1) On page 134, death describes the library. What are the prominent colors?
2) What are Max’s living conditions when we are first introduced to him?
3) Describe the imagery of the night Ilsa’s son died.
4) What is the tribute to Arthur?
5) Interpret the mood when Max arrives to the town as he describes on page 168-169. Why is it a very dangerous place?
6) How does death describe the Hubermann house? / Character Analysis
1) If book stealing made Liesel paranoid, why did she steal it in the first place?
2) Infer Ilsa’s personality traits from her actions toward Liesel.
3) What are Rudy’s motivations and Liesel’s motivations in stealing?
4) Evaluate Max’s conflicted feelings when he shows up at the Hubermann house. Why would he feel this way?
Plot Analysis
1) How does Liesel’s book stealing give Hans an idea for Mein Kampf? What do you think he will use it for?
2) Imagine what Liesel thinks is going to happen when she encounters the mayor’s wife. Contrast that vision with what actually happens.
3) Why do you think we learn about Max before he arrives on Himmel Street?
4) What happened to Ilsa’s son? How does Liesel feel afterward?
5) Explain how Rudy and Liesel begin stealing food.
6) Why does Walter give Max a razor, a spoon, and scissors?
7) Why is Mein Kampf an ironic, but fitting title for Max’s journey?
8) How do Rudy and Liesel show that they are “polishing their wicked ways” (161)? Why does getting the mixed candy make them feel triumphant?
9) Why do you think Max has a key? / Figurative Language: Identify figurative language type and infer the meaning of each.
1) “There was more silence than she ever thought possible. It extended like an elastic, dying to break. The girl broke it… the books were miles away” (134).
2) “In fairness, there were many things that brought Rudy and Liesel together, but it was the stealing that cemented their friendship completely” (148-149).
3) “In his stomach was the electric combination of nourishment and nausea” (159).
4) “Now there were only footsteps between Max and survival. Footsteps and thoughts, and doubts” (168).
5) “He reminded himself that this was no time for hope…He could feel it, somewhere just out of reach” (169).
Symbols: Infer the meaning of each.
1) Open library window
2) Stealing
3) Mixed candy
4) Mein Kampf
5) Key / Thematic Connections
1) Evaluate the morality of stealing food because of hunger.
2) Death points out that Rudy is a giver and a taker. How is this true of all people?
3) What music do you imagine could be playing during Max’s arrival to Himmel Street. Why?
4) Often the bravest actions are done in secret. Give a few real world examples.

The Book Thief: Part 3