing even more alienation from his family.

Evans said, ’I felt like a huge failure as I had let my family down in a big way.’

But when his local pastor, Pastor Jongwe from Tearfund partner River of Life (RoL), introduced the community to CCMP, Evans joined and started to attend Bible studies. Evans says, ‘This was the boost I needed to inspire me to get out of the situation I was in.’

One of the first things that Evans learnt was that he was created in God’s image – the realisation of this helped to restore his self-confidence, as well as his self-image. He realised that around him, he had all the resources needed to provide for his family.

Evans joined a group of farmers and slowly started to build a successful business breeding rabbits and turkeys that he then sold for grain and maize.

Today, Evans is able to provide for his family and save for the future – wonderfully, he has cleared most of the school fees he accrued while not in work. The relationship with his wife has also greatly improved and they are now spending much more time together.

Evans says, ‘I am grateful to CCMP for bringing joy and peace to my family, as well as self-belief to me. I am now a changed person... and I hope through my experience, others can be encouraged.

‘My self-belief has also resulted in the community seeing me as an instrumental person in development. I see myself as a key player in helping my community better prepare for disaster in the future, and I am happy because this is how God is using me.

‘CCMP has helped me to engage in development mode, to be positive and to look forward to a good future. I don’t know where I would be without CCMP.’


  • Praise God for the wonderful transformation in Evans’ life. Pray for continued restoration between him and his wife, and for his business to flourish and grow.
  • Pray for all those involved in the farmers’ group – for good crops and provision, and for God to supply their every need.
  • Pray for the ongoing drought situation that is affecting families and communities all across Zimbabwe. Lift up all those who are working to bring hope and aid to those in need.
  • Give thanks to God for the work of RoL, CCMP and pray for all those helping to change lives through this transforming work.

Isaiah’s testimony: from pilot farmer to provider

Isaiah Gafa is a farmer and lives in the village of Mabassiakré in South Chad. He is 54 years old and married to Lydia; together, they have five children.

With acute food shortages and, due to a lack of technical agricultural knowledge and materials, there was often not enough food, which meant that Isaiah used to apply for loans in order to provide for his family.

For Isaiah, this was utterly frustrating.

But everything changed when Tearfund partner, Christian Centre of Development Support (CECADEC) intervened. CECADEC came to the village, and Isaiah – along with many others – attended sessions that delivered agricultural training and provided much-needed skills development. As a result of the training, Isaiah found himself in a group of pilot farmers.

Isaiah put into practice all he learnt and today, can see a big change in his own life and within his family. He is now reaping a successful harvest selling bags of peanut and sorghum (a type of plant) – and, along with the purchase of a plough and cart, has also bought his own animals including a young cow, oxen, sheep, goats and chickens. With the increased food production, Isaiah and his family can now eat at least twice a day, all throughout the year.

Wonderfully still, Isaiah has also been able to build a new house for his family, all made out of sustainable materials.

Isaiah says, ‘Through this testimony, I would like to say that the social situation of my family has improved. I want to thank God who has sent Tearfund to develop through CECADEC.’


  • Give thanks for the wonderful change in Isaiah’s life. Praise God that Isaiah has a good livelihood and is now able to provide for his family.
  • Lift up all those who are struggling because of food shortages and lack of access to food. Ask God to intervene in the situation and miraculously provide where there is most need.
  • Pray for our partners and all those working to build a brighter future for individuals and communities in Chad – ask God to give them strength, motivation and encouragement.

‘This is how God is using me – to be his light to the community’

Church and Community Mobilisation, otherwise known as ‘Umoja’ (Swahili for 'Togetherness') is a dynamic way of helping local churches to work together with their community in addressing needs using their own resources.

Kong Chanbo lives in Cambodia with her husband and three-year-old daughter. For the past three years she has been working as an Umoja facilitator using what she’s learnt to be a positive change in her church.

But it is only in these recent years that Kong has been able to help bring transformation and impact; before the Umoja training she didn’t have the skills or work experience to help her church move forward – all she had was a huge desire to get involved.

For Kong, a big part of learning to be an Umoja facilitator was realising that it’s not just about telling and teaching churches about working together, but also motivating and mobilising others to participate.
Wonderfully, the Umoja process has also helped Kong spiritually – as well as practically – helping her to develop and deepen her personal relationship with God.

Kong says, ‘When I read the Bible, I didn’t know how to reflect in my personal life, but Umoja has helped me so much. Life is not easy but God has taught me – and strengthened me – to overcome the difficulties. He is always there and comforting us.’

Matthew 5:13-16 says:

‘You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.’

Encouraged by this verse from the Umoja training, Kong believes that God is using her as a light to her church and community.

Now, Kong has a personal vision for her village: to see one hundred per cent of the villagers – more than 600 people – believe in Christ. Additionally, she also wants to build new projects in the church’s children’s ministry, youth, and income generation.


  • Praise God that Kong is being used as a vessel of change in her church and community. Remember her – and her family – in your prayers as she continues to be a source of inspiration and encouragement to those around her.
  • Pray for all those whose lives have been touched by the work of the Umoja process. Pray that each and every person will also develop a deeper, personal relationship with God.
  • Lift up all those working to be salt and light to the individuals, communities and churches in Cambodia. Pray for wisdom, strength and renewed vision to see many more people come to know Jesus.


29 July 2016 One Voice weekly prayer email