Tudor Blockbusters: Questions

What A was sent by the Spanish to England in 1588?

What A is a religious figure based in Canterbury?

What A is the surname of Henry VIII’s first wife?

What A was Henry VIII’s second wife?

What A was Henry VII’s eldest son?

What B was the site of Henry Tudor’s victory over Richard III?

What B was the surname of Henry VIII’s second wife?

What B was the fate of Anne Boleyn?

What B was a plot to overthrow Elizabeth?

What C was the name of Henry VIII’s last wife?

What C is usually worn by a King or Queen?

What C is place where the Ecclesiastical head of the Anglican Church lives?

What C is the Spanish port that the Spanish Armada set sail from?

What C is used to describe the city in which Parliament is held?

What C did Explorers gain for England during the Tudor era?

What C is the place the Anne, the ‘Flanders Mare’ came from?

What E did the pope do to Henry VIII as a result of his divorce?

What E describes people who are forced to live outside of their own country? (For example, Henry Tudor lived in …

What E was Henry VIII’s second daughter?

What E was a Tudor Monarch?

What E happened to two of Henry VIII’s wives?

What H won the Battle of Bosworth Field?

What H argued with the pope and created the Church of England?

What H painted many famous portraits of the Tudors?

What P was the place where Sir Francis Drake was playing bowls when the Spanish Armada was sighted?

What P describes the son of a King?

What P is the name of the Spanish King who sent the Armada to attack England?

What P is the name of the organisation that makes the countries laws?

What P was introduced in Elizabethan times to help people who were very poor?

What P was a protest against Henry VIII’s dissolution of the monasteries?

What S started wrote many famous plays at this time?

What S was the home town of Shakespeare?

What S did Queen Elizabeth give a stirring speech to as the Armada approached?

What S did England fight against during Elizabeth’s reign?

What S was Mary queen of?

What S was the family who followed the Tudor dynasty as Kings and Queens of England?