2017-18 Lake High School Library Challenge

☐ / A book recommended by the librarian
☐ / A book with one of the four seasons in the title
☐ / A book about a topic you’re interested in
☐ / A book with multiple authors
☐ / A book with an author who uses a pseudonym
☐ / A bestseller from a genre you don’t usually read
☐ / A book involving a mythical creature
☐ / A book with a nonhuman perspective
☐ / A novel with a red spine
☐ / A book with a title that is a character’s name
☐ / A novel set during wartime
☐ / A book with an unreliable narrator
☐ / A book set in two different time periods
☐ / The first book in a series that you’ve never read
☐ / A book about a difficult topic
☐ / A book that takes place over a character’s life span
☐ / A book from a genre you’ve never heard of
☐ / A book that’s more than 500 words
☐ / A book about a significant figure in history
☐ / A book about a famous scientist who made a new discovery
☐ / A book that was made into a movie
☐ / A book you pick solely based on the cover
☐ / A book with a color in the title
☐ / A book set somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit
☐ / A book with a blue cover
☐ / A book with a famous first line
☐ / A book that is at least ten years old
☐ / A book based on a true story
☐ / A book with a subtitle
☐ / An book with an espionage theme
☐ / A book by or about someone with a disability
☐ / A book set in the wilderness
☐ / A book where the main character is a different ethnicity than you
☐ / A book about an interesting woman
☐ / A book by a person of color
☐ / A memoir
☐ / A book with a cat on the cover
☐ / A book involving time travel
☐ / A book that’s set in a holiday other than Christmas