SAM Registration Form

Please type or print legibly in black ink. Information must be legible for registration to be processed in a timely manner.

This form is to be printed out and used as the worksheet for Web users

(M) = Mandatory field. Data must be entered for registration to be complete.

Information Opt-Out

You may opt out from displaying your company information on the SAMS Public Search page. This may result in a reduction in federal government business opportunities. Please select one of the following options:

I authorize my company information to be displayed in SAMS's Public Search.

Please select an Opt-Out value.

I DO NOT authorize my company information to be displayed in SAMS's Public Search.
The first thing you will do is create a “user account”, please follow the directions CAREFULLY, And FILL OUT ALL THE INFORMATION.

Creating a User Account
Don’t hve a DUNS Number, see information below.

Creating Your User

Entering User Profile Information

Select and Answer Five Security Questions.

In what city did you meet your spouse/significant other? ______

In what city did your parents meet?______

What is the name of the first person you kissed?______

In what city did your nearest relative live in 2010? ______

In what city was your first job?______

What is the name of the college you applied to but did not attend? ______

Where were you when you first heard about 9/11?______



Please select an Opt-Out value.

General Information

DUNS Number1(M): CAGE Code2(M if foreign):
Cage code will be assigned to you if you do not have one

Legal Business Name(M):

Doing Business as (DBA Name)

Tax ID/EIN3(MIf inU.S):

OR Social Security Number:

Division Name: Division Number:

Corporate Web Page URL (Company website address):

Example:____ or

Physical Address (M):

City (M):______State (M):______

Province (all countries other than USA or Canada)______

Zip/Postal Code (M):Zip Plus 4 (M)Country (M):______

Mailing Address (M): Check if same as physical address

Business Name (M):

Mailing Address (PO Box is acceptable) (M):

City (M):State (M):

Province (all countries other than USA or Canada)______

Zip/Postal Code (M):Zip Plus 4 (M)Country (M):______

Business Start Date (M) (mm/dd/yyyy):______

Fiscal Year Close Date (M) (mm/dd):______

The following information will be used to derive your small business size status based on SBA size standards.

Penalties for misrepresentation as a small business include fines of not more than $500,000 or imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both; administrative remedies; and suspension and debarment as specified in subpart 9.4 of title 48, Code of Federal Regulations.

Location: (Optional)Please enter the following data for this location on this registration:

Receipts (3 year average) at this Location______

Number of Employees (12 months average) at this Location______

World-wide Organization: (M)Please enter the worldwide data for your organization to include parent, all affiliates, and all locations including your individual location. If you entered location information above, the numbers you enter for worldwide must be greater than or equal to the numbers entered in the location size:

Total (3 year average) Receipts______

Total Number (12 months average) of Employees______(Mandated by FAR CFR clause52.204-7)

Corporate Information

Type of Relationship with U.S. Federal Government (M)(Must Check One)



Both (Contracts & Grants)

Type of Organization (M) (as defined by the IRS – must check one)

Corporate Entity, Not Tax Exempt (Firm pays Federal Income Taxes)

Corporate Entity, Tax Exempt (Firm does not pay Federal Income Taxes)

Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership

Sole Proprietorship

U.S. Government Entity (If selected, then choose one subgroup below)

Federal Government (If selected, choose all subgroups that apply)

Federal Agency

Federally Funded Research and Development Corporation

U.S. State Government

U.S. Local Government (If selected, choose all subgroups that apply)




Local Government Owned


School District


Foreign Government

Tribal Government

International Organization


Incorporation(Mif you selected “corporate entity” as type of organization)

State of Incorporation (USA only): ___Country of Incorporation:______

Check if applicable.

Limited Liability Corporation

Subchapter S Corporation

Sole Proprietorship Point of Contact(M if you selected “sole proprietorship” as Type of Organization)

Sole Proprietor Name:_____

US Phone:______Ext:______

Non-US Phone:_____ Ext:______



Is your Business/Organization one of the following?

Foreign Owned and Located

Small Agricultural Cooperative

What is your Organization's Profit Structure? (M) You must select one of the following.

For-Profit Organization

Nonprofit Organization

Other Not for Profit Organization

If your business qualifies in one of the following Socio-Economic Categories, check all that reflect the current status of your business. Small Business status will automatically be derived from the receipts, number of employees, assets, or megawatt hours, and NAICS codes entered in the General Information portion of the registration.

Community Development Corporation Owned Firm

Labor Surplus Area Firm

These categories require that the firm is 51% owned and the management and daily operations are controlled by one or more members of the selected socio-economic group.

Self-Certified Small Disadvantaged Business

Veteran Owned

Service Disabled Veteran Owned

Woman Owned

Minority Owned (must also choose one specific type)

Subcontinent Asian (Asian-Indian) American Owned

Asian-Pacific American Owned

Black American Owned

Hispanic American Owned

Native American Owned

Other than one of the preceding

Other Business Factors: Choose all that apply

Other Governmental Entities:

Airport Authority Planning Commission

Council of Governments Port Authority

Housing Authorities Public/Tribal Transit Authority

Interstate Entity

Does your Organization qualify as one of the following? (Optional information, Check if the types apply to your organization.)

Community Development Corporation

Domestic Shelter

Educational Institution



Veterinary Hospital

If your Organization is an Education Entity, does it qualify as one of the following?
(Optional information, Check if the types apply to your organization.)

1862 Land Grant College Private University or College

1890 Land Grant College School of Forestry

1994 Land Grant College State Controlled Inst of Higher Learning

Historically Black College or University (HBCU) Tribal College

Minority Institutions Veterinary College

Alaskan Native Servicing Institution (ANSI) Hispanic Servicing Institution

Native Hawaiian Servicing Institution (NHSI)

What is the Nature of your organization's Business? (Optional information, Check all that apply)

Architecture and Engineering (A&E)

Construction Firm

Manufacturer of Goods

Research and Development

Service Provider

Is your business certified by a state certifying agency as a Department of Transportation (DOT) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)?

Yes – DoT Certified DBE

If your organization is a Federally Recognized Native American Entity, check all that apply.)

Alaskan Native Corporation Owned Firm

Native Hawaiian Organization Owned Firm

American Indian Owned

Indian Tribe (Federally recognized)

Tribally Owned Firm

Goods and Services:

NAICS Codes(M)North American Industrial Classification Code to identify what product or service your business provides (6 digit numeric). Search on



SIC Codes(M)Standard Industrial Classification Codes identify what type of activity your business performs (4 or 8 digit numeric). Search on

SIC Code:SIC Code:SIC Code:

SIC Code:SIC Code:SIC Code:

Federal Supply Codes(M)identify what type of activity your business performs (4 or 8 digit numeric). Search on download Product and Service Code Manual PDF, under SAMS Info.

Code:Code:Code: Code:____Code:


Financial Information:(This information is REQUIRED)

Financial Institution Name:______

(Bank name for Electronic Funds Transfer)

ABA Routing Number(M) (9digits):

Must indicate type of account (M)

Account Number(M): Checking OR Savings

Lockbox Number: (Optional)

Automated Clearing House (ACH=Bank) (M) at least one method of contact must be entered

ACH U.S. Phone Number (your bank):

ACH Fax (U.S. Only):

ACH Non-U.S. Phone:

ACH Email:

Remittance Address (M): (what is the “Remit to” name and address on your invoice/bill?)Address to mail check to if EFT is temporarily unavailable.

Business Name (M):

Address (M):

City (M): State (M): Zip/Postal Code (M):

Province (all countries other than USA or Canada)______

Country (M):

Accounts Receivable Point of Contact (M):

Name (M):

Email (M):

U.S. Phone:Ext.:

Non U.S. Phone:Ext.:

Fax (U.S. Only):

Do you (the Registrant) use or accept Credit Cards Yes No

as a method of Purchase or Payment? (M).

Registration Acknowledgement and Point of Contact Information:

Note:_The Registrant acknowledges that the information provided is current, accurate, and complete.

SAMSPrimary Point of Contact (M)



U.S. Phone:Ext.:

Non U.S. Phone:Ext.:

Fax (U.S. Only):

SAMS Alternate Point of Contact(M)

Check to use SAMS Primary POC information for SAMSAlternate POC



U.S. Phone:Ext.:

Non U.S. Phone: Ext.:

Fax (U.S. Only):

Government Business Point of Contact (M).

This POC and contact information (excluding the email address) will be publicly displayed on the SAMS Search Page.

Name (M):

Email (M):

Address (M):

City (M): State (M): __Zip Code (M)______Country:______

Province (all countries other than USA or Canada)______

U.S. Phone (M):Ext.:

Non U.S. Phone (M):Ext.:

Fax (U.S. Only)(M):

Government Business Point of Contact Alternate (M) This POC and contact information (excluding the email address) will be publicly displayed on the SAMS Search Page.

Check to use Primary Govt. POC information for Alternate Govt. POC

Name (M):

Email (M):

Address (M):

City (M): ______State (M):______Zip Code (M):_____ Country:______

Province (all countries other than USA or Canada)______

U.S. Phone (M):Ext.:

Non U.S. Phone (M):Ext.:

Fax (U.S. Only) (M):

Electronic Business Primary Point of Contact (M)This POC and contact information (excluding the email address) will be publicly displayed on the SAMS Search Page.

Name (M):

Email (M):

Address (M):

City (M): ______State (M): ______Zip Code (M): ______


Province (all countries other than USA or Canada)______

U.S. Phone (M):Ext.

Non U.S. Phone:Ext.

Fax (U.S. Only):

Electronic Business Alternate Point of Contact (M)This POC and contact information (excluding the email address) will be publicly displayed on the SAMS Search Page.

Check to use Primary Electronic Business POC information for Alternate Electronic Business POC

Name (M):

Email (M):

Address (M):

City (M): ______State (M):______Zip Code (M): Country:______

Province (all countries other than USA or Canada)______

U.S. Phone M):Ext.

Non U.S. Phone:Ext.

Fax (U.S. Only):

Past Performance Primary Point of Contact (If name is entered, all fields are mandatory)

This POC and contact information (excluding the email address) will be publicly displayed on the SAMS Search Page.

MPIN is Mandatory if entering Past Performance POC, MPIN will not be shown on the public search.




City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______Country:

Province (all countries other than USA or Canada)______

U.S. Phone:Ext.:

Non U.S. Phone:Ext.:

Fax (U.S. Only):

Past Performance Alternate Point of Contact (If primary is entered, alternate is mandatory)

This POC and contact information (excluding the email address)will be publicly displayed on the SAMS Search Page.

Check to use Primary Past Performance POC information for Alternate Past Performance POC




City: ______State:______Zip Code: ______Country:

Province (all countries other than USA or Canada)______

U.S. Phone:Ext.:

Non U.S. Phone:Ext.:

Fax (U.S. Only):

Executive Compensation

Page Help

In your business or organization's previous fiscal year, did your business or organization (including parent organization, all branches, and all affiliates worldwide) receive (1) 80 percent or more of your annual gross revenues in U.S. federal contracts, subcontracts, loans, grants, subgrants, and/or cooperative agreements; and (2) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from U.S. federal contracts, subcontracts, loans, grants, subgrants, and/or cooperative agreements?


If you answer “no” to this the other fields will grey out and you don’t have to fill them out.

Does the public have access to information about the compensation of the senior executives in your business or organization (including parent organization, all branches, and all affiliates worldwide) through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986?



Provide the following information for the five most highly compensated executives in your business or organization (including parent organization, all branches, and all affiliates worldwide):

Name / Position Title / Total Compensation Amount for the Entity's last complete fiscal year



Page Help

Does your business or organization (including parent organization, all branches, and all affiliates worldwide) have current active Federal contracts and/or grants with total value (including any exercised/unexercised options) greater than $10,000,000?

Yes No

Question One is required.

Within the last five years, has your business or organization (including parent organization, all branches, and all affiliates worldwide) and/or any of its principals, in connection with the award to or performance by your business or organization of a Federal or State contract or grant, been involved in a

  1. criminal proceeding resulting in a conviction or other acknowledgment of fault;
  2. civil proceeding resulting in a finding of fault with a monetary fine, penalty, reimbursement, restitution, and/or damages greater than $5,000, or other acknowledgment of fault; and/or
  3. administrative proceeding resulting in a finding of fault with either a monetary fine or penalty greater than $5,000 or reimbursement, restitution, or damages greater than $100,000, or other acknowledgment of fault?

Yes No

Proceeding Primary Point Contact


E-mail Address: (e.g. ______

Address Line 1______

Address Line 2:______

City:______U.S. State or Canadian Province:______

Province:______All countries other than USA or Canada. Zip/Postal Code:______

U.S. Zip+4 Code Look-up


U.S. Phone Number::______Telephone Extension:______

Non-U.S. Phone Number:______Fax Number:______

Proceeding Alternate Point of Contact


E-mail Address: (e.g. :______

Address Line 1:______

Address Line 2:______

City:______U.S. State or Canadian Province:______

Province:______All countries other than USA or Canada.,Zip/Postal Code:______

U.S. Zip+4 Code Look-up


U.S. Phone Number:______Telephone Extension:______

Non-U.S. Phone Number:______Fax Number:______

Page Help

Upon Registration Completion

DUNS: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx / Date: 11/2/2009

Send To Printer

NOTE: If you would like a print your entire registration for your records, please click on View Registration in the menu bar at the top of the page and then click on "Send to Printer".

You have changed items in SAMS that may affect your ORCA record. Please allow 48 hours for your changes in SAMS to become effective and then visit ORCA at to complete this update.

You have successfully finished your SAMS Registration!!!
All of your SAMS data has been saved and is now being processed, which could take 24-48 hours. If you want to fill out the optional information, or continue to make changes to your SAMS profile, please use the [Registration Menu] located on the left of your screen.
Please select the [Register or Update your SBA Profile] button to complete SBA's supplemental page. If you are applying for certification as a HUBZone, Small Disadvantaged Business, or the 8(a) Business Development Program, you must complete the SBA Supplemental page.

At this point your SAMS registration is completed. IF you qualify for “Small Business Status” you should also submit your information to the Dynamic Business Search with the Small Business Administration. This will require additional information on your company and you can also include References, up to five, for anyone interested in you to contact.

For Official Use Only.

Marketing Partner ID (MPIN) (M) ______

You MUST create the MPIN which is9 characters consisting of at least
1 number,
1 letter,
no spaces,
no symbols

MPIN is Mandatory .Marketing Partner ID (MPIN): This is your self-defined access code that will be shared with authorized partner applications (e.g., Past Performance Automated Information System (PPAIS), Technical Data Solutions (TeDS), etc.).

The MPIN acts as your password in these other systems, and you should guard it as such.

Disaster Response information is OPTIONAL.

If you came here by mistake, you can select a different page from the Registration Menu on the left or click Quit SAMS from the Registration Tools Menu in the upper left corner.

This information will be used by FEMA for finding contractors for disaster relief situations. Additional information on FEMA disasters can be found at

Bonding Levels, If appropriate, please provide the following bonding levels. Values must be input in whole dollars.

Construction Bonding Level, in dollars (per contract):______

Construction Bonding Level, in dollars (aggregate):______

Service Bonding Level, in dollars (per contract):______

Service Bonding Level, in dollars (aggregate):______

Geographic AreaIf appropriate, please indicate your geographic area served by selecting from the options below. If you select “any state”, this will indicate a nationwide reach. Alternatively, you can select up to three states. If you select one state only you can select up to three counties and three Metropolitan Statistical Areas.