On-Line Competitive Event Registration Window

Opens at 8:00 a.m., Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Closes at 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1)Mail hard copy of On-Line Event Registration postmarked on/before January 11, 2011, to District Coordinator:

Ms. Kelley Todd, District I FBLA Coordinator

SouthsideHigh School

4100 Gary Avenue

Fort Smith, AR 72903

1a)Post office meter cancellation dates are the official verification source.

1b)Attach Copy of Chapter Membership Roster (printed from National Website) with names of members entered in competitive events highlighted. Only these duplicates can be accepted because the forms will be used for competitor verification.

1c)Mail completed and signed copies of the AAA form (if school had semester tests BEFORE Christmas) to district coordinator. Those schools with semester tests AFTER Christmas will need to postmark AAA form on/before January 21.

1d)Mail completed and signed course and grade level certification forms (as applicable) to district coordinator.

1e)Mail completed Special Needs Form (if applicable) to district coordinator.

1f)Mail completed Largest Chapter Membership/Largest Chapter Membership Marketshare form (if applicable) to district coordinator.

1g)Mail completed Future Business Leader materials (if applicable) to district coordinator.

1h)Mail completed Job Interview materials (if applicable) to district coordinator.

1i)Mail completed Digital Video Production Entry Form and materials (if applicable) to district coordinator.

1j)Mail completed Electronic Career Portfolio Entry Form and materials (if applicable) to district coordinator.

1k)Mail completed Web Site Design Entry Form (if applicable) to district coordinator.

1l)Mail completed E-Business Entry Form (if applicable) to district coordinator.

1m)Mail completed Who’s Who in FBLA materials (if applicable) to district coordinator.

1n)Mail completed Talent Show Entry Form (if applicable) to .

2a)Postmark a chapter/school check or money order made payable to District I FBLA

Shiloh Carr, District I Treasurer

Elkins High School

349 North Center Street

Elkins, AR 72727

This check must be postmarked on/before January 21 in order to receive “Early Bird” rate of $15 per member.

2b)Those checks and forms postmarked January 22or later will be assessed the $22.50 registration fee.

2c)Post office meter cancellation dates are the official verification.

It is recommended to use Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher. Netscape Navigator tends to not display information correctly.

ALL participants (i.e. competitors, non-competitors, advisers, and guests) must be registered on-line by the chapter adviser.

(Please note — l as in leader for ldness.)

  1. Select your chapter’s name from the drop down dialog box.
  2. Type the password dslc.
  3. Click the Proceed button.

►If you need to update your registration before the January 11 deadline, choose your chapter from the drop down menu, and make the necessary changes.

Enter your registration information, including members, advisers, and guests.

1.Type in names. (The program will change all names to last, first format.)

  1. Select the type (member, district officer, adviser, or guest) from the drop down menu in the type column for each person.
  2. Select the appropriate event from the drop down menu in the event column for each member. Each participant MUST have selected an option in the event column. Choose NONCOMP for non-competing members, advisers, and guests. Those entering the Talent Show or Who’s Who will not register on-line for those events but must register as NONCOMP unless competing in other events. Be sure to complete and submit the necessary forms and/or materials for these events by the stated deadlines.

Refer to NONCOMP (page 6) for further instructions for registering these individuals.

►Talent Show entries will be e-mailed directly to the District President/State Vice President and his/her local adviser.

►Who’s Who in FBLA materials will be mailed directly to the District Coordinator.

  1. Check the Discount box for advisers, guests, and district/state officers ONLY.
  2. If a student is in a team event, type the abbreviation for that event in the team box at the far right (BETHIC, BFP, BFS, BPLAN, BPRES, DDP, DTP, DVP, EBI, EBUS, ENTRE, GBUS, MDM, MIS, NETD, PP, WEB). Please note: Business Financial Plan, Business Plan, Business Presentation, Digital Design & Promotion, Digital Video Production, E-Business, and Web Site Design may be either an individual or team event. If you are entering an individual in this event (rather than a team), you do not need to enter the team event code in the team box.

►In accordance with state policy, competitors inBusiness Financial Plan, Business Plan, Client Service, Computer Game & Simulation Programming, Desktop Application Programming, Digital Design & Promotion, Help Desk, Management Decision Making, Management Information Systems, and Network Designmust be included in the district event registration even though these are state events. There will be no testing of these events at the district level. This is for membership verification. These competitors are not eligible to compete in district events with the exception of Talent Show andWho’s Who in FBLA. NOTE: If you indicate that a member will be participating in an event that begins at the state level, and that member will NOT be attending the DSLC, you do NOT have to pay the DSLC registration fee for that member.

  1. When all available name slots have been filled in, click the Store Information button at the bottom of the screen. This will store the information on the screen and refresh it with more blanks. Keep adding names until you have entered all of your information. Be sure to click Store Information after you have entered all information! The program will calculate the amount owed.
  1. Click the Your data has been saved link to prepare to print.
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the screen. Click Display Roster. Ignore the Passcode column (this is a tracking tool and should not be confused with the Contestant’s ID code which will be issued following conference download).

Print a minimum of three copies of roster.

  1. From the menu bar, select File > Print . . .
  2. In the Print dialog box, change the number of copies to 3. Click OK.
  3. Retain one copy for your records. Mail one copy to the District Coordinator along with other applicable materials listed in “boxed” area at the beginning of these instructions. Postmark deadline is on/before January 11. (Refer to boxed materials on the first page of the instructions for more information about mailing your school check or money order. The third copy should accompany payment to be sent to the District Treasurer.)


E-mail chapter name, event, and new competitor information as well as the name of the competitor being replaced to the District Coordinator . Substitutions may only be accepted in the form of e-mail, please no faxes or telephone calls for substitutions. District Coordinator will confirm substitutions via e-mail.

No substitutions can be accepted after 3:00 p.m., January 21. Additionally, no substitutions can be made in Accounting II, Computer Applications, Database Design & Applications, Desktop Publishing, Digital Video Production, E-Business, Electronic Career Portfolio, Entrepreneurship, Future Business Leader, Global Business, Job Interview, Marketing, Parliamentary Procedure, Spreadsheet Applications, Web Site Design, Who’s Who in FBLA, Word Processing I or Word Processing II as competitors in these events have already completed portions of their events.

No refunds are available. Registration fees are due for all members registered on-line who will be attending and/or competing at the District I FBLA Spring Leadership Conference. Chapter/School checks or money orders must be postmarked to the District Treasurer no later than January 21. If a member is unable to attend, the chapter may replace that member without paying additional fees (however, the replacement cannot compete unless the change is made on/before January 21) with the updated information being e-mailed to the District Coordinator. No events can be added following the January 11 close of registration.


►Competitors who enter district events (but do not qualify for state competition) cannot be entered into the state/national only individual or team events so that they would have a “second chance” to compete at the state level.

►Members cannot compete in events for which they qualified to compete at the NLC during any prior year (see event guidelines in the Local Chapter Management Handbook for exceptions for team events).

►Members in sequenced events cannot drop back to compete in a lower level. For example, Accounting II competitors in previous years cannot drop back to Accounting I; competitors in Business Communications cannot drop back to Introduction to Business Communications.

►The District I Spring Leadership Conferences are limited to Senior High FBLA members only. There is a Middle Level (Junior High) conference that better meets the needs of your sixth, seventh, and eighth graders (as well as ninth graders registered as Middle Level members).

►Guests include adult chaperones and school officials. This classification cannot be extended to students. Please advise guests of the dress code. They, too, must adhere to official dress code guidelines.

►Please refer to guidelines found in the National FBLA Handbook for instructions for labeling folders, number of copies needed, addresses, etc. Note that there is a special format that must be used for the Who’s Who résumé (as detailed in the Arkansas FBLA Handbook).

Event Codes needed for registration. Refer to your National Handbook for event guidelines. FYI: The top two in Talent Show advance to state completion. Talent Show is not a national competition. The top three in Business Presentation, Digital Video Production, E-Business, Electronic Career Portfolio, and Web Site Designadvance to state competition. The top five in Accounting II, Banking & Financial Systems, Business Ethics,Computer Applications, Database Design & Applications, Desktop Publishing, Emerging Business Issues, Entrepreneurship, Future Business Leader, Global Business, Impromptu Speaking, Job Interview, Marketing, Parliamentary Procedure, Public Speaking I, Public Speaking II, Spreadsheet Applications, Word Processing Iand Word Processing II advance to state competition. The top six advance to state competition in all other events.

Red denotes State/National only events.

Event CodeEvent

ACIAccounting I (Must meet certification criteria)

ACIIAccounting II (Skills tests have already been requested; failure to participate in written testing on conference day will result in disqualification.)

BCALBusiness Calculations

BCOMBusiness Communication

BETHICBusiness Ethics (2-3 members per team.)

BFPBusiness Financial Plan (Individual or Team event—State/National only event. Refer to guidelines.)

BFSBanking and Financial Systems (2-3 members per team. Written tests have already been requested.)

BLAWBusiness Law

BMATHBusiness Math (9th or 10th Graders only)

BPLANBusiness Plan (Individual or Team event—State/Nationalonly event. Refer to guidelines.)

BPRESBusiness Presentation (Individual or Team of 2-3 members. Must furnish own equipment.)

BPROBusiness Procedures

CAComputer Applications (Skills tests have already been requested; failure to participate in written testing on conference day will result in disqualification.)

CLIENTClient Service (State/National only event. Refer to guidelines.)

CGSPComputer Game & Simulation Programming(Individual or Team event—State/National only event. Refer to guidelines.)

CPSComputer Problem Solving

CYBERCyber Security

DATADatabase Design & Applications (Skills test have already been requested; failure to participate in written testing on conference day will result in disqualification.)

DDPDigital Design & Promotion (Individual or Team event—State/National only event. Refer to guidelines.)

DTPROGDesktop Application Programming (State/National only event. Refer to guidelines.)

DVPDigital Video Production (Individual or Team of 2-3 members.)

DTPDesktop Publishing (Two members per team. Skills tests have already been requested; failure to participate in written testing on conference day will result in disqualification.)

EBIEmerging Business Issues (2-3 members per team.)

EBUSE-Business (Individual or Team of 2-3 members.)


ECPElectronic Career Portfolio

ENTREEntrepreneurship (2-3 members per team. Written tests have already been requested.)

FBLFuture Business Leader (Up to two entries per chapter. Written tests have already been requested.)

FBLAFBLA Principles Procedures (9th or 10th Graders only)

GBUSGlobal Business (2-3 members per team. Written tests have already been requested.)

HCAHealth Care Administration (New individual written event. Refer to guidelines.)

HELPHelp Desk (State/National only event. Refer to guidelines.)

HOSPHospitality Management (New individual written event. Refer to guidelines.)

IBIntroduction to Business (9th or 10th Graders only)

IBCOMIntroduction to Business Communication (9th or 10th Graders only)

IMPImpromptu Speaking

IPPIntroduction to Parliamentary Procedure (9th or 10th Graders only)

ITECHCIntroduction to Technology Concepts (9th or 10th Graders only)

JIJob Interview (Application Blank available online at the state and national websites. Include completed application blank copies along with other job interview materials.)

MDMManagement Decision Making (State/National only event. Refer to guidelines.)

MISManagement Information Systems (State/National only event. Refer to guidelines.)

MKTMarketing (Written tests have already been requested.)

NETCNetwork Concepts

NETDNetwork Design (State/National only event. Refer to guidelines.)

NONCOMPNon-Competitor (Use for advisers, guests and members not in events listed. For example, if a talent entry is not competing in another event, use this option. If a voting delegate is not entered in another event, use this option. If a Who’s Who entrant is not entered in another event, use this option. If an officer candidate is not entered in another event, use this option.)

PFINPersonal Finance

PPParliamentary Procedure (4 or 5 members per team. Written tests have already been requested.)

PSIPublic Speaking I (9th or 10th Graders only)

PSIIPublic Speaking II

SPORTSSports Management

SSSpreadsheet Applications (Skills tests have already been requested; failure to participate in written testing on conference day will result in disqualification.)

TECHCTechnology Concepts

WEBWeb Site Design (Individual or Team of 2-3 members.)

WPIWord Processing I (Must meet certification criteria. Skills tests have already been requested; failure to participate in written testing on conference day will result in disqualification.)

WPIIWord Processing II (Skills tests have already been requested; failure to participate in written testing on conference day will result in disqualification.)